Apahce Wicket 1.4.13 发布
2022-03-09 14:51:55
Wicket 团队很高兴宣布 Apache Wicket 1.4.13 发布。这是 1.4.x (稳定版本) 分支的一个BugFix版本。 下载: http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/wicket/1.4.13 分支: http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/wicket/branches/wicket-1.4.13/ 变更记录: https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=12310561&styleName=Html&version=12315330 使用Maven (推荐使用Wicket的方式): <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.wicket</groupId> <artifactId>wicket</artifactId> <version>1.4.13</version> </dependency> 发布说明 - Wicket - Version 1.4.13 ** Sub-task * [WICKET-3069] - java.rmi not allowed on GAE * [WICKET-3112] - Fix of issue 2886 breaks all individual implementations of any AbstractTree ** Bug * [WICKET-2888] - Nullpointer when inserting [i.e. moving] a node in a TreeTable (AbstactTree, treeNodesInserted) * [WICKET-2912] - IE 8 gets 404 error after continueToOriginalDestination() when app is at root context * [WICKET-3052] - HybridUrlCodingStrategy probably uses wrong url encoding * [WICKET-3057] - NPE when deleting a TreeNode with visible children * [WICKET-3061] - Whole page returns 404 when resource cannot be found * [WICKET-3072] - Deleting only child of collapsed tree node doesn't update the node * [WICKET-3074] - CreditCardValidator throws NumberFormatException on non-numeric characters. * [WICKET-3075] - AJAX file upload fails in IE8 due to Wicket.Ajax.handleMultipart() sniffing wicket:body tags as an HTML body element when running Wicket in development mode * [WICKET-3076] - UrlUtils.isRelative returns false if URL parameter contains an absolute URL * [WICKET-3083] - Broken AbstarctCalendar dependency * [WICKET-3084] - CharSetUtil.getEncoding fails with an IndexOutOfBoundsException * [WICKET-3087] - Form inside ModalWindow causes 'Submit Button not visible' exception in parent page's form * [WICKET-3095] - Adding AjaxFormSubmitBehavior to Form leads to "Error: too much recursion" JS Error * [WICKET-3098] - AjaxEventBehavior#onEvent is invoked on disabled behavior * [WICKET-3102] - WicketTester does not handle startPage(ITestPageSource) that contains a redirect/setResponsePage correctly * [WICKET-3106] - Security: Possible Redirection to foreign Page by using BrowserInfoPage's PageParameter * [WICKET-3108] - Problems with page maps stored in session * [WICKET-3116] - class cast exception * [WICKET-3119] - Localizer cache does not include style in cache key when no component is given * [WICKET-3120] - AbstractHttpSessionStore.bind throws null pointer exception * [WICKET-3127] - Adding node to a collapsed tree node should not cause it to expand ** Improvement * [WICKET-1779] - Palette component - make image URLs part of CSS * [WICKET-1936] - Client-Side Image Map * [WICKET-2776] - Enhancing RadioChoice input items with individual title and css class attributes * [WICKET-2937] - AbstractPropertyModel getObjectClass don't consider nested IObjectClassAwareModel targets * [WICKET-3055] - Application fails to start when disk access is denied * [WICKET-3056] - Upgrade pom reference for joda-time from 1.6 to 1.6.2 * [WICKET-3071] - Upgrade maven plugins and non-essential dependencies to newest version * [WICKET-3089] - onBeforeRender in NextButton should not be final * [WICKET-3090] - Make SecondLevelCacheSessionStore and its SecondLevelCachePageMap reusable * [WICKET-3128] - FormComponentLabel should open open-close tags like Label does ** New Feature * [WICKET-3082] - Introduce IComponentOnInitializeListener for cross-cutting concerns
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下一篇: Ajax实例
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