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程序员文章站 2022-06-19 22:02:01
前提 入行已经7,8年了,一直想做一套漂亮点的自定义控件,于是就有了本系列文章。 GitHub:https://github.com/kwwwvagaa/NetWinformControl 码云:https://gitee.com/kwwwvagaa/net_winform_custom_contr ......





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install-package hzh_controls












  1   public class navigationmenuitem
  2     {
  3         /// <summary>
  4         /// the icon
  5         /// </summary>
  6         private image icon;
  7         /// <summary>
  8         /// gets or sets the icon.
  9         /// </summary>
 10         /// <value>the icon.</value>
 11         [description("图标,仅*节点有效")]
 12         public image icon
 13         {
 14             get { return icon; }
 15             set { icon = value; }
 16         }
 18         /// <summary>
 19         /// the text
 20         /// </summary>
 21         private string text;
 22         /// <summary>
 23         /// gets or sets the text.
 24         /// </summary>
 25         /// <value>the text.</value>
 27         [description("文本")]
 28         public string text
 29         {
 30             get { return text; }
 31             set { text = value; }
 32         }
 34         /// <summary>
 35         /// the show tip
 36         /// </summary>
 37         private bool showtip;
 38         /// <summary>
 39         /// gets or sets a value indicating whether [show tip].当tiptext为空时只显示一个小圆点,否则显示tiptext文字
 40         /// </summary>
 41         /// <value><c>true</c> if [show tip]; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</value>
 42         [description("是否显示角标,仅*节点有效")]
 43         public bool showtip
 44         {
 45             get { return showtip; }
 46             set { showtip = value; }
 47         }
 49         /// <summary>
 50         /// the tip text
 51         /// </summary>
 52         private string tiptext;
 53         /// <summary>
 54         /// gets or sets the tip text
 55         /// </summary>
 56         /// <value>the tip text.</value>
 57         [description("角标文字,仅*节点有效")]
 58         public string tiptext
 59         {
 60             get { return tiptext; }
 61             set { tiptext = value; }
 62         }
 63         /// <summary>
 64         /// the items
 65         /// </summary>
 66         private navigationmenuitem[] items;
 67         /// <summary>
 68         /// gets or sets the items.
 69         /// </summary>
 70         /// <value>the items.</value>
 71         [description("子项列表")]
 72         public navigationmenuitem[] items
 73         {
 74             get { return items; }
 75             set
 76             {
 77                 items = value;
 78                 if (value != null)
 79                 {
 80                     foreach (var item in value)
 81                     {
 82                         item.parentitem = this;
 83                     }
 84                 }
 85             }
 86         }
 88         /// <summary>
 89         /// the anchor right
 90         /// </summary>
 91         private bool anchorright;
 93         /// <summary>
 94         /// gets or sets a value indicating whether [anchor right].
 95         /// </summary>
 96         /// <value><c>true</c> if [anchor right]; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</value>
 97         [description("是否靠右对齐")]
 98         public bool anchorright
 99         {
100             get { return anchorright; }
101             set { anchorright = value; }
102         }
104         /// <summary>
105         /// the item width
106         /// </summary>
107         private int itemwidth = 100;
109         /// <summary>
110         /// gets or sets the width of the item.
111         /// </summary>
112         /// <value>the width of the item.</value>
113         [description("宽度")]
114         public int itemwidth
115         {
116             get { return itemwidth; }
117             set { itemwidth = value; }
118         }
120         /// <summary>
121         /// gets or sets the data source.
122         /// </summary>
123         /// <value>the data source.</value>
124         [description("数据源")]
125         public object datasource { get; set; }
126         /// <summary>
127         /// gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance has split lint at top.
128         /// </summary>
129         /// <value><c>true</c> if this instance has split lint at top; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</value>
130         [description("是否在此项顶部显示一个分割线")]
131         public bool hassplitlintattop { get; set; }
133         /// <summary>
134         /// gets the parent item.
135         /// </summary>
136         /// <value>the parent item.</value>
137         [description("父节点")]
138         public navigationmenuitem parentitem { get; private set; }
139     }



  1 /// <summary>
  2         /// occurs when [click itemed].
  3         /// </summary>
  4         [description("点击节点事件"), category("自定义")]
  6         public event eventhandler clickitemed;
  7         /// <summary>
  8         /// the select item
  9         /// </summary>
 10         private navigationmenuitem selectitem = null;
 12         /// <summary>
 13         /// gets the select item.
