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程序员文章站 2022-05-19 08:10:42

这些问题基于eXtremeDB 4.5 1776 1, Ifthe asynchonous event happened 100 times in a short period, would all the 100events would be handled sequentially? 100个异步event同时发生是否都能被处理(即若一个异步事件还在响应中,又来了数个新的异步事

这些问题基于eXtremeDB 4.5 1776

1, Ifthe asynchonous event happened 100 times in a short period, would all the 100events would be handled sequentially?


Eventshave a semantics and behavior of a a unix-style signals。如果没有处理,就会丢失,可以考虑TL选项来协同处理。

2,Dothe XML interface have any specific requirements about the data precision? CouldeXtremeDB support the XSD ?



3, How is the sniffer recover the dead transaction? What is theprocedure?


This function inspects the state of allconnections to the database using the

provided user's callback function. Itperforms database recovery if dead

connections were detected. The callbackuser defined function must implement

logic (using OS, timeout, watchdogs,...) todetect dead database connections. If

this callback returns MCO_S_DEAD_CONNECTIONthen recovery of the

database will be performed according to thesniffer policy specified.

The following enum defines sniffer policy(when sniffer should call user's

callback to check status of connection):

typedef enum mco_sniffer_policy {




} mco_sniffer_policy;

The following typedef defines the usercallback which detects dead connections:

typedef MCO_RET (*mco_sniffer_callback_t)

(mco_db_h db,

void* context,

mco_trans_counter_t trans_no);

Nothing should be done to affect the inputparameters. These parameters are:

db: database connection handle.

context: user defined connection context.From the eXtremeDB point of view

this is opaque data of size MCO_CFG_CONNECTION_CONEXT_SIZEwhich is filled by

mco_db_connect_ctx() function.

trans_no: number of active transaction (0if there is no active transaction) .

It should return MCO_S_DEAD_CONNECTION toforce database recovery or

MCO_S_OK if the connection is ok; any otherreturn code will cause

mco_db_sniffer() to interrupt and returnthis error code.

如果有MCO_S_DEAD_CONNECTION,就会自动调用mco_db_recover( mco_db_h db,mco_db_h recover_db ); Normally adatabase that was not properly closed (perhaps after a system crash) will berecovered automatically during the mco_db_open_dev(). This function allows anapplication to explicitly recover a database.


4, Kernelveriosn could support vxworks 653?



5, Whatthe steps need to port th1e eXtremeDB from 3.5 to 4.5?



6, What is the meaning of Mcocomp –f option?

Mcocomp –f 这个参数什么意思?


7, Couldthe database created with eXtremeDB 3.5 be opened by runtime of 4.5?

