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程序员文章站 2022-06-23 11:21:52






  • wasd前后左右移动
  • qe为上下
  • shift加速
  • 鼠标右键按住旋转视角
  • esc退出游戏


#if enable_input_system && enable_input_system_package
#define use_input_system
 using unityengine.inputsystem;
 using unityengine.inputsystem.controls;

using unityengine;

 public class simplecameracontroller : monobehaviour
  #region 相机状态
  /// <summary>
  /// 相机状态
  /// </summary>
  class camerastate
   public float yaw;
   public float pitch;
   public float roll;
   public float x;
   public float y;
   public float z;

   public void setfromtransform(transform t)
    pitch = t.eulerangles.x;
    yaw = t.eulerangles.y;
    roll = t.eulerangles.z;
    x = t.position.x;
    y = t.position.y;
    z = t.position.z;

   public void translate(vector3 translation)
    vector3 rotatedtranslation = quaternion.euler(pitch, yaw, roll) * translation;

    x += rotatedtranslation.x;
    y += rotatedtranslation.y;
    z += rotatedtranslation.z;

   public void lerptowards(camerastate target, float positionlerppct, float rotationlerppct)
    yaw = mathf.lerp(yaw, target.yaw, rotationlerppct);
    pitch = mathf.lerp(pitch, target.pitch, rotationlerppct);
    roll = mathf.lerp(roll, target.roll, rotationlerppct);
    x = mathf.lerp(x, target.x, positionlerppct);
    y = mathf.lerp(y, target.y, positionlerppct);
    z = mathf.lerp(z, target.z, positionlerppct);

   public void updatetransform(transform t)
    t.eulerangles = new vector3(pitch, yaw, roll);
    t.position = new vector3(x, y, z);

  camerastate m_targetcamerastate = new camerastate();
  camerastate m_interpolatingcamerastate = new camerastate();

  [header("movement settings 移动设置")]
  [tooltip("exponential boost factor on translation, controllable by mouse wheel. 平移的指数增强因子,可通过鼠标滚轮控制。")]
  public float boost = 3.5f;

  [tooltip("time it takes to interpolate camera position 99% of the way to the target. 将相机位置插值到目标位置99%所需的时间。"), range(0.001f, 1f)]
  public float positionlerptime = 0.2f;

  [header("rotation settings 旋转设定")]
  [tooltip("x = change in mouse position. 改变鼠标位置。\ny = multiplicative factor for camera rotation. 相机旋转的乘性因子。")]
  public animationcurve mousesensitivitycurve = new animationcurve(new keyframe(0f, 0.5f, 0f, 5f), new keyframe(1f, 2.5f, 0f, 0f));

  [tooltip("time it takes to interpolate camera rotation 99% of the way to the target. 插值相机旋转99%到目标所需的时间。"), range(0.001f, 1f)]
  public float rotationlerptime = 0.01f;

  [tooltip("whether or not to invert our y axis for mouse input to rotation. 是否将鼠标输入的y轴反转为旋转。")]
  public bool inverty = false;

  void onenable()

  vector3 getinputtranslationdirection()
   vector3 direction = new vector3();
   if (input.getkey(keycode.w))
    direction += vector3.forward;
   if (input.getkey(keycode.s))
    direction += vector3.back;
   if (input.getkey(keycode.a))
    direction += vector3.left;
   if (input.getkey(keycode.d))
    direction += vector3.right;
   if (input.getkey(keycode.q))
    direction += vector3.down;
   if (input.getkey(keycode.e))
    direction += vector3.up;
   return direction;
  void update()
   vector3 translation = vector3.zero;

#if enable_legacy_input_manager

   // exit sample 按下esc键退出游戏
   if (input.getkey(keycode.escape))
 #if unity_editor
 unityeditor.editorapplication.isplaying = false; 
   // hide and lock cursor when right mouse button pressed 按下鼠标右键时隐藏并锁定光标
   if (input.getmousebuttondown(1))
    cursor.lockstate = cursorlockmode.locked;

   // unlock and show cursor when right mouse button released 松开鼠标右键时解锁并显示光标
   if (input.getmousebuttonup(1))
    cursor.visible = true;
    cursor.lockstate = cursorlockmode.none;

   // rotation 旋转
   if (input.getmousebutton(1))
    var mousemovement = new vector2(input.getaxis("mouse x"), input.getaxis("mouse y") * (inverty ? 1 : -1));
    var mousesensitivityfactor = mousesensitivitycurve.evaluate(mousemovement.magnitude);

    m_targetcamerastate.yaw += mousemovement.x * mousesensitivityfactor;
    m_targetcamerastate.pitch += mousemovement.y * mousesensitivityfactor;
   // translation 移动
   translation = getinputtranslationdirection() * time.deltatime;

   // speed up movement when shift key held 按住shift键时加速移动
   if (input.getkey(keycode.leftshift))
    translation *= 10.0f;

   // modify movement by a boost factor (defined in inspector and modified in play mode through the mouse scroll wheel) 通过增强因子修改移动(在检查器中定义,通过鼠标滚轮在播放模式下修改)
   boost += input.mousescrolldelta.y * 0.2f;
   translation *= mathf.pow(2.0f, boost);

#elif use_input_system 
   // todo: make the new input system work 使新的输入系统正常工作


   // framerate-independent interpolation 帧率无关插值
   // calculate the lerp amount, such that we get 99% of the way to our target in the specified time 计算lerp的数量,这样我们就可以在指定的时间内到达目标的99%
   var positionlerppct = 1f - mathf.exp((mathf.log(1f - 0.99f) / positionlerptime) * time.deltatime);
   var rotationlerppct = 1f - mathf.exp((mathf.log(1f - 0.99f) / rotationlerptime) * time.deltatime);
   m_interpolatingcamerastate.lerptowards(m_targetcamerastate, positionlerppct, rotationlerppct);



相关标签: Unity 相机