webapi 导入excel处理数据
2022-06-05 20:30:17
参考资料 https://blog.csdn.net/pan_junbiao/article/details/82935992 https://www.cnblogs.com/dansediao/p/5482467.html https://www.cnblogs.com/shiyh/p/74782 ......
using system; using system.collections.generic; using system.data; using system.io; using system.reflection; using npoi.hssf.usermodel; using npoi.ss.usermodel; using npoi.ss.util; using npoi.xssf.usermodel; namespace elearning.common.extensions { public static class excelhelp { /// <summary> /// excel文件流转化成datatable /// </summary> public static datatable exceltotableforxlsx(stream filestream, bool havenote = false) { var dt = new datatable(); using (var fs = filestream) { var xssfworkbook = new xssfworkbook(fs); var sheet = xssfworkbook.getsheetat(0); //表头 判断是否包含备注 var firstrownum = sheet.firstrownum; if (havenote) { firstrownum += 1; } var header = sheet.getrow(firstrownum); var columns = new list<int>(); for (var i = 0; i < header.lastcellnum; i++) { var obj = getvaluetypeforxlsx(header.getcell(i) as xssfcell); if (obj == null || obj.tostring() == string.empty) { dt.columns.add(new datacolumn("columns" + i.tostring())); //continue; } else dt.columns.add(new datacolumn(obj.tostring())); columns.add(i); } //数据 for (var i = firstrownum + 1; i <= sheet.lastrownum; i++) { var dr = dt.newrow(); var hasvalue = false; if (sheet.getrow(i) == null) { continue; } foreach (var j in columns) { var cell = sheet.getrow(i).getcell(j); if (cell != null && cell.celltype == celltype.numeric) { //npoi中数字和日期都是numeric类型的,这里对其进行判断是否是日期类型 if (dateutil.iscelldateformatted(cell)) //日期类型 { dr[j] = cell.datecellvalue; } else //其他数字类型 { dr[j] = cell.numericcellvalue; } } else { dr[j] = getvaluetypeforxlsx(sheet.getrow(i).getcell(j) as xssfcell); } if (dr[j] != null && dr[j].tostring() != string.empty) { hasvalue = true; } } if (hasvalue) { dt.rows.add(dr); } } } return dt; } /// <summary> /// 获取单元格类型(xlsx) /// </summary> /// <param name="cell"></param> /// <returns></returns> private static object getvaluetypeforxlsx(xssfcell cell) { if (cell == null) return null; switch (cell.celltype) { case celltype.blank: //blank: return null; case celltype.boolean: //boolean: return cell.booleancellvalue; case celltype.numeric: //numeric: return cell.numericcellvalue; case celltype.string: //string: return cell.stringcellvalue; case celltype.error: //error: return cell.errorcellvalue; case celltype.formula: //formula: default: return "=" + cell.cellformula; } } #region 转化实体为datatable /// <summary> /// convert a list{t} to a datatable. /// </summary> public static datatable todatatable<t>(this list<t> items) { var tb = new datatable(typeof(t).name); propertyinfo[] props = typeof(t).getproperties(bindingflags.public | bindingflags.instance); foreach (propertyinfo prop in props) { type t = getcoretype(prop.propertytype); tb.columns.add(prop.name, t); } foreach (t item in items) { var values = new object[props.length]; for (int i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { values[i] = props[i].getvalue(item, null); } tb.rows.add(values); } return tb; } /// <summary> /// return underlying type if type is nullable otherwise return the type /// </summary> public static type getcoretype(type t) { if (t != null && isnullable(t)) { if (!t.isvaluetype) { return t; } else { return nullable.getunderlyingtype(t); } } else { return t; } } /// <summary> /// determine of specified type is nullable /// </summary> public static bool isnullable(type t) { return !t.isvaluetype || (t.isgenerictype && t.getgenerictypedefinition() == typeof(nullable<>)); } #endregion #region datatable to list /// <summary> /// datatable转成list /// </summary> public static list<t> todatalist<t>(this datatable dt) { var