项目中需要使用一个简单的定时任务调度的框架,最初直接从github上搜了一个star比较多的,就是 这个,目前有8000+ star。刚开始使用的时候发现问题不大,但是随着单机需要定时调度的任务越来越多,高峰期差不多接近500qps,随着业务的推广使用,可以预期增长还会比较快,但是已经遇到cpu使用率偏高的问题,通过pprof分析,很多都是在做排序,看了下这个项目的代码,整体执行的过程大概如下:
1. 对所有任务进行排序,按照下次执行时间进行排序
2. 选择数组中第一个任务,计算下次执行时间减去当前时间得到时间t,然后sleep t
3. 然后从数组第一个元素开始遍历任务,如果此任务需要调度的时间<now,那么就执行此任务,执行之后重新计算这个任务的next执行时间
4. 每次待执行的任务执行完毕之后,都会重新对这个数组进行排序
5. 然后再循环从排好序的数组中找到第一个需要执行的任务去执行。
for { // determine the next entry to run. sort.sort(bytime(c.entries)) var timer *time.timer if len(c.entries) == 0 || c.entries[0].next.iszero() { // if there are no entries yet, just sleep - it still handles new entries // and stop requests. timer = time.newtimer(100000 * time.hour) } else { timer = time.newtimer(c.entries[0].next.sub(now)) } for { select { case now = <-timer.c: now = now.in(c.location) c.logger.info("wake", "now", now) // run every entry whose next time was less than now for _, e := range c.entries { if e.next.after(now) || e.next.iszero() { break } c.startjob(e.wrappedjob) e.prev = e.next e.next = e.schedule.next(now) c.logger.info("run", "now", now, "entry", e.id, "next", e.next) } case newentry := <-c.add: timer.stop() now = c.now() newentry.next = newentry.schedule.next(now) c.entries = append(c.entries, newentry) c.logger.info("added", "now", now, "entry", newentry.id, "next", newentry.next) case replychan := <-c.snapshot: replychan <- c.entrysnapshot() continue case <-c.stop: timer.stop() c.logger.info("stop") return case id := <-c.remove: timer.stop() now = c.now() c.removeentry(id) c.logger.info("removed", "entry", id) } break } }
1. 在初始化任务列表的时候就直接构建一个最小堆
2. 每次执行查看peek元素是否需要执行
3. 需要执行就pop堆顶元素,计算next执行时间,重新push入堆
4. 不需要执行就break到外层循环取堆顶元素,计算next_time-now() = need_sleep_time,然后select 睡眠、add、remove等操作。
for { // determine the next entry to run. // use min-heap no need sort anymore
// 这里不再需要排序了,因为add的时候直接进行堆调整
//sort.sort(bytime(c.entries)) var timer *time.timer if len(c.entries) == 0 || c.entries[0].next.iszero() { // if there are no entries yet, just sleep - it still handles new entries // and stop requests. timer = time.newtimer(100000 * time.hour) } else { timer = time.newtimer(c.entries[0].next.sub(now)) //fmt.printf(" %v, %+v\n", c.entries[0].next.sub(now), c.entries[0].id) } for { select { case now = <-timer.c: now = now.in(c.location) c.logger.info("wake", "now", now) // run every entry whose next time was less than now for { e := c.entries.peek() if e.next.after(now) || e.next.iszero() { break } e = heap.pop(&c.entries).(*entry) c.startjob(e.wrappedjob) e.prev = e.next e.next = e.schedule.next(now) heap.push(&c.entries, e) c.logger.info("run", "now", now, "entry", e.id, "next", e.next) } case newentry := <-c.add: timer.stop() now = c.now() newentry.next = newentry.schedule.next(now) heap.push(&c.entries, newentry) c.logger.info("added", "now", now, "entry", newentry.id, "next", newentry.next) case replychan := <-c.snapshot: replychan <- c.entrysnapshot() continue case <-c.stop: timer.stop() c.logger.info("stop") return case id := <-c.remove: timer.stop() now = c.now() c.removeentry(id) c.logger.info("removed", "entry", id) } break } }
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