2022-07-04 17:12:41
- 在项目中任何一个页面或vue组件都有可能需要使用到极验,并且极验在初始化时需要传递一些参数,要怎么做才能做到每一个组件都能很方便的使用极验呢?
- 极验应该在什么时候初始化?是组件一加载就初始化还是用户点击按钮后再初始化?
- 在多语言项目中,用户手动切换语言后的极验重置
/* 极验mixin */ // 导入极验官方给的代码 import gt from "../common/js/geetest/"; import {commonapi} from "../api/commonapi"; import {mapgetters} from "vuex"; // 自定义语言与极验语言对应表 const geetestlangmap = { "zh_cn": "zh-cn", "zh_tw": "zh-tw", "en_us": "en", "ja_jp": "ja", "ko_kr": "ko", "ru_ru": "ru" }; console.log('gt',gt) // 极验默认配置 const geetestoptions = { product: 'popup', // 极验展现形式 可选值有 float、popup、custom、bind width: '100%', lang: 'zh_cn', autoshow: true, // 当product为bind时,如果次参数为true,则在极验加载完成后立即显示极验弹窗 area: null, // 极验绑定的元素,仅在 product为 custom、float、popup时需要传递 autorefreshonlangchange: true, // 语言改变时是否自动刷新 }; export const geetestmixin = { data(){ return { geetest: { geetestsuccessdata: null, // 极验用户行为操作成功后的数据 geetestobj: null, // 极验对象 geetestloading: false, geetestfatched: false, // 判断是否从服务器获取了极验数据 showgeetest: false, // 是否使用极验 sign: "", // 极验降级 用的签名 geetestrestartcountmax: 5, // 极验重试最大此时 count: 1, geetestoptions: {} } } }, computed: { ...mapgetters(['get_lang']) }, watch: { get_lang(lang){ let options = this.geetest.geetestoptions; if(options.autorefreshonlangchange && this.geetest.geetestobj){ this.initgeetest({ ...options, lang: lang.code }); } } }, methods: { // 初始化极验 initgeetest(options){ if(!options || ({}) !== '[object object]'){ console.error('initgeetest方法的参数options必须是一个对象!'); return; } let newoptions = object.assign({}, geetestoptions, options); if((newoptions.product === 'popup' || newoptions.product === 'custom' || newoptions.product === 'float') && !newoptions.area){ console.error('product为popup、custom、float时options参数中必须有area属性,area属性值可以为css选择器或dom元素!'); return; } this.geetest.geetestoptions = newoptions; this._geetestregist_(newoptions); }, // 重置极验 geetestreset(cb){ if(this.geetest.geetestobj){ this.geetest.geetestsuccessdata = {}; this.geetest.geetestobj.reset(); if(typeof cb === 'function'){ cb(); } }else{ console.error('极验不存在!'); } }, // 显示极验弹窗,此方法只有在product为bind时才有效 geetestshow(){ if(this.geetest.geetestobj){ if(this.geetest.geetestoptions.product === 'bind'){ this.geetest.geetestobj.verify(); }else{ console.error('极验的product值非bind,无法调用show!'); } }else{ console.error('极验不存在!'); } }, // 初始化极验,内部使用 _initgeetestinternal_(data, options){ let that = this; let geetest = this.geetest; window.initgeetest({ // 以下 4 个配置参数为必须,不能缺少 gt:, challenge: data.challenge, offline: !data.success, // 表示用户后台检测极验服务器是否宕机 new_captcha: true, // 用于宕机时表示是新验证码的宕机 product: options.product, // 产品形式,包括:float,popup,bind width: options.width, lang: geetestlangmap[options.lang] }, function (captchaobj) { if(geetest.geetestobj){ try { // 如果之前已经初始化过了,则线将之前生成的dom移除掉 geetest.geetestobj.destroy(); }catch (e) { console.error('极验销毁失败', e); } } geetest.geetestobj = captchaobj; if((options.product === 'popup' || options.product === 'custom' || options.product === 'float')){ captchaobj.appendto(options.area); } // 为bind模式时极验加载完成后自动弹出极验弹窗 if(options.autoshow && options.product === 'bind'){ captchaobj.onready(() => { captchaobj.verify(); }); } geetest.geetestsuccessdata = {}; // 当用户操作后并且通过验证后的回调 captchaobj.onsuccess(function () { let successdata = captchaobj.getvalidate(); geetest.geetestsuccessdata = successdata; console.log('用户行为验证通过数据', successdata); /* 这种方式不可采用,原因,作用域会被缓存 if (typeof options.callback === 'function') { options.callback(successdata); } 用户行为验证通过后调用回调函数 */ if(typeof that.ongeetestsuccess === 'function'){ that.ongeetestsuccess(successdata); } }); captchaobj.onerror(function (e) { console.error("极验出错了", e); }); console.log('极验实例', captchaobj); }); }, // 调用接口,获取极验数据 _geetestregist_(options){ if(this.geetest.geetestloading){ return; } this.geetest.geetestloading = true; commonapi.getgtcaptcha() .then(res => { let data =; // tip 后台需要控制是否开启极验,因此需要判断 enable===true && success===1 才显示极限 this.geetest.sign = data.sign; this.geetest.geetestfatched = true; if(typeof data.enable == "undefined" || (data.enable === true && data.success === 1)) { this.geetest.showgeetest = true; }else{ this.geetest.showgeetest = false; this.geetest.geetestloading = false; /*// 如果极验禁用,则调用ondisablegeetest回调 if(typeof options.ondisablegeetest === 'function'){ options.ondisablegeetest(); }*/ // 如果极验禁用,则调用ondisablegeetest回调 if(typeof this.ondisablegeetest === 'function'){ this.ondisablegeetest(); } return } this.geetest.geetestloading = false; this._initgeetestinternal_(data, options); }) .catch((err) => { console.error('极验初始化失败', err); if(this.geetest.count > this.geetest.geetestrestartcountmax){ this.geetest.geetestloading = false; return; } console.log('正在重试初始化极验!当前次数:' + this.geetest.count); this.geetest.count++; this._geetestregist_(options); }); } }, beforedestroy(){ if(this.geetest.geetestobj){ this.geetest.geetestobj.destroy(); } } };