 14         /// </summary>
 15         /// <value>the select item.</value>
 16         [description("选中的节点"), category("自定义")]
 17         public navigationmenuitem selectitem
 18         {
 19             get { return selectitem; }
 20             private set { selectitem = value; }
 21         }
 24         /// <summary>
 25         /// the items
 26         /// </summary>
 27         navigationmenuitem[] items;
 29         /// <summary>
 30         /// gets or sets the items.
 31         /// </summary>
 32         /// <value>the items.</value>
 33         [description("节点列表"), category("自定义")]
 34         public navigationmenuitem[] items
 35         {
 36             get { return items; }
 37             set
 38             {
 39                 items = value;
 40                 reloadmenu();
 41             }
 42         }
 44         /// <summary>
 45         /// the tip color
 46         /// </summary>
 47         private color tipcolor = color.fromargb(255, 87, 34);
 49         /// <summary>
 50         /// gets or sets the color of the tip.
 51         /// </summary>
 52         /// <value>the color of the tip.</value>
 53         [description("角标颜色"), category("自定义")]
 54         public color tipcolor
 55         {
 56             get { return tipcolor; }
 57             set { tipcolor = value; }
 58         }
 60         /// <summary>
 61         /// 获取或设置控件的前景色。
 62         /// </summary>
 63         /// <value>the color of the fore.</value>
 64         /// <permissionset>
 65         ///   <ipermission class="system.security.permissions.fileiopermission, mscorlib, version=2.0.3600.0, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" unrestricted="true" />
 66         /// </permissionset>
 67         public override system.drawing.color forecolor
 68         {
 69             get
 70             {
 71                 return base.forecolor;
 72             }
 73             set
 74             {
 75                 base.forecolor = value;
 76                 foreach (control c in this.controls)
 77                 {
 78                     c.forecolor = value;
 79                 }
 80             }
 81         }
 82         /// <summary>
 83         /// 获取或设置控件显示的文字的字体。
 84         /// </summary>
 85         /// <value>the font.</value>
 86         /// <permissionset>
 87         ///   <ipermission class="system.security.permissions.environmentpermission, mscorlib, version=2.0.3600.0, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" unrestricted="true" />
 88         ///   <ipermission class="system.security.permissions.fileiopermission, mscorlib, version=2.0.3600.0, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" unrestricted="true" />
 89         ///   <ipermission class="system.security.permissions.securitypermission, mscorlib, version=2.0.3600.0, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" flags="unmanagedcode, controlevidence" />
 90         ///   <ipermission class="system.diagnostics.performancecounterpermission, system, version=2.0.3600.0, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" unrestricted="true" />
 91         /// </permissionset>
 92         public override font font
 93         {
 94             get
 95             {
 96                 return base.font;
 97             }
 98             set
 99             {
100                 base.font = value;
101                 foreach (control c in this.controls)
102                 {
103                     c.font = value;
104                 }
105             }
106         }
108         /// <summary>
109         /// the m lst anchors
110         /// </summary>
111         dictionary<navigationmenuitem, frmanchor> m_lstanchors = new dictionary<navigationmenuitem, frmanchor>();


 1   private void reloadmenu()
 2         {
 3             try
 4             {
 5                 controlhelper.freezecontrol(this, true);
 6                 this.controls.clear();
 7                 if (items != null && items.length > 0)
 8                 {
 9                     foreach (var item in items)
10                     {
11                         var menu = (navigationmenuitem)item;
12                         label lbl = new label();
13                         lbl.autosize = false;
14                         lbl.textalign = contentalignment.middlecenter;
15                         lbl.width = menu.itemwidth;
16                         lbl.text = menu.text;
18                         lbl.font = font;
19                         lbl.forecolor = forecolor;
21                         lbl.paint += lbl_paint;
22                         lbl.mouseenter += lbl_mouseenter;
23                         lbl.tag = menu;
24                         lbl.click += lbl_click;
25                         if (menu.anchorright)
26                         {
27                             lbl.dock = dockstyle.right;
28                         }
29                         else
30                         {
31                             lbl.dock = dockstyle.left;
32                         }
33                         this.controls.add(lbl);
35                         lbl.bringtofront();
36                     }
39                 }
40             }
41             finally
42             {
43                 controlhelper.freezecontrol(this, false);
44             }
45         }


 1 private void showmoremenu(label lbl)
 2         {
 3             var menu = (navigationmenuitem)lbl.tag;
 4             if (checkshow(menu))
 5             {
 6                 if (menu.items != null && menu.items.length > 0)
 7                 {
 8                     panel panel = new panel();
 9                     panel.backcolor = color.white;
10                     panel.paint += panel_paint;
11                     panel.padding = new system.windows.forms.padding(1);
12                     size size = getitemssize(menu.items);
13                     var height = size.height * menu.items.length + 2;
14                     height += menu.items.count(p => p.hassplitlintattop);//分割线
