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前提 入行已经7,8年了,一直想做一套漂亮点的自定义控件,于是就有了本系列文章。 GitHub:https://github.com/kwwwvagaa/NetWinformControl 码云:https://gitee.com/kwwwvagaa/net_winform_custom_contr ......





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install-package hzh_controls













 1  /// <summary>
 2     /// 验证规则
 3     /// </summary>
 4     public enum verificationmodel
 5     {
 6         /// <summary>
 7         /// 无
 8         /// </summary>
 9         [description("无"), verificationattribute()]
10         none = 1,
11         /// <summary>
12         /// 任意字母数字下划线
13         /// </summary>
14         [description("任意字母数字下划线"), verificationattribute(@"^[a-za-z_0-1]*$", "请输入任意字母数字下划线")]
15         anychar = 2,
16         /// <summary>
17         /// 任意数字
18         /// </summary>
19         [description("任意数字"), verificationattribute(@"^[\-\+]?\d+(\.\d+)?$", "请输入任意数字")]
20         number = 4,
21         /// <summary>
22         /// 非负数
23         /// </summary>
24         [description("非负数"), verificationattribute(@"^(\+)?\d+(\.\d+)?$", "请输入非负数")]
25         unsignnumber = 8,
26         /// <summary>
27         /// 正数
28         /// </summary>
29         [description("正数"), verificationattribute(@"(\+)?([1-9][0-9]*(\.\d{1,2})?)|(0\.\d{1,2})", "请输入正数")]
30         positivenumber = 16,
31         /// <summary>
32         /// 整数
33         /// </summary>
34         [description("整数"), verificationattribute(@"^[\+\-]?\d+$", "请输入整数")]
35         integer = 32,
36         /// <summary>
37         /// 非负整数
38         /// </summary>
39         [description("非负整数"), verificationattribute(@"^(\+)?\d+$", "请输入非负整数")]
40         unsignintegernumber = 64,
41         /// <summary>
42         /// 正整数
43         /// </summary>
44         [description("正整数"), verificationattribute(@"^[0-9]*[1-9][0-9]*$", "请输入正整数")]
45         positiveintegernumber = 128,
46         /// <summary>
47         /// 邮箱
48         /// </summary>
49         [description("邮箱"), verificationattribute(@"^(([0-9a-za-z]+)|([0-9a-za-z]+[_.0-9a-za-z-]*[0-9a-za-z]+))@([a-za-z0-9-]+[.])+([a-za-z]{2}|net|net|com|com|gov|gov|mil|mil|org|org|edu|edu|int|int)$", "请输入正确的邮箱地址")]
50         email = 256,
51         /// <summary>
52         /// 手机
53         /// </summary>
54         [description("手机"), verificationattribute(@"^(\+?86)?1\d{10}$", "请输入正确的手机号")]
55         phone = 512,
56         /// <summary>
57         /// ip
58         /// </summary>
59         [description("ip"), verificationattribute(@"(?=(\b|\d))(((\d{1,2})|(1\d{1,2})|(2[0-4]\d)|(25[0-5]))\.){3}((\d{1,2})|(1\d{1,2})|(2[0-4]\d)|(25[0-5]))(?=(\b|\d))", "请输入正确的ip地址")]
60         ip = 1024,
61         /// <summary>
62         /// url
63         /// </summary>
64         [description("url"), verificationattribute(@"^[a-za-z]+://(//w+(-//w+)*)(//.(//w+(-//w+)*))*(//?//s*)?$", "请输入正确的网址")]
65         url = 2048,
66         /// <summary>
67         /// 身份证号
68         /// </summary>
69         [description("身份证号"), verificationattribute(@"^[1-9]\d{5}(18|19|([23]\d))\d{2}((0[1-9])|(10|11|12))(([0-2][1-9])|10|20|30|31)\d{3}[0-9xx]$", "请输入正确的身份证号")]
70         idcardno = 4096,
71         /// <summary>
72         /// 正则验证
73         /// </summary>
74         [description("自定义正则表达式"), verificationattribute()]
75         custom = 8192,
76     }


 1  public class verificationattribute : attribute
 2     {
 3         /// <summary>
 4         /// initializes a new instance of the <see cref="verificationattribute"/> class.
