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Seam 3.0 正式发布

程序员文章站 2022-03-09 14:52:01

Seam 开发团队宣布 Seam 3.0 正式发布。该版本被称为Seam有史以来一个及其卓越的里程碑。


Seam 是一系列 Java EE 6 的可移植扩展和工具集合。通过整合一系列的某一特定领域的功能模块,使开发者能够创建丰富的标准互联网应用这种模块化设计还允许用户基于其项目需求的选择使用相应的模块而不必全部采用一个大型的整体框架


下表是Seam 3.0中所有的模块列表,包括它们特性的简要描述。


Solder Provides a collection of useful features for portable extension developers, and generally useful annotations and more for CDI-based applications.
Catch Provides a simple infrastructure based on the CDI event bus to allow developers to establish a unified and robust exception handling process.
Config Provides the capability to configure beans via alternate bean metadata sources, such as an XML-based configuration file.
Faces Further unifies JSF and CDI by providing additional features not defined by the specification, and provides JSF integration with other Seam modules.
International Provides a set of language and locale-based features to allow complete internationalization of your internet application.
Persistence Enables transactions and persistence features for managed beans, and provides a simplified transaction API.
Remoting Allows web-based applications to interact with the server-side component model via AJAX.
REST Provides JAX-RS integration for your Seam-based application.
Security Authentication and authorization services for your Java EE6 application.
Servlet Unifies the Servlet and CDI programming models via an event bridge, and provides producers for implicit Servlet objects.
Validation Provides enhanced validation features based on Hibernate Validator.
Wicket Integrates the CDI programming model and other portable Seam enhancements with Apache Wicket.







Bundled distribution: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jboss/files/Seam/3/3.0.0.Final/

Individual module downloads: http://www.seamframework.org/Seam3/Downloads

相关标签: Seam