15                     if (size.width < lbl.width)
16                         size.width = lbl.width;
17                     panel.size = new size(size.width, height);
19                     foreach (var item in menu.items)
20                     {
21                         if (item.hassplitlintattop)
22                         {
23                             ucsplitline_h line = new ucsplitline_h();
24                             line.dock = dockstyle.top;
25                             panel.controls.add(line);
26                             line.bringtofront();
27                         }
28                         label _lbl = new label();
29                         _lbl.font = font;
30                         _lbl.forecolor = this.backcolor;
31                         _lbl.autosize = false;
32                         _lbl.textalign = contentalignment.middlecenter;
33                         _lbl.height = size.height;
34                         _lbl.text = item.text;
35                         _lbl.dock = dockstyle.top;
36                         _lbl.bringtofront();
37                         _lbl.paint += lbl_paint;
38                         _lbl.mouseenter += lbl_mouseenter;
39                         _lbl.tag = item;
40                         _lbl.click += lbl_click;
41                         _lbl.size = new system.drawing.size(size.width, size.height);
42                         panel.controls.add(_lbl);
43                         _lbl.bringtofront();
44                     }
45                     point point = point.empty;
47                     if (menu.parentitem != null)
48                     {
49                         point p = lbl.parent.pointtoscreen(lbl.location);
50                         if (p.x + lbl.width + panel.width > screen.primaryscreen.bounds.width)
51                         {
52                             point = new point(-1 * panel.width - 2, -1 * lbl.height);
53                         }
54                         else
55                         {
56                             point = new point(panel.width + 2, -1 * lbl.height);
57                         }
58                     }
59                     m_lstanchors[menu] = new frmanchor(lbl, panel, point);
60                     m_lstanchors[menu].formclosing += ucnavigationmenu_formclosing;
61                     m_lstanchors[menu].show();
62                     m_lstanchors[menu].size = new size(size.width, height);
63                 }
64             }
66         }


 1   /// <summary>
 2         /// checks the show.
 3         /// </summary>
 4         /// <param name="menu">the menu.</param>
 5         /// <returns><c>true</c> if xxxx, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
 6         private bool checkshow(navigationmenuitem menu)
 7         {
 8             //检查已经打开的节点
 9             if (m_lstanchors.containskey(menu))
10             {
11                 closelist(menu);
12                 return false;
13             }
14             if (hasincachechild(menu))
15             {
16                 if (m_lstanchors.containskey(menu.parentitem))
17                 {
18                     closelist(menu.parentitem);
19                     return true;
20                 }
21                 return false;
22             }
23             else
24             {
25                 for (int i = 0; i < 1; )
26                 {
27                     try
28                     {
29                         foreach (var item in m_lstanchors)
30                         {
31                             if (m_lstanchors[item.key] != null && !m_lstanchors[item.key].isdisposed)
32                             {
33                                 m_lstanchors[item.key].close();
34                             }
35                         }
36                     }
37                     catch
38                     {
39                         continue;
40                     }
41                     i++;
42                 }
43                 m_lstanchors.clear();
44                 return true;
45             }
46         }
48         /// <summary>
49         /// determines whether [has in cache child] [the specified menu].
50         /// </summary>
51         /// <param name="menu">the menu.</param>
52         /// <returns><c>true</c> if [has in cache child] [the specified menu]; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</returns>
53         private bool hasincachechild(navigationmenuitem menu)
54         {
55             foreach (var item in m_lstanchors)
56             {
57                 if (item.key == menu)
58                 {
59                     return true;
60                 }
61                 else
62                 {
63                     if (item.key.items != null)
64                     {
65                         if (item.key.items.contains(menu))
66                             return true;
67                     }
68                 }
69             }
70             return false;
71         }
73         /// <summary>
74         /// closes the list.
75         /// </summary>
76         /// <param name="menu">the menu.</param>
77         private void closelist(navigationmenuitem menu)
78         {
79             if (menu.items != null)
80             {
81                 foreach (var item in menu.items)
82                 {
83                     closelist(item);
84                     if (m_lstanchors.containskey(item))
85                     {
86                         if (m_lstanchors[item] != null && !m_lstanchors[item].isdisposed)
87                         {
88                             m_lstanchors[item].close();
89                             m_lstanchors[item] = null;
90                             m_lstanchors.remove(item);
91                         }
92                     }
93                 }
94             }
95         }


  1 /// <summary>
  2         /// handles the click event of the lbl control.