 5         /// </summary>
 6         /// <param name="strregex">the string regex.</param>
 7         /// <param name="strerrormsg">the string error msg.</param>
 8         public verificationattribute(string strregex = "", string strerrormsg = "")
 9         {
10             regex = strregex;
11             errormsg = strerrormsg;
12         }
13         /// <summary>
14         /// gets or sets the regex.
15         /// </summary>
16         /// <value>the regex.</value>
17         public string regex { get; set; }
18         /// <summary>
19         /// gets or sets the error msg.
20         /// </summary>
21         /// <value>the error msg.</value>
22         public string errormsg { get; set; }
24     }


 1  public class verificationeventargs : eventargs
 2     {
 3         /// <summary>
 4         /// gets or sets the verification control.
 5         /// </summary>
 6         /// <value>the verification control.</value>
 7         public control verificationcontrol { get; set; }
 8         /// <summary>
 9         /// gets or sets a value indicating whether [verify success].
10         /// </summary>
11         /// <value><c>true</c> if [verify success]; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</value>
12         public bool isverifysuccess { get; set; }
13         /// <summary>
14         /// gets or sets the verification model.
15         /// </summary>
16         /// <value>the verification model.</value>
17         public verificationmodel verificationmodel { get; set; }
18         /// <summary>
19         /// 是否已处理,如果为true,则不再使用默认验证提示功能
20         /// </summary>
21         /// <value><c>true</c> if this instance is processed; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</value>
22         public bool isprocessed { get; set; }
23         /// <summary>
24         /// gets or sets 正则表达式
25         /// </summary>
26         /// <value>the custom regex.</value>
27         public string regex { get; set; }
28         /// <summary>
29         /// gets or sets a value indicating whether this <see cref="verificationeventargs"/> is required.
30         /// </summary>
31         /// <value><c>true</c> if required; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</value>
32         public bool required { get; set; }
34         /// <summary>
35         /// gets or sets the error msg.
36         /// </summary>
37         /// <value>the error msg.</value>
38         public string errormsg { get; set; }
39     }

添加一个类verificationcomponent继承component,实现接口 iextenderprovider以对控件进行扩展


 1   /// <summary>
 2         /// delegate verificationedhandle
 3         /// </summary>
 4         /// <param name="e">the <see cref="verificationeventargs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
 5         public delegate void verificationedhandle(verificationeventargs e);
 6         /// <summary>
 7         /// occurs when [verificationed].
 8         /// </summary>
 9         [browsable(true), category("自定义属性"), description("验证事件"), localizable(true)]
10         public event verificationedhandle verificationed;
12         /// <summary>
13         /// the m control cache
14         /// </summary>
15         dictionary<control, verificationmodel> m_controlcache = new dictionary<control, verificationmodel>();
16         /// <summary>
17         /// the m control regex cache
18         /// </summary>
19         dictionary<control, string> m_controlregexcache = new dictionary<control, string>();
20         /// <summary>
21         /// the m control required cache
22         /// </summary>
23         dictionary<control, bool> m_controlrequiredcache = new dictionary<control, bool>();
24         /// <summary>
25         /// the m control msg cache
26         /// </summary>
27         dictionary<control, string> m_controlmsgcache = new dictionary<control, string>();
28         /// <summary>
29         /// the m control tips
30         /// </summary>
31         dictionary<control, forms.frmanchortips> m_controltips = new dictionary<control, forms.frmanchortips>();
33         /// <summary>
34         /// the error tips back color
35         /// </summary>
36         private color errortipsbackcolor = color.fromargb(255, 77, 58);
38         /// <summary>
39         /// gets or sets the color of the error tips back.
40         /// </summary>
41         /// <value>the color of the error tips back.</value>
42         [browsable(true), category("自定义属性"), description("错误提示背景色"), localizable(true)]
43         public color errortipsbackcolor
44         {
45             get { return errortipsbackcolor; }
46             set { errortipsbackcolor = value; }
47         }
49         /// <summary>
50         /// the error tips fore color
51         /// </summary>
52         private color errortipsforecolor = color.white;
54         /// <summary>
55         /// gets or sets the color of the error tips fore.
