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程序员文章站 2022-03-08 13:10:32


#Generated by Maven
#Sat Jun 25 09:40:37 CST 2016

 第一行 是固定的,第二行是打包时候的时间戳。


这个代码的出现是由于java.util.Properties类的store(Writer writer, String comments)方法中有一行

bw.write("#" + new Date().toString());





Oracle's implementation of store() does write the stupid new Date().toString()



Stupid hack: write the properties to a StringWriter, 
iterate with a BufferedReader and drop all comments, 
finall write real content to the target file.


    博客分类: 血泪体验maven  


75 	    private void createPropertiesFile( MavenSession session, Properties properties, File outputFile,
76 	                                       boolean forceCreation )
77 	        throws IOException
78 	    {
79 	        File outputDir = outputFile.getParentFile();
80 	        if ( outputDir != null && !outputDir.isDirectory() && !outputDir.mkdirs() )
81 	        {
82 	            throw new IOException( "Failed to create directory: " + outputDir );
83 	        }
84 	        if ( !forceCreation && sameContents( properties, outputFile ) )
85 	        {
86 	            return;
87 	        }
88 	        OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream( outputFile );
89 	        try
90 	        {
91 	            String createdBy = CREATED_BY_MAVEN;
92 	            if ( session != null ) // can be null due to API backwards compatibility
93 	            {
94 	                String mavenVersion = session.getSystemProperties().getProperty( "maven.version" );
95 	                if ( mavenVersion != null )
96 	                {
97 	                    createdBy += " " + mavenVersion;
98 	                }
99 	            }
101 	            properties.store( os, createdBy );
102 	            os.close(); // stream is flushed but not closed by Properties.store()
103 	            os = null;
104 	        }
105 	        finally
106 	        {
107 	            IOUtil.close( os );
108 	        }
109 	    }



77          private void createPropertiesFile( MavenSession session, Properties properties, File outputFile,
78 	                                       boolean forceCreation )
79 	        throws IOException
80 	    {
81 	        File outputDir = outputFile.getParentFile();
82 	        if ( outputDir != null && !outputDir.isDirectory() && !outputDir.mkdirs() )
83 	        {
84 	            throw new IOException( "Failed to create directory: " + outputDir );
85 	        }
86 	        if ( !forceCreation && sameContents( properties, outputFile ) )
87 	        {
88 	            return;
89 	        }
90 	        PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter( outputFile, "ISO-8859-1" );
91 	        try
92 	        {
93 	            String createdBy = CREATED_BY_MAVEN;
94 	            if ( session != null ) // can be null due to API backwards compatibility
95 	            {
96 	                String mavenVersion = session.getSystemProperties().getProperty( "maven.version" );
97 	                if ( mavenVersion != null )
98 	                {
99 	                    createdBy += " " + mavenVersion;
100 	                }
101 	            }
103 	            StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
104 	            properties.store( sw, null );
106 	            BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader( new StringReader( sw.toString() ) );
108 	            pw.println( "#" + createdBy );
109 	            String line;
110 	            while ( ( line = r.readLine() ) != null )
111 	            {
112 	                if ( !line.startsWith( "#" ) )
113 	                {
114 	                    pw.println( line );
115 	                }
116 	            }
118 	            r.close();
119 	            r = null;
120 	            sw.close();
121 	            sw = null;
122 	            pw.close();
123 	            pw = null;
124 	        }
125 	        finally
126 	        {
127 	            IOUtil.close( pw );
128 	        }
129 	    }

 这里主要是对注释的处理,正文内容的处理在方法public void createPomProperties()中。




  • maven打包后pom.properties中的注释问题
    博客分类: 血泪体验maven  
  • 大小: 31.4 KB