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程序员文章站 2022-06-22 11:34:47
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // iiiiiii sssss...
// iiiiiii ssssss
// ii ss installshield (r)
// ii ssssss (c) 1996-1999, installshield software corporation
// ii ss (c) 1990-1996, installshield corporation
// iiiiiii ssssss all rights reserved.
// this code is generated as a starting setup template. you should
// modify it to provide all necessary steps for your setup.
// file name: setup.rul
// description: installshield script
// comments: this template script performs a basic setup. with minor
// modifications, this template can be adapted to create
// new, customized setups.

// include header files

#include "ifx.h" //do not remove

////////////////////// string defines ////////////////////////////

//////////////////// installation declarations ///////////////////

// ----- dll function prototypes -----

// your dll function prototypes

// ---- script function prototypes -----

// your script function prototypes

// your global variables

// function: onfirstuibefore
// event: firstuibefore event is sent when installation is run for the first
// time on given machine. in the handler installation usually displays
// ui allowing end user to specify installation parameters. after this
// function returns, componenttransferdata is called to perform file
// transfer.
function onfirstuibefore()
number nresult,nsetuptype;
string sztitle, szmsg;
string szlicensefile, szquestion;
string svname, svcompany, svserial;
string szdir;
string szfolder;
string szcomponents, sztargetdir;
number nlevel;


//to do: if you want to enable background, window title, and caption bar title
// settitle( @title_main, 24, white );
// settitle( @title_captionbar, 0, backgroundcaption );
// enable( fullwindowmode );
// enable( background );
// setcolor(background,rgb (0, 128, 128));

targetdir = "c:\inetpub\wwwroot\webapp";
szdir = targetdir;
shell_object_folder = @folder_name;
svname = "daniel";
svcompany = "n/a";
svserial = "111-1111111";

// beginning of dialogs label

sztitle = "\";
szmsg = "";
nresult = sdwelcome( sztitle, szmsg );
if (nresult = back) goto dlg_start;

szlicensefile = supportdir ^ "license.txt";
sztitle = "\";
szmsg = "";
szquestion = "";
nresult = sdlicense( sztitle, szmsg, szquestion, szlicensefile );
if (nresult = back) goto dlg_sdwelcome;

szmsg = "";
sztitle = "\";
nresult = sdregisteruserex( sztitle, szmsg, svname, svcompany, svserial );
if (svserial !="111-1111111") then
messagebox ("invalid serial!",warning);
goto dlg_sdregisteruserex;
if (nresult = back) goto dlg_sdlicense;

sztitle = "\";
szmsg = "";
nresult = sdaskdestpath( sztitle, szmsg, szdir, 0 );
targetdir = szdir;
if (nresult = back) goto dlg_sdregisteruserex;

if ((nresult = back) && (nsetuptype != custom)) goto dlg_sdaskdestpath;
sztitle = "\";
szmsg = "";
sztargetdir = targetdir;
szcomponents = "";
nlevel = 2;
if (nsetuptype = custom) then
nresult = sdcomponenttree(sztitle, szmsg, sztargetdir, szcomponents, nlevel);
if (nresult = back) goto dlg_sdaskdestpath;

szfolder = shell_object_folder;
sztitle = "\";
szmsg = "";
nresult = sdselectfolder( sztitle, szmsg, szfolder );
shell_object_folder = szfolder;
if (nresult = back) goto dlg_sdcomponenttree;

// setup default status
setstatuswindow(0, "");
statusupdate(on, 100);

return 0;