56         /// </summary>
57         /// <value>the color of the error tips fore.</value>
58         [browsable(true), category("自定义属性"), description("错误提示文字颜色"), localizable(true)]
59         public color errortipsforecolor
60         {
61             get { return errortipsforecolor; }
62             set { errortipsforecolor = value; }
63         }



1  public bool canextend(object extendee)
2         {
3             if (extendee is textboxbase || extendee is uctextboxex || extendee is combobox || extendee is uccombox)
4             {
5                 return true;
6             }
7             return false;
8         }


  1   /// <summary>
  2         /// the m control cache
  3         /// </summary>
  4         dictionary<control, verificationmodel> m_controlcache = new dictionary<control, verificationmodel>();
  5         /// <summary>
  6         /// the m control regex cache
  7         /// </summary>
  8         dictionary<control, string> m_controlregexcache = new dictionary<control, string>();
  9         /// <summary>
 10         /// the m control required cache
 11         /// </summary>
 12         dictionary<control, bool> m_controlrequiredcache = new dictionary<control, bool>();
 13         /// <summary>
 14         /// the m control msg cache
 15         /// </summary>
 16         dictionary<control, string> m_controlmsgcache = new dictionary<control, string>();
 18   #region 验证规则    english:validation rule
 19         /// <summary>
 20         /// gets the verification model.
 21         /// </summary>
 22         /// <param name="control">the control.</param>
 23         /// <returns>verificationmodel.</returns>
 24         [browsable(true), category("自定义属性"), description("验证规则"), displayname("verificationmodel"), localizable(true)]
 25         public verificationmodel getverificationmodel(control control)
 26         {
 27             if (m_controlcache.containskey(control))
 28             {
 29                 return m_controlcache[control];
 30             }
 31             else
 32                 return verificationmodel.none;
 33         }
 35         /// <summary>
 36         /// sets the verification model.
 37         /// </summary>
 38         /// <param name="control">the control.</param>
 39         /// <param name="vm">the vm.</param>
 40         public void setverificationmodel(control control, verificationmodel vm)
 41         {
 42             m_controlcache[control] = vm;
 43         }
 44         #endregion
 46         #region 自定义正则    english:custom rules
 47         /// <summary>
 48         /// gets the verification custom regex.
 49         /// </summary>
 50         /// <param name="control">the control.</param>
 51         /// <returns>system.string.</returns>
 52         [browsable(true), category("自定义属性"), description("自定义验证正则表达式"), displayname("verificationcustomregex"), localizable(true)]
 53         public string getverificationcustomregex(control control)
 54         {
 55             if (m_controlregexcache.containskey(control))
 56             {
 57                 return m_controlregexcache[control];
 58             }
 59             else
 60                 return "";
 61         }
 63         /// <summary>
 64         /// sets the verification custom regex.
 65         /// </summary>
 66         /// <param name="control">the control.</param>
 67         /// <param name="strregex">the string regex.</param>
 68         public void setverificationcustomregex(control control, string strregex)
 69         {
 70             m_controlregexcache[control] = strregex;
 71         }
 72         #endregion
 74         #region 必填    english:must fill
 75         /// <summary>
 76         /// gets the verification required.
 77         /// </summary>
 78         /// <param name="control">the control.</param>
 79         /// <returns><c>true</c> if xxxx, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
 80         [browsable(true), category("自定义属性"), description("是否必填项"), displayname("verificationrequired"), localizable(true)]
 81         public bool getverificationrequired(control control)
 82         {
 83             if (m_controlrequiredcache.containskey(control))
 84                 return m_controlrequiredcache[control];
 85             return false;
 86         }
 88         /// <summary>
 89         /// sets the verification required.
 90         /// </summary>
 91         /// <param name="control">the control.</param>
 92         /// <param name="blnrequired">if set to <c>true</c> [bln required].</param>
 93         public void setverificationrequired(control control, bool blnrequired)
 94         {
 95             m_controlrequiredcache[control] = blnrequired;
 96         }
 97         #endregion
 99         #region 提示信息    english:prompt information
100         /// <summary>
101         /// gets the verification error msg.
102         /// </summary>
103         /// <param name="control">the control.</param>
104         /// <returns>system.string.</returns>
105         [browsable(true), category("自定义属性"), description("验证错误提示信息,当为空时则使用默认提示信息"), displayname("verificationerrormsg"), localizable(true)]
106         public string getverificationerrormsg(control control)
107         {
108             if (m_controlmsgcache.containskey(control))
109                 return m_controlmsgcache[control];
110             return "";
111         }
113         /// <summary>
114         /// sets the verification error msg.