list = new list<t>(); var plist = new list<propertyinfo>(typeof(t).getproperties()); foreach (datarow item in dt.rows) { var s = activator.createinstance<t>(); for (var i = 0; i < dt.columns.count; i++) { var info = plist.find(p => p.name == dt.columns[i].columnname); if (info != null) { try { if (!convert.isdbnull(item[i])) { object v = null; if (info.propertytype.tostring().contains("system.nullable")) { v = convert.changetype(item[i], nullable.getunderlyingtype(info.propertytype)); } else { v = convert.changetype(item[i], info.propertytype); } info.setvalue(s, v, null); } } catch (exception ex) { throw new exception("字段[" + info.name + "]转换出错," + ex.message); } } } list.add(s); } return list; } #endregion } }
using system; using system.configuration; using system.data; using system.data.sqlclient; namespace elearning.common.helpers { public class sqlbulkcopyhelper { public static void savetable(datatable dttable) { var connectionstring = configurationmanager.connectionstrings["connectionstring"].tostring(); var sbc = new sqlbulkcopy(connectionstring, sqlbulkcopyoptions.useinternaltransaction) {bulkcopytimeout = 5000}; try { sbc.destinationtablename = dttable.tablename; sbc.writetoserver(dttable); } catch (exception ex) { //处理异常 } finally { //sqlcmd.clone(); //srcconnection.close(); //desconnection.close(); } } } }
/// <summary> /// 导入用户视图模型 /// </summary> public class insertadminusersviewmodel { public string 性别 { set; get; } public string 出生日期 { set; get; } public string 身份证号 { set; get; } public string 经销商名称 { set; get; } public string 经销商岗位 { set; get; } public string 更新时间 { set; get; } }
/// <summary> /// 导入用户 /// </summary> [httppost, route("api/user/insertadminusers")] [allowanonymous] public object insertadminusers() { var filelist = httpcontext.current.request.files; var users = new list<insertadminusersviewmodel>(); if (filelist.count > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < filelist.count; i++) { var file = filelist[i]; var datatable = excelhelp.exceltotableforxlsx(file.inputstream);//excel转成datatable users = datatable.todatalist<insertadminusersviewmodel>();//datatable转成list } } var succe = new list<esysuser>(); var faile = new list<esysuser>(); var names = userservice.findlist(u => !u.isdelete).select(u => u.loginname).tolist(); //数据list转成数据库实体对应的list foreach (var u in users) { if (string.isnullorempty(u.状态) || !u.状态.equals("1")) continue; var s = new esysuser { createtime = datetime.now, birthday = datetime.parseexact(u.出生日期, "yyyymmdd", cultureinfo.currentculture), email = string.empty, isdelete = false, modifytime = datetime.parseexact(u.更新时间, "yyyymmddhhmmssfff", cultureinfo.currentculture), userid = guidutil.newsequentialid(), username = u.职员名称, usertype = "jxs", unumber = u.职员代码, agentjobname = u.经销商岗位, agentname = u.经销商名称. cardno = u.身份证号 }; if (!string.isnullorempty(s.cardno) && s.cardno.length > 14) { var str = s.cardno.substring(6, 8); try { s.birthday = datetime.parseexact(str, "yyyymmdd", cultureinfo.currentculture); } catch (exception e) { console.writeline(e); } } var t = names.where(f => f == s.loginname); var p1 = succe.where(o => o.loginname == s.loginname); if (t.any() || p1.any()) { s.remark = "登录名重复"; faile.add(s); } else { succe.add(s); } } var dt = succe.todatatable();//转成 sqlbulkcopy所需要的类型:datatable if (string.isnullorempty(dt.tablename)) dt.tablename = "esysuser"; var r = succe.count; sqlbulkcopyhelper.savetable(dt);//批量插入 var list = new { succeed = succe.take(100).tolist(), failed = faile.take(100).tolist() }; //数据太多的话,浏览器会崩溃 return ok(list); }
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webapi 导入excel处理数据
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ASP 循环导入导出数据处理 不使用缓存