  3         /// </summary>
  4         /// <param name="sender">the source of the event.</param>
  5         /// <param name="e">the <see cref="eventargs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
  6         void lbl_click(object sender, eventargs e)
  7         {
  8             label lbl = sender as label;
  9             if (lbl.tag != null)
 10             {
 11                 var menu = (navigationmenuitem)lbl.tag;
 12                 if (menu.items == null || menu.items.length <= 0)
 13                 {
 14                     selectitem = menu;
 16                     while (m_lstanchors.count > 0)
 17                     {
 18                         try
 19                         {
 20                             foreach (var item in m_lstanchors)
 21                             {
 22                                 item.value.close();
 23                                 m_lstanchors.remove(item.key);
 24                             }
 25                         }
 26                         catch { }
 27                     }
 29                     if (clickitemed != null)
 30                     {
 31                         clickitemed(this, e);
 32                     }
 33                 }
 34                 else
 35                 {
 36                     closelist(menu);
 37                     if (m_lstanchors.containskey(menu))
 38                     {
 39                         if (m_lstanchors[menu] != null && !m_lstanchors[menu].isdisposed)
 40                         {
 41                             m_lstanchors[menu].close();
 42                         }
 43                         m_lstanchors.remove(menu);
 44                     }
 45                     showmoremenu(lbl);
 46                 }
 47             }
 48         }
 50         /// <summary>
 51         /// handles the mouseenter event of the lbl control.
 52         /// </summary>
 53         /// <param name="sender">the source of the event.</param>
 54         /// <param name="e">the <see cref="eventargs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
 55         void lbl_mouseenter(object sender, eventargs e)
 56         {
 57             label lbl = sender as label;
 58             showmoremenu(lbl);
 59         }
 60 /// <summary>
 61         /// handles the formclosing event of the ucnavigationmenu control.
 62         /// </summary>
 63         /// <param name="sender">the source of the event.</param>
 64         /// <param name="e">the <see cref="formclosingeventargs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
 65         void ucnavigationmenu_formclosing(object sender, formclosingeventargs e)
 66         {
 67             frmanchor frm = sender as frmanchor;
 68             if (m_lstanchors.containsvalue(frm))
 69             {
 70                 foreach (var item in m_lstanchors)
 71                 {
 72                     if (item.value == frm)
 73                     {
 74                         m_lstanchors.remove(item.key);
 75                         return;
 76                     }
 77                 }
 78             }
 79         }
 81         /// <summary>
 82         /// handles the paint event of the panel control.
 83         /// </summary>
 84         /// <param name="sender">the source of the event.</param>
 85         /// <param name="e">the <see cref="painteventargs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
 86         void panel_paint(object sender, painteventargs e)
 87         {
 88             e.graphics.setgdihigh();
 89             rectangle rect = new rectangle(0, 0, e.cliprectangle.width - 1, e.cliprectangle.height - 1);
 90             var path = rect.createroundedrectanglepath(2);
 91             e.graphics.drawpath(new pen(new solidbrush(linecolors.light)), path);
 92         }
 96         /// <summary>
 97         /// gets the size of the items.
 98         /// </summary>
 99         /// <param name="items">the items.</param>
100         /// <returns>size.</returns>
101         private size getitemssize(navigationmenuitem[] items)
102         {
103             size size = size.empty;
104             if (items != null && items.length > 0)
105             {
106                 using (var g = this.creategraphics())
107                 {
108                     foreach (navigationmenuitem item in items)
109                     {
110                         var s = g.measurestring(item.text, font);
111                         if (s.width + 25 > size.width)
112                         {
113                             size.width = (int)s.width + 25;
114                         }
115                         if (s.height + 10 > size.height)
116                         {
117                             size.height = (int)s.height + 10;
118                         }
119                     }
120                 }
121             }
122             return size;
123         }
126         /// <summary>
127         /// handles the paint event of the lbl control.