/* initgeetest 1.0.0 * 用于加载id对应的验证码库,并支持宕机模式 * 暴露 initgeetest 进行验证码的初始化 * 一般不需要用户进行修改 */ var gtinit = (function (global, factory) { "use strict"; if (typeof module === "object" && typeof module.exports === "object") { // commonjs module.exports = global.document ? factory(global, true) : function (w) { if (!w.document) { throw new error("geetest requires a window with a document"); } return factory(w); }; } else { factory(global); } })(typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : this, function (window, noglobal) { "use strict"; if (typeof window === 'undefined') { throw new error('geetest requires browser environment'); } var document = window.document; var math = window.math; var head = document.getelementsbytagname("head")[0]; function _object(obj) { this._obj = obj; } _object.prototype = { _each: function (process) { var _obj = this._obj; for (var k in _obj) { if (_obj.hasownproperty(k)) { process(k, _obj[k]); } } return this; } }; function config(config) { var self = this; new _object(config)._each(function (key, value) { self[key] = value; }); } config.prototype = { api_server: '', protocol: 'http://', type_path: '/gettype.php', fallback_config: { slide: { static_servers: ["", ""], type: 'slide', slide: '/static/js/geetest.0.0.0.js' }, fullpage: { static_servers: ["", ""], type: 'fullpage', fullpage: '/static/js/fullpage.0.0.0.js' } }, _get_fallback_config: function () { var self = this; if (isstring(self.type)) { return self.fallback_config[self.type]; } else if (self.new_captcha) { return self.fallback_config.fullpage; } else { return self.fallback_config.slide; } }, _extend: function (obj) { var self = this; new _object(obj)._each(function (key, value) { self[key] = value; }) } }; var isnumber = function (value) { return (typeof value === 'number'); }; var isstring = function (value) { return (typeof value === 'string'); }; var isboolean = function (value) { return (typeof value === 'boolean'); }; var isobject = function (value) { return (typeof value === 'object' && value !== null); }; var isfunction = function (value) { return (typeof value === 'function'); }; var callbacks = {}; var status = {}; var random = function () { return parseint(math.random() * 10000) + (new date()).valueof(); }; var loadscript = function (url, cb) { var script = document.createelement("script"); script.charset = "utf-8"; script.async = true; script.onerror = function () { cb(true); }; var loaded = false; script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = function () { if (!loaded && (!script.readystate || "loaded" === script.readystate || "complete" === script.readystate)) { loaded = true; settimeout(function () { cb(false); }, 0); } }; script.src = url; head.appendchild(script); }; var normalizedomain = function (domain) { return domain.replace(/^https?:\/\/|\/$/g, ''); }; var normalizepath = function (path) { path = path.replace(/\/+/g, '/'); if (path.indexof('/') !== 0) { path = '/' + path; } return path; }; var normalizequery = function (query) { if (!query) { return ''; } var q = '?'; new _object(query)._each(function (key, value) { if (isstring(value) || isnumber(value) || isboolean(value)) { q = q + encodeuricomponent(key) + '=' + encodeuricomponent(value) + '&'; } }); if (q === '?') { q = ''; } return q.replace(/&$/, ''); }; var makeurl = function (protocol, domain, path, query) { domain = normalizedomain(domain); var url = normalizepath(path) + normalizequery(query); if (domain) { url = protocol + domain + url; } return url; }; var load = function (protocol, domains, path, query, cb) { var tryrequest = function (at) { var url = makeurl(protocol, domains[at], path, query); loadscript(url, function (err) { if (err) { if (at >= domains.length - 1) { cb(true); } else { tryrequest(at + 1); } } else { cb(false); } }); }; tryrequest(0); }; var jsonp = function (domains, path, config, callback) { if (isobject(config.getlib)) { config._extend(config.getlib); callback(config); return; } if (config.offline) { callback(config._get_fallback_config()); return; } var cb = "geetest_" + random(); window[cb] = function (data) { if (data.status === 'success') { callback(; } else if (!data.status) { callback(data); } else { callback(config._get_fallback_config()); } window[cb] = undefined; try { delete window[cb]; } catch (e) { } }; load(config.protocol, domains, path, { gt:, callback: cb }, function (err) { if (err) { callback(config._get_fallback_config()); } }); }; var throwerror = function (errortype, config) { var errors = { networkerror: '网络错误' }; if (typeof config.onerror === 'function') { config.onerror(errors[errortype]); } else { throw new error(errors[errortype]); } }; var detect = function () { return !!window.geetest; }; if (detect()) { status.slide = "loaded"; } var initgeetest = function (userconfig, callback) { var config = new config(userconfig); if (userconfig.https) { config.protocol = 'https://'; } else if (!userconfig.protocol) { config.protocol = window.location.protocol + '//'; } jsonp([config.api_server || config.apiserver], config.type_path, config, function (newconfig) { var type = newconfig.type; var init = function () { config._extend(newconfig); callback(new window.geetest(config)); }; callbacks[type] = callbacks[type] || []; var s = status[type] || 'init'; if (s === 'init') { status[type] = 'loading'; callbacks[type].push(init); load(config.protocol, newconfig.static_servers ||, newconfig[type] || newconfig.path, null, function (err) { if (err) { status[type] = 'fail'; throwerror('networkerror', config); } else { status[type] = 'loaded'; var cbs = callbacks[type]; for (var i = 0, len = cbs.length; i < len; i = i + 1) { var cb = cbs[i]; if (isfunction(cb)) { cb(); } } callbacks[type] = []; } }); } else if (s === "loaded") { init(); } else if (s === "fail") { throwerror('networkerror', config); } else if (s === "loading") { callbacks[type].push(init); } }); }; window.initgeetest = initgeetest; return initgeetest; }); export default { gtinit }
// 导入极验验证 import {geetestmixin} from "./geetest-mixin"; import {mapgetters} from "vuex"; import {commonapi} from "../api/commonapi"; export default { name: 'regist', mixins: [geetestmixin], data(){ return { form: { ...表单数据 }, committing: false, errmsg: ' ',. } }, methods: { // 提交注册数据 submitregistdata(){ ...你的业务逻辑 /*if(this.geetest.showgeetest){ // 如果没有geetest_challenge,则说明用户没有进行行为验证 if(!this.geetest.geetestsuccessdata.geetest_challenge){ this.errmsg = this.$t('formerror.geetest'); // 点击按钮进行验证 return; } }*/ this.errmsg = ''; if(!this.geetest.geetestobj){ /* 如果this.geetest.geetestfatched==true,则说明已经加载过极验了 如果this.geetest.showgeetest==false,则说明后台关闭极验了 */ if(this.geetest.geetestfatched && !this.geetest.showgeetest){ //this.committing = true; this.commitdata(); }else{ this.initgeetest({ product: 'bind', lang: this.get_lang.code, }); } }else{ if(this.geetest.showgeetest){ this.geetestshow(); }else{ console.log('fasfsafsdfsd') //this.committing = true; this.commitdata(); } } }, // 提交数据 commitdata(){ if(this.committing){ return; } this.committing = true; let data = { ...this.form }; let geetestdata = {}; // 获取极验数据 if(this.geetest.showgeetest){ geetestdata = { ...this.geetest.geetestsuccessdata, sign: this.geetest.sign } } if(!this.form.invitecode){ delete data.invitecode; } commonapi.regist(data, geetestdata) .then(res => { this.committing = false; if(res.errcode === 0){ ...你的业务逻辑 }else{ // 重置极验,使极验回到可操作状态 this.geetestreset(); } }) .catch(() => { this.committing = false; // 重置极验,使极验回到可操作状态 this.geetestreset(); }); }, // 极验验证成功后回调 ongeetestsuccess(){ // 用户通过极验行为验证后做的操作 this.commitdata(); }, // 极验被禁用后回调 ondisablegeetest(){ this.commitdata(); } }, computed: { ...mapgetters(['get_lang']) } };
{ watch: { get_lang(lang){ let options = this.geetest.geetestoptions; // 如果开启了语言切换自手动刷新极验,并且极验已经初始化了则刷新。如果极验都还没有初始化则可以不用去刷新 if(options.autorefreshonlangchange && this.geetest.geetestobj){ this.initgeetest({ ...options, lang: lang.code }); } } } }