visual studio 2010
3.1 建立连接
beginaccept(asynccallback asynccallback, ojbect state)
//定义ip地址 ipaddress local = ipaddress.parse("127.0,0,1"); ipendpoint iep = new ipendpoint(local,13000); //创建服务器的socket对象 socket server = new socket(addressfamily.internetwork,sockettype.stream,protocoltype.tcp); server.bind(iep); server.listen(20); server.beginaccecpt(new asynccallback(accept),server);
该方法参数列表为 socket endaccept(iasyncresult iar)
void accept(iasyncresult iar) { //还原传入的原始套接字 socket myserver = (socket)iar.asyncstate; //在原始套接字上调用endaccept方法,返回新的套接字 socket service = myserver.endaccept(iar); }
socket socket=new socket(addressfamily.internetwork,sockettype.stream,protocoltype.tcp) ipaddress ip=ipaddress.parse(""); ipendpoint iep=new ipendpoint(ip,13000); socket.beginconnect(iep, new asynccallback(connect),socket);
void connect(iasyncresult iar) { socket client=(socket)iar.asyncstate; try { client.endconnect(iar); } catch (exception e) { console.writeline(e.tostring()); } finally { } }
public static void dobeginaccept(tcplistener listner) { //开始从客户端监听连接 console.writeline("waitting for a connection"); //接收连接 //开始准备接入新的连接,一旦有新连接尝试则调用回调函数doaccepttcpcliet listner.beginaccepttcpclient(new asynccallback(doaccepttcpcliet), listner); } //处理客户端的连接 public static void doaccepttcpcliet(iasyncresult iar) { //还原原始的tcplistner对象 tcplistener listener = (tcplistener)iar.asyncstate; //完成连接的动作,并返回新的tcpclient tcpclient client = listener.endaccepttcpclient(iar); console.writeline("连接成功"); }
public void dobeginconnect(iasyncresult iar) { socket client=(socket)iar.asyncstate; //开始与远程主机进行连接 client.beginconnect(serverip[0],13000,requestcallback,client); console.writeline("开始与服务器进行连接"); } private void requestcallback(iasyncresult iar) { try { //还原原始的tcpclient对象 tcpclient client=(tcpclient)iar.asyncstate; // client.endconnect(iar); console.writeline("与服务器{0}连接成功",client.client.remoteendpoint); } catch(exception e) { console.writeline(e.tostring()); } finally { } }
3.2 发送与接受数据
private static void send(socket handler, string data) { // convert the string data to byte data using ascii encoding. byte[] bytedata = encoding.ascii.getbytes(data); // begin sending the data to the remote device. handler.beginsend(bytedata, 0, bytedata.length, 0, new asynccallback(sendcallback), handler); } private static void sendcallback(iasyncresult ar) { try { // retrieve the socket from the state object. socket handler = (socket)ar.asyncstate; // complete sending the data to the remote device. int bytessent = handler.endsend(ar); console.writeline("sent {0} bytes to client.", bytessent); handler.shutdown(socketshutdown.both); handler.close(); } catch (exception e) { console.writeline(e.tostring()); } }
private static void receive(socket client) { try { // create the state object. stateobject state = new stateobject(); state.worksocket = client; // begin receiving the data from the remote device. client.beginreceive(state.buffer, 0, stateobject.buffersize, 0, new asynccallback(receivecallback), state); } catch (exception e) { console.writeline(e.tostring()); } } private static void receivecallback(iasyncresult ar) { try { // retrieve the state object and the client socket // from the asynchronous state object. stateobject state = (stateobject)ar.asyncstate; socket client = state.worksocket; // read data from the remote device. int bytesread = client.endreceive(ar); if (bytesread > 0) { // there might be more data, so store the data received so far. state.sb.append(encoding.ascii.getstring(state.buffer, 0, bytesread)); // get the rest of the data. client.beginreceive(state.buffer, 0, stateobject.buffersize, 0, new asynccallback(receivecallback), state); } else { // all the data has arrived; put it in response. if (state.sb.length > 1) { response = state.sb.tostring(); } // signal that all bytes have been received. receivedone.set(); } } catch (exception e) { console.writeline(e.tostring()); } }
static void datahandle(tcpclient client) { tcpclient tcpclient = client; //使用tcpclient的getstream方法获取网络流 networkstream ns = tcpclient.getstream(); //检查网络流是否可读 if(ns.canread) { //定义缓冲区 byte[] read = new byte[1024]; ns.beginread(read,0,read.length,new asynccallback(myreadcallback),ns); } else { console.writeline("无法从网络中读取流数据"); } } public static void myreadcallback(iasyncresult iar) { networkstream ns = (networkstream)iar.asyncstate; byte[] read = new byte[1024]; string data = ""; int recv; recv = ns.endread(iar); data = string.concat(data, encoding.ascii.getstring(read, 0, recv)); //接收到的消息长度可能大于缓冲区总大小,反复循环直到读完为止 while (ns.dataavailable) { ns.beginread(read, 0, read.length, new asynccallback(myreadcallback), ns); } //打印 console.writeline("您收到的信息是" + data); }
3.3 程序阻塞与异步中的同步问题