128         /// </summary>
129         /// <param name="sender">the source of the event.</param>
130         /// <param name="e">the <see cref="painteventargs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
131         void lbl_paint(object sender, painteventargs e)
132         {
133             label lbl = sender as label;
134             if (lbl.tag != null)
135             {
136                 var menu = (navigationmenuitem)lbl.tag;
137                 e.graphics.setgdihigh();
138                 if (menu.parentitem == null)//*节点支持图标和角标
139                 {
140                     if (menu.showtip)
141                     {
142                         if (!string.isnullorempty(menu.tiptext))
143                         {
144                             var rect = new rectangle(lbl.width - 25, lbl.height / 2 - 10, 20, 20);
145                             var path = rect.createroundedrectanglepath(5);
146                             e.graphics.fillpath(new solidbrush(tipcolor), path);
147                             e.graphics.drawstring(menu.tiptext, new font("微软雅黑", 8f), new solidbrush(color.white), rect, new stringformat() { alignment = stringalignment.center, linealignment = stringalignment.center });
148                         }
149                         else
150                         {
151                             e.graphics.fillellipse(new solidbrush(tipcolor), new rectangle(lbl.width - 20, lbl.height / 2 - 10, 10, 10));
152                         }
153                     }
154                     if (menu.icon != null)
155                     {
156                         e.graphics.drawimage(menu.icon, new rectangle(1, (lbl.height - 25) / 2, 25, 25), 0, 0, menu.icon.width, menu.icon.height, graphicsunit.pixel);
157                     }
158                 }
159                 if (menu.parentitem != null && menu.items != null && menu.items.length > 0)
160                 {
161                     controlhelper.painttriangle(e.graphics, new solidbrush(this.backcolor), new point(lbl.width - 11, (lbl.height - 5) / 2), 5, graphdirection.rightward);
162                 }
163             }
164         }


  1 // ***********************************************************************
  2 // assembly         : hzh_controls
  3 // created          : 2019-10-08
  4 //
  5 // ***********************************************************************
  6 // <copyright file="ucnavigationmenu.cs">
  7 //     copyright by huang zhenghui(黄正辉) all, qq group:568015492 qq:623128629 email:623128629@qq.com
  8 // </copyright>
  9 //
 10 // blog: https://www.cnblogs.com/bfyx
 11 // github:https://github.com/kwwwvagaa/netwinformcontrol
 12 // gitee:https://gitee.com/kwwwvagaa/net_winform_custom_control.git
 13 //
 14 // if you use this code, please keep this note.
 15 // ***********************************************************************
 16 using system;
 17 using system.collections.generic;
 18 using system.componentmodel;
 19 using system.drawing;
 20 using system.data;
 21 using system.linq;
 22 using system.text;
 23 using system.windows.forms;
 24 using hzh_controls.forms;
 26 namespace hzh_controls.controls
 27 {
 28     /// <summary>
 29     /// class ucnavigationmenu.
 30     /// implements the <see cref="system.windows.forms.usercontrol" />
 31     /// </summary>
 32     /// <seealso cref="system.windows.forms.usercontrol" />
 33     [defaultevent("clickitemed")]
 34     public partial class ucnavigationmenu : usercontrol
 35     {
 36         /// <summary>
 37         /// occurs when [click itemed].
 38         /// </summary>
 39         [description("点击节点事件"), category("自定义")]
 41         public event eventhandler clickitemed;
 42         /// <summary>
 43         /// the select item
 44         /// </summary>
 45         private navigationmenuitem selectitem = null;
 47         /// <summary>
 48         /// gets the select item.
 49         /// </summary>
 50         /// <value>the select item.</value>
 51         [description("选中的节点"), category("自定义")]
 52         public navigationmenuitem selectitem
 53         {
 54             get { return selectitem; }
 55             private set { selectitem = value; }
 56         }
 59         /// <summary>
 60         /// the items
 61         /// </summary>
 62         navigationmenuitem[] items;
 64         /// <summary>
 65         /// gets or sets the items.
 66         /// </summary>
 67         /// <value>the items.</value>
 68         [description("节点列表"), category("自定义")]
 69         public navigationmenuitem[] items
 70         {
 71             get { return items; }
 72             set
 73             {
 74                 items = value;
 75                 reloadmenu();
 76             }
 77         }
 79         /// <summary>
 80         /// the tip color
 81         /// </summary>
 82         private color tipcolor = color.fromargb(255, 87, 34);
 84         /// <summary>
 85         /// gets or sets the color of the tip.