115         /// </summary>
116         /// <param name="control">the control.</param>
117         /// <param name="strerrormsg">the string error msg.</param>
118         public void setverificationerrormsg(control control, string strerrormsg)
119         {
120             m_controlmsgcache[control] = strerrormsg;
121         }
122         #endregion


  1   #region 验证    english:verification
  2         /// <summary>
  3         /// 功能描述:验证    english:verification result processing
  4         /// 作  者:hzh
  5         /// 创建日期:2019-09-28 09:02:49
  6         /// 任务编号:pos
  7         /// </summary>
  8         /// <param name="c">c</param>
  9         /// <returns>返回值</returns>
 10         public bool verification(control c)
 11         {
 12             bool bln = true;
 13             if (m_controlcache.containskey(c))
 14             {
 15                 var vm = m_controlcache[c];
 16                 string strregex = "";
 17                 string strerrmsg = "";
 18                 #region 获取正则或默认错误提示    english:get regular or error prompts
 19                 if (vm == verificationmodel.custom)
 20                 {
 21                     //自定义正则
 22                     if (m_controlregexcache.containskey(c))
 23                     {
 24                         strregex = m_controlregexcache[c];
 25                         strerrmsg = "不正确的输入";
 26                     }
 27                 }
 28                 else
 29                 {
 30                     //获取默认正则和错误提示
 31                     type type = vm.gettype();   //获取类型  
 32                     memberinfo[] memberinfos = type.getmember(vm.tostring());
 33                     if (memberinfos.length > 0)
 34                     {
 35                         var atts = memberinfos[0].getcustomattributes(typeof(verificationattribute), false);
 36                         if (atts.length > 0)
 37                         {
 38                             var va = ((verificationattribute)atts[0]);
 39                             strerrmsg = va.errormsg;
 40                             strregex = va.regex;
 41                         }
 42                     }
 43                 }
 44                 #endregion
 46                 #region 取值    english:value
 47                 string strvalue = "";
 48                 if (c is textboxbase)
 49                 {
 50                     strvalue = (c as textboxbase).text;
 51                 }
 52                 else if (c is uctextboxex)
 53                 {
 54                     strvalue = (c as uctextboxex).inputtext;
 55                 }
 56                 else if (c is combobox)
 57                 {
 58                     var cbo = (c as combobox);
 59                     if (cbo.dropdownstyle == comboboxstyle.dropdownlist)
 60                     {
 61                         strvalue = cbo.selecteditem == null ? "" : cbo.selectedvalue.tostring();
 62                     }
 63                     else
 64                     {
 65                         strvalue = cbo.text;
 66                     }
 67                 }
 68                 else if (c is uccombox)
 69                 {
 70                     strvalue = (c as uccombox).selectedtext;
 71                 }
 72                 #endregion
 74                 //自定义错误信息
 75                 if (m_controlmsgcache.containskey(c) && !string.isnullorempty(m_controlmsgcache[c]))
 76                     strerrmsg = m_controlmsgcache[c];
 78                 //检查必填项
 79                 if (m_controlrequiredcache.containskey(c) && m_controlrequiredcache[c])
 80                 {
 81                     if (string.isnullorempty(strvalue))
 82                     {
 83                         vercontrol(new verificationeventargs()
 84                         {
 85                             verificationmodel = vm,
 86                             regex = strregex,
 87                             errormsg = "不能为空",
 88                             isverifysuccess = false,
 89                             required = true,
 90                             verificationcontrol = c
 91                         });
 92                         bln = false;
 93                         return false;
 94                     }
 95                 }
 96                 //验证正则
 97                 if (!string.isnullorempty(strvalue))
 98                 {
 99                     if (!string.isnullorempty(strregex))
100                     {
101                         if (!regex.ismatch(strvalue, strregex))
102                         {
103                             vercontrol(new verificationeventargs()
104                             {
105                                 verificationmodel = vm,
106                                 regex = strregex,
107                                 errormsg = strerrmsg,
108                                 isverifysuccess = false,
109                                 required = m_controlrequiredcache.containskey(c) && m_controlrequiredcache[c],
110                                 verificationcontrol = c
111                             });
112                             bln = false;
113                             return false;
