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Mysql Left Join Where On

程序员文章站 2022-05-29 18:23:54

select t1.id,t2.id from t1 left join t2 on t1.id = t2.id and t1.id 1 and t2.id 3 在mysql的left join中条件放在on后面和在where后面是不同的; 1. on后面只针对于t2表进行过滤,所以上面的 t1.id1 将不起作用,切记,切记; 2. where后面会对最终结果产

select t1.id,t2.id
from t1
left join t2 on t1.id = t2.id and t1.id>1 and t2.id3

在mysql的left join中条件放在on后面和在where后面是不同的;

1. on后面只针对于t2表进行过滤,所以上面的t1.id>1将不起作用,切记,切记;

2. where后面会对最终结果产生影响,所以如果t2.id3放到on后面和where后面也是会返回不同的结果;


select * from test2
left join test1 on test2.id = test1.id and test1.id3
where test2.id 6;
select * from test2
left join test1 on test2.id = test1.id
where test2.id 6 and test1.id3;