 86         /// </summary>
 87         /// <value>the color of the tip.</value>
 88         [description("角标颜色"), category("自定义")]
 89         public color tipcolor
 90         {
 91             get { return tipcolor; }
 92             set { tipcolor = value; }
 93         }
 95         /// <summary>
 96         /// 获取或设置控件的前景色。
 97         /// </summary>
 98         /// <value>the color of the fore.</value>
 99         /// <permissionset>
100         ///   <ipermission class="system.security.permissions.fileiopermission, mscorlib, version=2.0.3600.0, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" unrestricted="true" />
101         /// </permissionset>
102         public override system.drawing.color forecolor
103         {
104             get
105             {
106                 return base.forecolor;
107             }
108             set
109             {
110                 base.forecolor = value;
111                 foreach (control c in this.controls)
112                 {
113                     c.forecolor = value;
114                 }
115             }
116         }
117         /// <summary>
118         /// 获取或设置控件显示的文字的字体。
119         /// </summary>
120         /// <value>the font.</value>
121         /// <permissionset>
122         ///   <ipermission class="system.security.permissions.environmentpermission, mscorlib, version=2.0.3600.0, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" unrestricted="true" />
123         ///   <ipermission class="system.security.permissions.fileiopermission, mscorlib, version=2.0.3600.0, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" unrestricted="true" />
124         ///   <ipermission class="system.security.permissions.securitypermission, mscorlib, version=2.0.3600.0, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" flags="unmanagedcode, controlevidence" />
125         ///   <ipermission class="system.diagnostics.performancecounterpermission, system, version=2.0.3600.0, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" unrestricted="true" />
126         /// </permissionset>
127         public override font font
128         {
129             get
130             {
131                 return base.font;
132             }
133             set
134             {
135                 base.font = value;
136                 foreach (control c in this.controls)
137                 {
138                     c.font = value;
139                 }
140             }
141         }
143         /// <summary>
144         /// the m lst anchors
145         /// </summary>
146         dictionary<navigationmenuitem, frmanchor> m_lstanchors = new dictionary<navigationmenuitem, frmanchor>();
148         /// <summary>
149         /// initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ucnavigationmenu"/> class.
150         /// </summary>
151         public ucnavigationmenu()
152         {
153             initializecomponent();
154             items = new navigationmenuitem[0];
155             if (controlhelper.isdesignmode())
156             {
157                 items = new navigationmenuitem[4];
158                 for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
159                 {
160                     items[i] = new navigationmenuitem()
161                     {
162                         text = "菜单" + (i + 1),
163                         anchorright = i >= 2
164                     };
165                 }
166             }
167         }
169         /// <summary>
170         /// reloads the menu.
171         /// </summary>
172         private void reloadmenu()
173         {
174             try
175             {
176                 controlhelper.freezecontrol(this, true);
177                 this.controls.clear();
178                 if (items != null && items.length > 0)
179                 {
180                     foreach (var item in items)
181                     {
182                         var menu = (navigationmenuitem)item;
183                         label lbl = new label();
184                         lbl.autosize = false;
185                         lbl.textalign = contentalignment.middlecenter;
186                         lbl.width = menu.itemwidth;
187                         lbl.text = menu.text;
189                         lbl.font = font;
190                         lbl.forecolor = forecolor;
192                         lbl.paint += lbl_paint;
193                         lbl.mouseenter += lbl_mouseenter;
194                         lbl.tag = menu;
195                         lbl.click += lbl_click;
196                         if (menu.anchorright)
197                         {
198                             lbl.dock = dockstyle.right;
199                         }
200                         else
201                         {
202                             lbl.dock = dockstyle.left;
203                         }
204                         this.controls.add(lbl);
206                         lbl.bringtofront();
207                     }
210                 }
211             }
212             finally
213             {
214                 controlhelper.freezecontrol(this, false);
215             }
216         }
220         /// <summary>
221         /// handles the click event of the lbl control.
222         /// </summary>
223         /// <param name="sender">the source of the event.</param>
224         /// <param name="e">the <see cref="eventargs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
225         void lbl_click(object sender, eventargs e)
226         {
227             label lbl = sender as label;
228             if (lbl.tag != null)
229             {
230                 var menu = (navigationmenuitem)lbl.tag;
231                 if (menu.items == null || menu.items.length <= 0)
232                 {
233                     selectitem = menu;
235                     while (m_lstanchors.count > 0)
236                     {
237                         try
238                         {
239                             foreach (var item in m_lstanchors)
240                             {
241                                 item.value.close();
242                                 m_lstanchors.remove(item.key);
243                             }
244                         }
245                         catch { }
246                     }
248                     if (clickitemed != null)
249                     {
250                         clickitemed(this, e);
251                     }
252                 }
253                 else
254                 {
255                     closelist(menu);
256                     if (m_lstanchors.containskey(menu))
257                     {
258                         if (m_lstanchors[menu] != null && !m_lstanchors[menu].isdisposed)
259                         {
260                             m_lstanchors[menu].close();
261                         }
262                         m_lstanchors.remove(menu);
263                     }
264                     showmoremenu(lbl);
265                 }
266             }
267         }
269         /// <summary>
270         /// handles the mouseenter event of the lbl control.