114                         }
115                     }
116                 }
117                 //没有问题出发一个成功信息
118                 vercontrol(new verificationeventargs()
119                 {
120                     verificationmodel = vm,
121                     regex = strregex,
122                     errormsg = strerrmsg,
123                     isverifysuccess = true,
124                     required = m_controlrequiredcache.containskey(c) && m_controlrequiredcache[c],
125                     verificationcontrol = c
126                 });
127             }
128             return bln;
129         }
130         #endregion
131         #region 验证    english:verification
132         /// <summary>
133         /// 功能描述:验证    english:verification
134         /// 作  者:hzh
135         /// 创建日期:2019-09-27 17:54:38
136         /// 任务编号:pos
137         /// </summary>
138         /// <returns>返回值</returns>
139         public bool verification()
140         {
141             bool bln = true;
142             foreach (var item in m_controlcache)
143             {
144                 control c = item.key;
145                 if (!verification(c))
146                 {
147                     bln = false;
148                 }
149             }
150             return bln;
151         }
152         #endregion
156         #region 验证结果处理    english:verification result processing
157         /// <summary>
158         /// 功能描述:验证结果处理    english:verification result processing
159         /// 作  者:hzh
160         /// 创建日期:2019-09-27 17:54:59
161         /// 任务编号:pos
162         /// </summary>
163         /// <param name="e">e</param>
164         private void vercontrol(verificationeventargs e)
165         {
166             //如果成功则移除失败提示
167             if (e.isverifysuccess)
168             {
169                 if (m_controltips.containskey(e.verificationcontrol))
170                 {
171                     m_controltips[e.verificationcontrol].close();
172                     m_controltips.remove(e.verificationcontrol);
173                 }
174             }
175             //触发事件
176             if (verificationed != null)
177             {
178                 verificationed(e);
179                 if (e.isprocessed)//如果已处理,则不再向下执行
180                 {
181                     return;
182                 }
183             }
184             //如果失败则显示提示
185             if (!e.isverifysuccess)
186             {
187                 if (m_controltips.containskey(e.verificationcontrol))
188                 {
189                     m_controltips[e.verificationcontrol].strmsg = e.errormsg;
190                 }
191                 else
192                 {
193                     var tips = forms.frmanchortips.showtips(e.verificationcontrol, e.errormsg, background: errortipsbackcolor, forecolor: errortipsforecolor, autoclosetime: 0, blntopmost: false);
194                     m_controltips[e.verificationcontrol] = tips;
195                 }
196             }
197         }
198         #endregion


  1 // ***********************************************************************
  2 // assembly         : hzh_controls
  3 // created          : 2019-09-27
  4 //
  5 // ***********************************************************************
  6 // <copyright file="verificationcomponent.cs">
  7 //     copyright by huang zhenghui(黄正辉) all, qq group:568015492 qq:623128629 email:623128629@qq.com
  8 // </copyright>
  9 //
 10 // blog: https://www.cnblogs.com/bfyx
 11 // github:https://github.com/kwwwvagaa/netwinformcontrol
 12 // gitee:https://gitee.com/kwwwvagaa/net_winform_custom_control.git
 13 //
 14 // if you use this code, please keep this note.
 15 // ***********************************************************************
 16 using system;
 17 using system.collections.generic;
 18 using system.componentmodel;
 19 using system.drawing;
 20 using system.linq;
 21 using system.reflection;
 22 using system.text;
 23 using system.text.regularexpressions;
 24 using system.windows.forms;
 26 namespace hzh_controls.controls
 27 {
 28     /// <summary>
 29     /// class verificationcomponent.
 30     /// implements the <see cref="system.componentmodel.component" />
 31     /// implements the <see cref="system.componentmodel.iextenderprovider" />
 32     /// </summary>
 33     /// <seealso cref="system.componentmodel.component" />
 34     /// <seealso cref="system.componentmodel.iextenderprovider" />
 35     [provideproperty("verificationmodel", typeof(control))]
 36     [provideproperty("verificationcustomregex", typeof(control))]
 37     [provideproperty("verificationrequired", typeof(control))]
 38     [provideproperty("verificationerrormsg", typeof(control))]
 39     [defaultevent("verificationed")]
 40     public class verificationcomponent : component, iextenderprovider
 41     {
 42         /// <summary>
 43         /// delegate verificationedhandle
 44         /// </summary>
 45         /// <param name="e">the <see cref="verificationeventargs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
 46         public delegate void verificationedhandle(verificationeventargs e);
 47         /// <summary>
 48         /// occurs when [verificationed].
