2022-06-03 19:00:20
using system;
using system.directorys...
using system; using system.directoryservices; using system.collections; namespace iismanagement { /// <summary> /// iismanager 的摘要说明。 /// </summary> public class iismanager { //定义需要使用的 private string _server,_website; private virtualdirectories _virdirs; protected system.directoryservices.directoryentry rootfolder; private bool _batchflag; public iismanager() { //默认情况下使用localhost,即访问本地机 _server = "localhost"; _website = "1"; _batchflag = false; } public iismanager(string strserver) { _server = strserver; _website = "1"; _batchflag = false; } /// <summary> /// 定义公共属性 /// </summary> //server属性定义访问机器的名字,可以是ip与计算名 public string server { get{ return _server;} set{ _server = value;} } //website属性定义,为一数字,为方便,使用string //一般来说第一台主机为1,第二台主机为2,依次类推 public string website { get{ return _website; } set{ _website = value; } } //虚拟目录的名字 public virtualdirectories virdirs { get{ return _virdirs; } set{ _virdirs = value;} } ///<summary> ///定义公共方法 ///</summary> //连接服务器 public void connect() { connecttoserver(); } //为方便重载 public void connect(string strserver) { _server = strserver; connecttoserver(); } //为方便重载 public void connect(string strserver,string strwebsite) { _server = strserver; _website = strwebsite; connecttoserver(); } //判断是否存这个虚拟目录 public bool exists(string strvirdir) { return _virdirs.contains(strvirdir); } //添加一个虚拟目录 public void create(virtualdirectory newdir) { string strpath = "iis://" + _server + "/w3svc/" + _website + "/root/" + newdir.name; if(!_virdirs.contains(newdir.name) || _batchflag ) { try { //加入到root的children集合中去 directoryentry newvirdir = rootfolder.children.add(newdir.name,"iiswebvirtualdir"); newvirdir.invoke("appcreate",true); newvirdir.commitchanges(); rootfolder.commitchanges(); //然后更新数据 updatedirinfo(newvirdir,newdir); } catch(exception ee) { throw new exception(ee.tostring()); } } else { throw new exception("this virtual directory is already exist."); } } //得到一个虚拟目录 public virtualdirectory getvirdir(string strvirdir) { virtualdirectory tmp = null; if(_virdirs.contains(strvirdir)) { tmp = _virdirs.find(strvirdir); ((virtualdirectory)_virdirs[strvirdir]).flag = 2; } else { throw new exception("this virtual directory is not exists"); } return tmp; } //更新一个虚拟目录 public void update(virtualdirectory dir) { //判断需要更改的虚拟目录是否存在 if(_virdirs.contains(dir.name)) { directoryentry ode = rootfolder.children.find(dir.name,"iiswebvirtualdir"); updatedirinfo(ode,dir); } else { throw new exception("this virtual directory is not exists."); } } //删除一个虚拟目录 public void delete(string strvirdir) { if(_virdirs.contains(strvirdir)) { object[] paras = new object[2]; paras[0] = "iiswebvirtualdir"; //表示操作的是虚拟目录 paras[1] = strvirdir; rootfolder.invoke("delete",paras); rootfolder.commitchanges(); } else { throw new exception("can''t delete " + strvirdir + ",because it isn''t exists."); } } //批量更新 public void updatebatch() { batchupdate(_virdirs); } //重载一个:-) public void updatebatch(virtualdirectories vds) { batchupdate(vds); } ///<summary> ///私有方法 ///</summary> //连接服务器 private void connecttoserver() { string strpath = "iis://" + _server + "/w3svc/" + _website +"/root"; try { this.rootfolder = new directoryentry(strpath); _virdirs = getvirdirs(this.rootfolder.children); } catch(exception e) { throw new exception("can''t connect to the server ["+ _server +"] ...",e); } } //执行批量更新 private void batchupdate(virtualdirectories vds) { _batchflag = true; foreach(object item in vds.values) { virtualdirectory vd = (virtualdirectory)item; switch(vd.flag) { case 0: break; case 1: create(vd); break; case 2: update(vd); break; } } _batchflag = false; } //更新东东 private void updatedirinfo(directoryentry de,virtualdirectory