271         /// </summary>
272         /// <param name="sender">the source of the event.</param>
273         /// <param name="e">the <see cref="eventargs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
274         void lbl_mouseenter(object sender, eventargs e)
275         {
276             label lbl = sender as label;
277             showmoremenu(lbl);
278         }
280         /// <summary>
281         /// checks the show.
282         /// </summary>
283         /// <param name="menu">the menu.</param>
284         /// <returns><c>true</c> if xxxx, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
285         private bool checkshow(navigationmenuitem menu)
286         {
287             //检查已经打开的节点
288             if (m_lstanchors.containskey(menu))
289             {
290                 closelist(menu);
291                 return false;
292             }
293             if (hasincachechild(menu))
294             {
295                 if (m_lstanchors.containskey(menu.parentitem))
296                 {
297                     closelist(menu.parentitem);
298                     return true;
299                 }
300                 return false;
301             }
302             else
303             {
304                 for (int i = 0; i < 1; )
305                 {
306                     try
307                     {
308                         foreach (var item in m_lstanchors)
309                         {
310                             if (m_lstanchors[item.key] != null && !m_lstanchors[item.key].isdisposed)
311                             {
312                                 m_lstanchors[item.key].close();
313                             }
314                         }
315                     }
316                     catch
317                     {
318                         continue;
319                     }
320                     i++;
321                 }
322                 m_lstanchors.clear();
323                 return true;
324             }
325         }
327         /// <summary>
328         /// determines whether [has in cache child] [the specified menu].
329         /// </summary>
330         /// <param name="menu">the menu.</param>
331         /// <returns><c>true</c> if [has in cache child] [the specified menu]; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</returns>
332         private bool hasincachechild(navigationmenuitem menu)
333         {
334             foreach (var item in m_lstanchors)
335             {
336                 if (item.key == menu)
337                 {
338                     return true;
339                 }
340                 else
341                 {
342                     if (item.key.items != null)
343                     {
344                         if (item.key.items.contains(menu))
345                             return true;
346                     }
347                 }
348             }
349             return false;
350         }
352         /// <summary>
353         /// closes the list.
354         /// </summary>
355         /// <param name="menu">the menu.</param>
356         private void closelist(navigationmenuitem menu)
357         {
358             if (menu.items != null)
359             {
360                 foreach (var item in menu.items)
361                 {
362                     closelist(item);
363                     if (m_lstanchors.containskey(item))
364                     {
365                         if (m_lstanchors[item] != null && !m_lstanchors[item].isdisposed)
366                         {
367                             m_lstanchors[item].close();
368                             m_lstanchors[item] = null;
369                             m_lstanchors.remove(item);
370                         }
371                     }
372                 }
373             }
374         }
376         /// <summary>
377         /// shows the more menu.
378         /// </summary>
379         /// <param name="lbl">the label.</param>
380         private void showmoremenu(label lbl)
381         {
382             var menu = (navigationmenuitem)lbl.tag;
383             if (checkshow(menu))
384             {
385                 if (menu.items != null && menu.items.length > 0)
386                 {
387                     panel panel = new panel();
388                     panel.backcolor = color.white;
389                     panel.paint += panel_paint;
390                     panel.padding = new system.windows.forms.padding(1);
391                     size size = getitemssize(menu.items);
392                     var height = size.height * menu.items.length + 2;
393                     height += menu.items.count(p => p.hassplitlintattop);//分割线
394                     if (size.width < lbl.width)
395                         size.width = lbl.width;
396                     panel.size = new size(size.width, height);
398                     foreach (var item in menu.items)
399                     {
400                         if (item.hassplitlintattop)
401                         {
402                             ucsplitline_h line = new ucsplitline_h();
403                             line.dock = dockstyle.top;
404                             panel.controls.add(line);
405                             line.bringtofront();
406                         }
407                         label _lbl = new label();
408                         _lbl.font = font;
409                         _lbl.forecolor = this.backcolor;
410                         _lbl.autosize = false;
411                         _lbl.textalign = contentalignment.middlecenter;
412                         _lbl.height = size.height;
413                         _lbl.text = item.text;
414                         _lbl.dock = dockstyle.top;
415                         _lbl.bringtofront();
416                         _lbl.paint += lbl_paint;
417                         _lbl.mouseenter += lbl_mouseenter;
418                         _lbl.tag = item;
419                         _lbl.click += lbl_click;
420                         _lbl.size = new system.drawing.size(size.width, size.height);
421                         panel.controls.add(_lbl);
422                         _lbl.bringtofront();
423                     }
424                     point point = point.empty;
426                     if (menu.parentitem != null)
427                     {
428                         point p = lbl.parent.pointtoscreen(lbl.location);
429                         if (p.x + lbl.width + panel.width > screen.primaryscreen.bounds.width)
430                         {
431                             point = new point(-1 * panel.width - 2, -1 * lbl.height);
432                         }
433                         else
434                         {
435                             point = new point(panel.width + 2, -1 * lbl.height);
436                         }
437                     }
438                     m_lstanchors[menu] = new frmanchor(lbl, panel, point);
439                     m_lstanchors[menu].formclosing += ucnavigationmenu_formclosing;
440                     m_lstanchors[menu].show();
441                     m_lstanchors[menu].size = new size(size.width, height);
442                 }
443             }
445         }
447         /// <summary>
448         /// handles the formclosing event of the ucnavigationmenu control.