 49         /// </summary>
 50         [browsable(true), category("自定义属性"), description("验证事件"), localizable(true)]
 51         public event verificationedhandle verificationed;
 53         /// <summary>
 54         /// the m control cache
 55         /// </summary>
 56         dictionary<control, verificationmodel> m_controlcache = new dictionary<control, verificationmodel>();
 57         /// <summary>
 58         /// the m control regex cache
 59         /// </summary>
 60         dictionary<control, string> m_controlregexcache = new dictionary<control, string>();
 61         /// <summary>
 62         /// the m control required cache
 63         /// </summary>
 64         dictionary<control, bool> m_controlrequiredcache = new dictionary<control, bool>();
 65         /// <summary>
 66         /// the m control msg cache
 67         /// </summary>
 68         dictionary<control, string> m_controlmsgcache = new dictionary<control, string>();
 69         /// <summary>
 70         /// the m control tips
 71         /// </summary>
 72         dictionary<control, forms.frmanchortips> m_controltips = new dictionary<control, forms.frmanchortips>();
 74         /// <summary>
 75         /// the error tips back color
 76         /// </summary>
 77         private color errortipsbackcolor = color.fromargb(255, 77, 58);
 79         /// <summary>
 80         /// gets or sets the color of the error tips back.
 81         /// </summary>
 82         /// <value>the color of the error tips back.</value>
 83         [browsable(true), category("自定义属性"), description("错误提示背景色"), localizable(true)]
 84         public color errortipsbackcolor
 85         {
 86             get { return errortipsbackcolor; }
 87             set { errortipsbackcolor = value; }
 88         }
 90         /// <summary>
 91         /// the error tips fore color
 92         /// </summary>
 93         private color errortipsforecolor = color.white;
 95         /// <summary>
 96         /// gets or sets the color of the error tips fore.
 97         /// </summary>
 98         /// <value>the color of the error tips fore.</value>
 99         [browsable(true), category("自定义属性"), description("错误提示文字颜色"), localizable(true)]
100         public color errortipsforecolor
101         {
102             get { return errortipsforecolor; }
103             set { errortipsforecolor = value; }
104         }
106         #region 构造函数    english:constructor
107         /// <summary>
108         /// initializes a new instance of the <see cref="verificationcomponent"/> class.
109         /// </summary>
110         public verificationcomponent()
111         {
113         }
115         /// <summary>
116         /// initializes a new instance of the <see cref="verificationcomponent"/> class.
117         /// </summary>
118         /// <param name="container">the container.</param>
119         public verificationcomponent(icontainer container)
120             : this()
121         {
122             container.add(this);
123         }
124         #endregion
126         #region 指定此对象是否可以将其扩展程序属性提供给指定的对象。    english:specifies whether this object can provide its extender properties to the specified object.
127         /// <summary>
128         /// 指定此对象是否可以将其扩展程序属性提供给指定的对象。
129         /// </summary>
130         /// <param name="extendee">要接收扩展程序属性的 <see cref="t:system.object" />。</param>
131         /// <returns>如果此对象可以扩展程序属性提供给指定对象,则为 true;否则为 false。</returns>
132         public bool canextend(object extendee)
133         {
134             if (extendee is textboxbase || extendee is uctextboxex || extendee is combobox || extendee is uccombox)
135             {
136                 return true;
137             }
138             return false;
139         }
140         #endregion
142         #region 验证规则    english:validation rule
143         /// <summary>
144         /// gets the verification model.
145         /// </summary>
146         /// <param name="control">the control.</param>
147         /// <returns>verificationmodel.</returns>
148         [browsable(true), category("自定义属性"), description("验证规则"), displayname("verificationmodel"), localizable(true)]
149         public verificationmodel getverificationmodel(control control)
150         {
151             if (m_controlcache.containskey(control))
152             {
153                 return m_controlcache[control];
154             }
155             else
156                 return verificationmodel.none;
157         }
159         /// <summary>
160         /// sets the verification model.
161         /// </summary>
162         /// <param name="control">the control.</param>
163         /// <param name="vm">the vm.</param>
164         public void setverificationmodel(control control, verificationmodel vm)
165         {
166             m_controlcache[control] = vm;
167         }
168         #endregion
170         #region 自定义正则    english:custom rules
171         /// <summary>
172         /// gets the verification custom regex.