public static void startlistening() { // data buffer for incoming data. byte[] bytes = new byte[1024]; // establish the local endpoint for the socket. // the dns name of the computer // running the listener is "host.contoso.com". //iphostentry iphostinfo = dns.resolve(dns.gethostname()); //ipaddress ipaddress = iphostinfo.addresslist[0]; ipaddress ipaddress = ipaddress.parse(""); ipendpoint localendpoint = new ipendpoint(ipaddress, 11000); // create a tcp/ip socket. socket listener = new socket(addressfamily.internetwork,sockettype.stream, protocoltype.tcp); // bind the socket to the local //endpoint and listen for incoming connections. try { listener.bind(localendpoint); listener.listen(100); while (true) { // set the event to nonsignaled state. alldone.reset(); // start an asynchronous socket to listen for connections. console.writeline("waiting for a connection..."); listener.beginaccept(new asynccallback(acceptcallback),listener); // wait until a connection is made before continuing. alldone.waitone(); } } catch (exception e) { console.writeline(e.tostring()); } console.writeline("\npress enter to continue..."); console.read(); }
using system; using system.net; using system.net.sockets; using system.text; using system.threading; // state object for reading client data asynchronously public class stateobject { // client socket. public socket worksocket = null; // size of receive buffer. public const int buffersize = 1024; // receive buffer. public byte[] buffer = new byte[buffersize]; // received data string. public stringbuilder sb = new stringbuilder(); } public class asynchronoussocketlistener { // thread signal. public static manualresetevent alldone = new manualresetevent(false); public asynchronoussocketlistener() { } public static void startlistening() { // data buffer for incoming data. byte[] bytes = new byte[1024]; // establish the local endpoint for the socket. // the dns name of the computer // running the listener is "host.contoso.com". //iphostentry iphostinfo = dns.resolve(dns.gethostname()); //ipaddress ipaddress = iphostinfo.addresslist[0]; ipaddress ipaddress = ipaddress.parse(""); ipendpoint localendpoint = new ipendpoint(ipaddress, 11000); // create a tcp/ip socket. socket listener = new socket(addressfamily.internetwork,sockettype.stream, protocoltype.tcp); // bind the socket to the local //endpoint and listen for incoming connections. try { listener.bind(localendpoint); listener.listen(100); while (true) { // set the event to nonsignaled state. alldone.reset(); // start an asynchronous socket to listen for connections. console.writeline("waiting for a connection..."); listener.beginaccept(new asynccallback(acceptcallback),listener); // wait until a connection is made before continuing. alldone.waitone(); } } catch (exception e) { console.writeline(e.tostring()); } console.writeline("\npress enter to continue..."); console.read(); } public static void acceptcallback(iasyncresult ar) { // signal the main thread to continue. alldone.set(); // get the socket that handles the client request. socket listener = (socket)ar.asyncstate; socket handler = listener.endaccept(ar); // create the state object. stateobject state = new stateobject(); state.worksocket = handler; handler.beginreceive(state.buffer, 0, stateobject.buffersize, 0, new asynccallback(readcallback), state); } public static void readcallback(iasyncresult ar) { string content = string.empty; // retrieve the state object and the handler socket // from the asynchronous state object. stateobject state = (stateobject)ar.asyncstate; socket handler = state.worksocket; // read data from the client socket. int bytesread = handler.endreceive(ar); if (bytesread > 0) { // there might be more data, so store the data received so far. state.sb.append(encoding.ascii.getstring(state.buffer, 0, bytesread)); // check for end-of-file tag. if it is not there, read // more data. content = state.sb.tostring(); if (content.indexof("<eof>") > -1) { // all the data has been read from the // client. display it on the console. console.writeline("read {0} bytes from socket. \n data : {1}", content.length, content); // echo the data back to the client. send(handler, content); } else { // not all data received. get more. handler.beginreceive(state.buffer, 0, stateobject.buffersize, 0, new asynccallback(readcallback), state); } } } private static void send(socket handler, string data) { // convert the string data to byte data using ascii encoding. byte[] bytedata = encoding.ascii.getbytes(data); // begin sending the data to the remote device. handler.beginsend(bytedata, 0, bytedata.length, 0, new asynccallback(sendcallback), handler); } private static void sendcallback(iasyncresult ar) { try { // retrieve the socket from the state object. socket handler = (socket)ar.asyncstate; // complete sending the data to the remote device. int bytessent = handler.endsend(ar); console.writeline("sent {0} bytes to client.", bytessent); handler.shutdown(socketshutdown.both); handler.close(); } catch (exception e) { console.writeline(e.tostring()); } } public static int main(string[] args) { startlistening(); return 0; } }