449         /// </summary>
450         /// <param name="sender">the source of the event.</param>
451         /// <param name="e">the <see cref="formclosingeventargs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
452         void ucnavigationmenu_formclosing(object sender, formclosingeventargs e)
453         {
454             frmanchor frm = sender as frmanchor;
455             if (m_lstanchors.containsvalue(frm))
456             {
457                 foreach (var item in m_lstanchors)
458                 {
459                     if (item.value == frm)
460                     {
461                         m_lstanchors.remove(item.key);
462                         return;
463                     }
464                 }
465             }
466         }
468         /// <summary>
469         /// handles the paint event of the panel control.
470         /// </summary>
471         /// <param name="sender">the source of the event.</param>
472         /// <param name="e">the <see cref="painteventargs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
473         void panel_paint(object sender, painteventargs e)
474         {
475             e.graphics.setgdihigh();
476             rectangle rect = new rectangle(0, 0, e.cliprectangle.width - 1, e.cliprectangle.height - 1);
477             var path = rect.createroundedrectanglepath(2);
478             e.graphics.drawpath(new pen(new solidbrush(linecolors.light)), path);
479         }
483         /// <summary>
484         /// gets the size of the items.
485         /// </summary>
486         /// <param name="items">the items.</param>
487         /// <returns>size.</returns>
488         private size getitemssize(navigationmenuitem[] items)
489         {
490             size size = size.empty;
491             if (items != null && items.length > 0)
492             {
493                 using (var g = this.creategraphics())
494                 {
495                     foreach (navigationmenuitem item in items)
496                     {
497                         var s = g.measurestring(item.text, font);
498                         if (s.width + 25 > size.width)
499                         {
500                             size.width = (int)s.width + 25;
501                         }
502                         if (s.height + 10 > size.height)
503                         {
504                             size.height = (int)s.height + 10;
505                         }
506                     }
507                 }
508             }
509             return size;
510         }
513         /// <summary>
514         /// handles the paint event of the lbl control.
515         /// </summary>
516         /// <param name="sender">the source of the event.</param>
517         /// <param name="e">the <see cref="painteventargs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
518         void lbl_paint(object sender, painteventargs e)
519         {
520             label lbl = sender as label;
521             if (lbl.tag != null)
522             {
523                 var menu = (navigationmenuitem)lbl.tag;
524                 e.graphics.setgdihigh();
525                 if (menu.parentitem == null)//*节点支持图标和角标
526                 {
527                     if (menu.showtip)
528                     {
529                         if (!string.isnullorempty(menu.tiptext))
530                         {
531                             var rect = new rectangle(lbl.width - 25, lbl.height / 2 - 10, 20, 20);
532                             var path = rect.createroundedrectanglepath(5);
533                             e.graphics.fillpath(new solidbrush(tipcolor), path);
534                             e.graphics.drawstring(menu.tiptext, new font("微软雅黑", 8f), new solidbrush(color.white), rect, new stringformat() { alignment = stringalignment.center, linealignment = stringalignment.center });
535                         }
536                         else
537                         {
538                             e.graphics.fillellipse(new solidbrush(tipcolor), new rectangle(lbl.width - 20, lbl.height / 2 - 10, 10, 10));
539                         }
540                     }
541                     if (menu.icon != null)
542                     {
543                         e.graphics.drawimage(menu.icon, new rectangle(1, (lbl.height - 25) / 2, 25, 25), 0, 0, menu.icon.width, menu.icon.height, graphicsunit.pixel);
544                     }
545                 }
546                 if (menu.parentitem != null && menu.items != null && menu.items.length > 0)
547                 {
548                     controlhelper.painttriangle(e.graphics, new solidbrush(this.backcolor), new point(lbl.width - 11, (lbl.height - 5) / 2), 5, graphdirection.rightward);
549                 }
550             }
551         }
552     }
553 }



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