2022-06-28 23:46:44
Chapter2 Python基础 2.1 变量命名规则 字母、数字、下划线组成 不能数字开头 不能使用python中的关键字 变量名具有意义 推荐驼峰(ArvinGood)、或者下划线方式 (arvin_good) 命名 标准示例: 2.2 常量 全部大写的变量名就是常量 ARVIN = 99 示 ......
chapter2 python基础
2.1 变量命名规则
- 字母、数字、下划线组成
- 不能数字开头
- 不能使用python中的关键字
- 变量名具有意义
- 推荐驼峰(arvingood)、或者下划线方式 (arvin_good) 命名
your_name = 'jack ma'
2.2 常量
- 全部大写的变量名就是常量 arvin = 99
arvin_age = 18
2.3 注释
- 三种方式:
- “#”号单行注释
- ‘’‘三个单引号和三个双引号”“”进行多行注释
# the idle boy is almost invariably poor and anxious. 单行注释 ''' 这是多行注释示范 ''' """ 多行注释示范 """
2.4 输入输出
- 用户输入 input
- 注意:input获取到的内容都是字符串类型
- 用户输出 print
- print打印出内容
your_id = input("input your id identifier: ") your_pwd = input("input your password: ") print("your id is {}, your password is {}".format(your_id, your_pwd)) 运行结果: input your id identifier: jack input your password: default your id is jack, your password is default
2.5 五种if条件判断语句
if 条件: #条件判断 > < ==
print(‘真实’) #条件成立则执行
if 10 > 8: print("you are right.")
if else条件判断
if 10 > 20: print("10 is bigger than 2.") else: print("10 is smaller than 2.")
if elif elif else 条件判断
a = "jack" if 10 > 50: print("10 is bigger than 5.") elif type(a) == "str": print("a is a string.") elif 20 == 20: print("20 is equal 20.") else: print("all of them are false.") 运行结果: 20 is equal 20.
a = "jack" if 10 == 20: print("10 is equal 20.") if a == "jack": print(a ,"is the same as jack.") if 10 == 10: print("10 is equal 10.") 运行结果: jack is the same as jack. 10 is equal 10.
id = int(input("input your id number: ")) pwd = input("input your passwrd: ") if id == 9: print("go on.") if pwd == "default": print("you logged in successfully.") else: print("your password is incorrect.") else: print("your id was typed incorrectly.")
下一篇: 春季便宜的蔬菜有哪些,不知道你就亏大了