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程序员文章站 2022-06-14 17:31:52
本文实例讲述了c#获取指定pdf文件页数的方法。分享给大家供大家参考。具体如下: using system; using system.io; using s...


using system;
using system.io;
using system.text.regularexpressions;
using system.windows.forms;
namespace robvanderwoude
 class pdfpagecount
  static int main( string[] args )
   #region get help
   if ( args.length == 0 )
    showhelp( );
    return 0;
   foreach ( string arg in args )
    if ( arg == "/?" || arg == "-?" || arg.tolower( ) == "--help" )
     showhelp( );
     return 0;
   int errors = 0;
   foreach ( string arg in args )
     regex regexp = new regex( @"^(.*)\\([^\\]+\.pdf)$", regexoptions.ignorecase );
     if ( regexp.ismatch( arg ) )
      // match means the filespec has a valid format (i.e. *.pdf)
      string[] matches = regexp.split( arg );
      string folder = matches[1];
      string filespec = matches[2];
      if ( directory.exists( folder ) )
       // folder exists, check for matching files
       string[] filelist = directory.getfiles( folder, filespec );
       if ( filelist.length == 0 )
        // no matching files in this folder
        showerror( "error: no files matching \"{0}\" were found in \"{1}\"", filespec, folder );
        errors += 1;
        // iterate through list of matching files
        foreach ( string file in filelist )
         int pagecount = pagecount( file );
         if ( pagecount == -1 )
          // just increase the error count, the pagecount( )
          // procedure already wrote an error message to screen
          errors += 1;
          // no pages means there is a problem with the file
          if ( pagecount == 0 )
           console.foregroundcolor = consolecolor.red;
           errors += 1;
          // display the formated result on screen
          console.writeline( "{0,4} {1,-10} {2}", pagecount.tostring( ), ( pagecount == 1 ? "page" : "pages" ), file );
          if ( pagecount == 0 )
           console.foregroundcolor = consolecolor.gray;
       // folder doesn't exist
       showerror( "error: folder \"{0}\" not found", folder );
       errors += 1;
      // no match for the regular expression means the filespec was invalid
      showerror( "error: invalid filespec \"{0}\", please specify pdf files only", arg );
      errors += 1;
    catch ( exception e )
     // all other errors: display an error message and then continue
     showerror( "error: {0}", e.message );
     errors += 1;
   if ( errors != 0 )
    showerror( "    {0} finished with {1} error{2}", getexename( ), errors.tostring( ), ( errors == 1 ? "" : "s" ) );
   return errors;
  static string getexename( )
   string exe = application.executablepath.tostring( );
   regex regexp = new regex( @"\\([^\\]+)$" );
   return regexp.split( exe )[1];
  static int pagecount( string filename )
   regex regexp = new regex( @"\.pdf$", regexoptions.ignorecase );
   if ( regexp.ismatch( filename ) )
     filestream fs = new filestream( filename, filemode.open, fileaccess.read );
     streamreader sr = new streamreader( fs );
     string pdftext = sr.readtoend( );
     regexp = new regex( @"/type\s*/page[^s]" );
     matchcollection matches = regexp.matches( pdftext );
     return matches.count;
    catch ( exception e )
     showerror( "error: {0} ({1})", e.message, filename );
     return -1;
    showerror( "error: {0} is not a pdf file", filename );
    return -1;
  static void showerror( string message, string param1, string param2 = "", string param3 = "" )
   console.error.writeline( );
   console.foregroundcolor = consolecolor.red;
   console.error.writeline( message, param1, param2, param3 );
   console.foregroundcolor = consolecolor.gray;
   console.error.writeline( );
  #region display help text
  static void showhelp( )
   console.error.writeline( );
   console.error.writeline( "{0}, version 1.02", getexename( ) );
   console.error.writeline( "return the page count for the specified pdf file(s)" );
   console.error.writeline( );
   console.error.writeline( "usage: {0} filespec [ filespec [ filespec [ ... ] ] ]", getexename( ).toupper( ) );
   console.error.writeline( );
   console.error.writeline( "where: \"filespec\"  is a file specification for the pdf file(s) to" );
   console.error.writeline( "       be listed (wildcards * and ? are allowed)" );
   console.error.writeline( );
   console.error.writeline( "note:  the program's return code equals the number of errors encountered." );
   console.error.writeline( );
   console.error.writeline( "written by rob van der woude" );