vd) { de.properties["anonymoususername"][0] = vd.anonymoususername; de.properties["anonymoususerpass"][0] = vd.anonymoususerpass; de.properties["accessread"][0] = vd.accessread; de.properties["accessexecute"][0] = vd.accessexecute; de.properties["accesswrite"][0] = vd.accesswrite; de.properties["authbasic"][0] = vd.authbasic; de.properties["authntlm"][0] = vd.authntlm; de.properties["contentindexed"][0] = vd.contentindexed; de.properties["enabledefaultdoc"][0] = vd.enabledefaultdoc; de.properties["enabledirbrowsing"][0] = vd.enabledirbrowsing; de.properties["accessssl"][0] = vd.accessssl; de.properties["accessscript"][0] = vd.accessscript; de.properties["defaultdoc"][0] = vd.defaultdoc; de.properties["path"][0] = vd.path; de.commitchanges(); } //获取虚拟目录集合 private virtualdirectories getvirdirs(directoryentries des) { virtualdirectories tmpdirs = new virtualdirectories(); foreach(directoryentry de in des) { if(de.schemaclassname == "iiswebvirtualdir") { virtualdirectory vd = new virtualdirectory(); vd.name = de.name; vd.accessread = (bool)de.properties["accessread"][0]; vd.accessexecute = (bool)de.properties["accessexecute"][0]; vd.accesswrite = (bool)de.properties["accesswrite"][0]; vd.anonymoususername = (string)de.properties["anonymoususername"][0]; vd.anonymoususerpass = (string)de.properties["anonymoususername"][0]; vd.authbasic = (bool)de.properties["authbasic"][0]; vd.authntlm = (bool)de.properties["authntlm"][0]; vd.contentindexed = (bool)de.properties["contentindexed"][0]; vd.enabledefaultdoc = (bool)de.properties["enabledefaultdoc"][0]; vd.enabledirbrowsing = (bool)de.properties["enabledirbrowsing"][0]; vd.accessssl = (bool)de.properties["accessssl"][0]; vd.accessscript = (bool)de.properties["accessscript"][0]; vd.path = (string)de.properties["path"][0]; vd.flag = 0; vd.defaultdoc = (string)de.properties["defaultdoc"][0]; tmpdirs.add(vd.name,vd); } } return tmpdirs; } } <summary> /// virtualdirectory类 /// </summary> public class virtualdirectory { private bool _read,_execute,_script,_ssl,_write,_authbasic,_authntlm,_indexed,_endirbrow,_endefaultdoc; private string _ausername,_auserpass,_name,_path; private int _flag; private string _defaultdoc; /// <summary> /// 构造函数 /// </summary> public virtualdirectory() { setvalue(); } public virtualdirectory(string strvirdirname) { _name = strvirdirname; setvalue(); } private void setvalue() { _read = true;_execute = false;_script = false;_ssl= false;_write=false;_authbasic=false;_authntlm=false; _indexed = false;_endirbrow=false;_endefaultdoc = false; _flag = 1; _defaultdoc = "default.htm,default.aspx,default.asp,index.htm"; _path = "c:\\"; _ausername = "";_auserpass ="";_name=""; } ///<summary> ///定义属性,iisvirtualdir太多属性了 ///我只搞了比较重要的一些,其它的大伙需要的自个加吧。 ///</summary> public int flag { get{ return _flag;} set{ _flag = value;} } public bool accessread { get{ return _read;} set{ _read = value;} } public bool accesswrite { get{ return _write;} set{ _write = value;} } public bool accessexecute { get{ return _execute;} set{ _execute = value;} } public bool accessssl { get{ return _ssl;} set{ _ssl = value;} } public bool accessscript { get{ return _script;} set{ _script = value;} } public bool authbasic { get{ return _authbasic;} set{ _authbasic = value;} } public bool authntlm { get{ return _authntlm;} set{ _authntlm = value;} } public bool contentindexed { get{ return _indexed;} set{ _indexed = value;} } public bool enabledirbrowsing { get{ return _endirbrow;} set{ _endirbrow = value;} } public bool enabledefaultdoc { get{ return _endefaultdoc;} set{ _endefaultdoc = value;} } public string name { get{ return _name;} set{ _name = value;} } public string path { get{ return _path;} set{ _path = value;} } public string defaultdoc { get{ return _defaultdoc;} set{ _defaultdoc = value;} } public string anonymoususername { get{ return _ausername;} set{ _ausername = value;} } public string anonymoususerpass { get{ return _auserpass;} set{ _auserpass = value;} } } /// <summary> /// 集合virtualdirectories /// </summary> public class virtualdirectories : system.collections.hashtable { public virtualdirectories() { } //添加新的方法 public virtualdirectory find(string strname) { return (virtualdirectory)this[strname]; } } }
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