173         /// </summary>
174         /// <param name="control">the control.</param>
175         /// <returns>system.string.</returns>
176         [browsable(true), category("自定义属性"), description("自定义验证正则表达式"), displayname("verificationcustomregex"), localizable(true)]
177         public string getverificationcustomregex(control control)
178         {
179             if (m_controlregexcache.containskey(control))
180             {
181                 return m_controlregexcache[control];
182             }
183             else
184                 return "";
185         }
187         /// <summary>
188         /// sets the verification custom regex.
189         /// </summary>
190         /// <param name="control">the control.</param>
191         /// <param name="strregex">the string regex.</param>
192         public void setverificationcustomregex(control control, string strregex)
193         {
194             m_controlregexcache[control] = strregex;
195         }
196         #endregion
198         #region 必填    english:must fill
199         /// <summary>
200         /// gets the verification required.
201         /// </summary>
202         /// <param name="control">the control.</param>
203         /// <returns><c>true</c> if xxxx, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
204         [browsable(true), category("自定义属性"), description("是否必填项"), displayname("verificationrequired"), localizable(true)]
205         public bool getverificationrequired(control control)
206         {
207             if (m_controlrequiredcache.containskey(control))
208                 return m_controlrequiredcache[control];
209             return false;
210         }
212         /// <summary>
213         /// sets the verification required.
214         /// </summary>
215         /// <param name="control">the control.</param>
216         /// <param name="blnrequired">if set to <c>true</c> [bln required].</param>
217         public void setverificationrequired(control control, bool blnrequired)
218         {
219             m_controlrequiredcache[control] = blnrequired;
220         }
221         #endregion
223         #region 提示信息    english:prompt information
224         /// <summary>
225         /// gets the verification error msg.
226         /// </summary>
227         /// <param name="control">the control.</param>
228         /// <returns>system.string.</returns>
229         [browsable(true), category("自定义属性"), description("验证错误提示信息,当为空时则使用默认提示信息"), displayname("verificationerrormsg"), localizable(true)]
230         public string getverificationerrormsg(control control)
231         {
232             if (m_controlmsgcache.containskey(control))
233                 return m_controlmsgcache[control];
234             return "";
235         }
237         /// <summary>
238         /// sets the verification error msg.
239         /// </summary>
240         /// <param name="control">the control.</param>
241         /// <param name="strerrormsg">the string error msg.</param>
242         public void setverificationerrormsg(control control, string strerrormsg)
243         {
244             m_controlmsgcache[control] = strerrormsg;
245         }
246         #endregion
249         #region 验证    english:verification
250         /// <summary>
251         /// 功能描述:验证    english:verification result processing
252         /// 作  者:hzh
253         /// 创建日期:2019-09-28 09:02:49
254         /// 任务编号:pos
255         /// </summary>
256         /// <param name="c">c</param>
257         /// <returns>返回值</returns>
258         public bool verification(control c)
259         {
260             bool bln = true;
261             if (m_controlcache.containskey(c))
262             {
263                 var vm = m_controlcache[c];
264                 string strregex = "";
265                 string strerrmsg = "";
266                 #region 获取正则或默认错误提示    english:get regular or error prompts
267                 if (vm == verificationmodel.custom)
268                 {
269                     //自定义正则
270                     if (m_controlregexcache.containskey(c))
271                     {
272                         strregex = m_controlregexcache[c];
273                         strerrmsg = "不正确的输入";
274                     }
275                 }
276                 else
277                 {
278                     //获取默认正则和错误提示
279                     type type = vm.gettype();   //获取类型  
280                     memberinfo[] memberinfos = type.getmember(vm.tostring());
281                     if (memberinfos.length > 0)
282                     {
283                         var atts = memberinfos[0].getcustomattributes(typeof(verificationattribute), false);
284                         if (atts.length > 0)
285                         {
286                             var va = ((verificationattribute)atts[0]);
287                             strerrmsg = va.errormsg;
288                             strregex = va.regex;
289                         }
290                     }
291                 }
292                 #endregion
294                 #region 取值    english:value
295                 string strvalue = "";
296                 if (c is textboxbase)
297                 {
298                     strvalue = (c as textboxbase).text;
299                 }
300                 else if (c is uctextboxex)
301                 {
302                     strvalue = (c as uctextboxex).inputtext;
303                 }
304                 else if (c is combobox)
305                 {
306                     var cbo = (c as combobox);
