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程序员文章站 2022-06-11 12:10:47
1 前言 今天我们学习一下如何为你的视图创建一个仿射缩放变换并使用 uiview 的动画方法来执行缩放变换。 2 代码实例 zyviewcontroller.m: [p...

1 前言
今天我们学习一下如何为你的视图创建一个仿射缩放变换并使用 uiview 的动画方法来执行缩放变换。

2 代码实例

[plain]  - (void)viewdidload 

    [super viewdidload]; 
    // do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib. 
    uiimage *xcodeimage = [uiimage imagenamed:@"xcode.png"]; 
    self.xcodeimageview = [[uiimageview alloc] initwithimage:xcodeimage]; 
    [self.xcodeimageview setframe:cgrectmake(0.0f,0.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f)]; 
    self.view.backgroundcolor = [uicolor whitecolor]; 
    [self.view addsubview:self.xcodeimageview]; 

- (void) viewdidappear:(bool)paramanimated{ [super viewdidappear:paramanimated]; 
    /* place the image view at the center of the view of this view controller */ 
    self.xcodeimageview.center = self.view.center; 
    self.xcodeimageview.transform = cgaffinetransformidentity; 
    /* begin the animation */ 
    [uiview beginanimations:nil context:null]; 
    /* make the animation 5 seconds long */ 
    [uiview setanimationduration:5.0f]; 
    self.xcodeimageview.transform = cgaffinetransformmakescale(2.0f, 2.0f); 
    /* commit the animation */ 
    [uiview commitanimations];