2022-06-21 20:55:12
if not object_id('tempdb..#t') is null
drop table #t
if not object_id('tempdb..#t') is null drop table #t go create table #t([id] int,[name] nvarchar(1),[memo] nvarchar(2)) insert #t select 1,n'a',n'a1' union all select 2,n'a',n'a2' union all select 3,n'a',n'a3' union all select 4,n'b',n'b1' union all select 5,n'b',n'b2' go --i、name相同id最小的记录(推荐用1,2,3),方法3在sql05时,效率高于1、2 方法1: select * from #t a where not exists(select 1 from #t where name=a.name and id<a.id) 方法2: select a.* from #t a join (select min(id)id,name from #t group by name) b on a.name=b.name and a.id=b.id 方法3: select * from #t a where id=(select min(id) from #t where name=a.name) 方法4: select a.* from #t a join #t b on a.name=b.name and a.id>=b.id group by a.id,a.name,a.memo having count(1)=1 方法5: select * from #t a group by id,name,memo having id=(select min(id)from #t where name=a.name) 方法6: select * from #t a where (select count(1) from #t where name=a.name and id<a.id)=0 方法7: select * from #t a where id=(select top 1 id from #t where name=a.name order by id) 方法8: select * from #t a where id!>all(select id from #t where name=a.name) 方法9(注:id为唯一时可用): select * from #t a where id in(select min(id) from #t group by name) --sql2005: 方法10: select id,name,memo from (select *,min(id)over(partition by name) as minid from #t a)t where id=minid 方法11: select id,name,memo from (select *,row_number()over(partition by name order by id) as minid from #t a)t where minid=1 生成结果: /* id name memo ----------- ---- ---- 1 a a1 4 b b1 (2 行受影响) */ --ii、name相同id最大的记录,与min相反: 方法1: select * from #t a where not exists(select 1 from #t where name=a.name and id>a.id) 方法2: select a.* from #t a join (select max(id)id,name from #t group by name) b on a.name=b.name and a.id=b.id order by id 方法3: select * from #t a where id=(select max(id) from #t where name=a.name) order by id 方法4: select a.* from #t a join #t b on a.name=b.name and a.id<=b.id group by a.id,a.name,a.memo having count(1)=1 方法5: select * from #t a group by id,name,memo having id=(select max(id)from #t where name=a.name) 方法6: select * from #t a where (select count(1) from #t where name=a.name and id>a.id)=0 方法7: select * from #t a where id=(select top 1 id from #t where name=a.name order by id desc) 方法8: select * from #t a where id!<all(select id from #t where name=a.name) 方法9(注:id为唯一时可用): select * from #t a where id in(select max(id) from #t group by name) --sql2005: 方法10: select id,name,memo from (select *,max(id)over(partition by name) as minid from #t a)t where id=minid 方法11: select id,name,memo from (select *,row_number()over(partition by name order by id desc) as minid from #t a)t where minid=1 生成结果2: /* id name memo ----------- ---- ---- 3 a a3 5 b b2 (2 行受影响) */