307                     if (cbo.dropdownstyle == comboboxstyle.dropdownlist)
308                     {
309                         strvalue = cbo.selecteditem == null ? "" : cbo.selectedvalue.tostring();
310                     }
311                     else
312                     {
313                         strvalue = cbo.text;
314                     }
315                 }
316                 else if (c is uccombox)
317                 {
318                     strvalue = (c as uccombox).selectedtext;
319                 }
320                 #endregion
322                 //自定义错误信息
323                 if (m_controlmsgcache.containskey(c) && !string.isnullorempty(m_controlmsgcache[c]))
324                     strerrmsg = m_controlmsgcache[c];
326                 //检查必填项
327                 if (m_controlrequiredcache.containskey(c) && m_controlrequiredcache[c])
328                 {
329                     if (string.isnullorempty(strvalue))
330                     {
331                         vercontrol(new verificationeventargs()
332                         {
333                             verificationmodel = vm,
334                             regex = strregex,
335                             errormsg = "不能为空",
336                             isverifysuccess = false,
337                             required = true,
338                             verificationcontrol = c
339                         });
340                         bln = false;
341                         return false;
342                     }
343                 }
344                 //验证正则
345                 if (!string.isnullorempty(strvalue))
346                 {
347                     if (!string.isnullorempty(strregex))
348                     {
349                         if (!regex.ismatch(strvalue, strregex))
350                         {
351                             vercontrol(new verificationeventargs()
352                             {
353                                 verificationmodel = vm,
354                                 regex = strregex,
355                                 errormsg = strerrmsg,
356                                 isverifysuccess = false,
357                                 required = m_controlrequiredcache.containskey(c) && m_controlrequiredcache[c],
358                                 verificationcontrol = c
359                             });
360                             bln = false;
361                             return false;
362                         }
363                     }
364                 }
365                 //没有问题出发一个成功信息
366                 vercontrol(new verificationeventargs()
367                 {
368                     verificationmodel = vm,
369                     regex = strregex,
370                     errormsg = strerrmsg,
371                     isverifysuccess = true,
372                     required = m_controlrequiredcache.containskey(c) && m_controlrequiredcache[c],
373                     verificationcontrol = c
374                 });
375             }
376             return bln;
377         }
378         #endregion
379         #region 验证    english:verification
380         /// <summary>
381         /// 功能描述:验证    english:verification
382         /// 作  者:hzh
383         /// 创建日期:2019-09-27 17:54:38
384         /// 任务编号:pos
385         /// </summary>
386         /// <returns>返回值</returns>
387         public bool verification()
388         {
389             bool bln = true;
390             foreach (var item in m_controlcache)
391             {
392                 control c = item.key;
393                 if (!verification(c))
394                 {
395                     bln = false;
396                 }
397             }
398             return bln;
399         }
400         #endregion
404         #region 验证结果处理    english:verification result processing
405         /// <summary>
406         /// 功能描述:验证结果处理    english:verification result processing
407         /// 作  者:hzh
408         /// 创建日期:2019-09-27 17:54:59
409         /// 任务编号:pos
410         /// </summary>
411         /// <param name="e">e</param>
412         private void vercontrol(verificationeventargs e)
413         {
414             //如果成功则移除失败提示
415             if (e.isverifysuccess)
416             {
417                 if (m_controltips.containskey(e.verificationcontrol))
418                 {
419                     m_controltips[e.verificationcontrol].close();
420                     m_controltips.remove(e.verificationcontrol);
421                 }
422             }
423             //触发事件
424             if (verificationed != null)
425             {
426                 verificationed(e);
427                 if (e.isprocessed)//如果已处理,则不再向下执行
428                 {
429                     return;
430                 }
431             }
432             //如果失败则显示提示
433             if (!e.isverifysuccess)
434             {
435                 if (m_controltips.containskey(e.verificationcontrol))
436                 {
437                     m_controltips[e.verificationcontrol].strmsg = e.errormsg;
438                 }
439                 else
440                 {
441                     var tips = forms.frmanchortips.showtips(e.verificationcontrol, e.errormsg, background: errortipsbackcolor, forecolor: errortipsforecolor, autoclosetime: 0, blntopmost: false);
442                     m_controltips[e.verificationcontrol] = tips;
443                 }
444             }
445         }
446         #endregion
447     }
448 }



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