using system; using system.net; using system.net.sockets; using system.threading; using system.text; // state object for receiving data from remote device. public class stateobject { // client socket. public socket worksocket = null; // size of receive buffer. public const int buffersize = 256; // receive buffer. public byte[] buffer = new byte[buffersize]; // received data string. public stringbuilder sb = new stringbuilder(); } public class asynchronousclient { // the port number for the remote device. private const int port = 11000; // manualresetevent instances signal completion. private static manualresetevent connectdone = new manualresetevent(false); private static manualresetevent senddone = new manualresetevent(false); private static manualresetevent receivedone = new manualresetevent(false); // the response from the remote device. private static string response = string.empty; private static void startclient() { // connect to a remote device. try { // establish the remote endpoint for the socket. // the name of the // remote device is "host.contoso.com". //iphostentry iphostinfo = dns.resolve("user"); //ipaddress ipaddress = iphostinfo.addresslist[0]; ipaddress ipaddress = ipaddress.parse(""); ipendpoint remoteep = new ipendpoint(ipaddress, port); // create a tcp/ip socket. socket client = new socket(addressfamily.internetwork, sockettype.stream, protocoltype.tcp); // connect to the remote endpoint. client.beginconnect(remoteep, new asynccallback(connectcallback), client); connectdone.waitone(); // send test data to the remote device. send(client, "this is a test<eof>"); senddone.waitone(); // receive the response from the remote device. receive(client); receivedone.waitone(); // write the response to the console. console.writeline("response received : {0}", response); // release the socket. client.shutdown(socketshutdown.both); client.close(); console.readline(); } catch (exception e) { console.writeline(e.tostring()); } } private static void connectcallback(iasyncresult ar) { try { // retrieve the socket from the state object. socket client = (socket)ar.asyncstate; // complete the connection. client.endconnect(ar); console.writeline("socket connected to {0}", client.remoteendpoint.tostring()); // signal that the connection has been made. connectdone.set(); } catch (exception e) { console.writeline(e.tostring()); } } private static void receive(socket client) { try { // create the state object. stateobject state = new stateobject(); state.worksocket = client; // begin receiving the data from the remote device. client.beginreceive(state.buffer, 0, stateobject.buffersize, 0, new asynccallback(receivecallback), state); } catch (exception e) { console.writeline(e.tostring()); } } private static void receivecallback(iasyncresult ar) { try { // retrieve the state object and the client socket // from the asynchronous state object. stateobject state = (stateobject)ar.asyncstate; socket client = state.worksocket; // read data from the remote device. int bytesread = client.endreceive(ar); if (bytesread > 0) { // there might be more data, so store the data received so far. state.sb.append(encoding.ascii.getstring(state.buffer, 0, bytesread)); // get the rest of the data. client.beginreceive(state.buffer, 0, stateobject.buffersize, 0, new asynccallback(receivecallback), state); } else { // all the data has arrived; put it in response. if (state.sb.length > 1) { response = state.sb.tostring(); } // signal that all bytes have been received. receivedone.set(); } } catch (exception e) { console.writeline(e.tostring()); } } private static void send(socket client, string data) { // convert the string data to byte data using ascii encoding. byte[] bytedata = encoding.ascii.getbytes(data); // begin sending the data to the remote device. client.beginsend(bytedata, 0, bytedata.length, 0, new asynccallback(sendcallback), client); } private static void sendcallback(iasyncresult ar) { try { // retrieve the socket from the state object. socket client = (socket)ar.asyncstate; // complete sending the data to the remote device. int bytessent = client.endsend(ar); console.writeline("sent {0} bytes to server.", bytessent); // signal that all bytes have been sent. senddone.set(); } catch (exception e) { console.writeline(e.tostring()); } } public static int main(string[] args) { startclient(); return 0; } }
图1 服务器端界面
图2 客户端界面
上一篇: C# 绘制统计图大全(柱状图, 折线图, 扇形图)
下一篇: C#实现手机拍照并且保存水印照片