Order By 的使用
一个sql中,union了几个子查询。单独执行每个子查询都没问题,但union后执行,报ORA-00904: xxx: invalid identifier,所union
ORA-00904: "xxx": invalid identifier
the diffrence between UNION ALL and UNION is that UNION will attempt to eliminate duplicates.
SELECT supplier_city FROM suppliers WHERE supplier_name = 'IBM' ORDER BY 1 DESC;
This would return all records sorted by the supplier_city field in descending order, since the supplier_city field is in position #1 in the result set.
union中order by的使用:
You have to use the Order By at the end of ALL the unions。
the ORDER BY is considered to apply to the whole UNION result(it's effectively got lower binding priority than the UNION).
The ORDER BY clause just needs to be the last statement, after you've done all your unioning. You can union several sets together, then put an ORDER BY clause after the last set.
所以,只能在union的最后一个子查询中使用order by,而这个order by是针对整个unioning后的结果集的。So:
select supplier_id, supplier_name from suppliers UNION select company_id, company_name from companies ORDER BY ?;
这里的问号如果是company_name,则执行整个查询会报“company_name:invalid identifier”(当然,单独执行第二个含order by的子查询是没有问题的);这是因为unioning后结果集的列名是以第一个参加union的子查询的列名为准的;order by针对的是整个unioning后的结果集。对整个查询结果来说,无”company_name“这个字段
如果是supplier_name,则单独执行第二个含order by的子查询是会报“supplier_name:invalid identifier”的,而执行整个查询是没有问题的,因为order by针对的是unioning后的整个结果集,而这“整个结果集”是有supplier_name这列的(以第一个union子查询的列名作为unioning后整个结果集的列名)
1 使用列序号代替实际列名。如:
select supplier_id, supplier_name from suppliers UNION select company_id, company_name from companies ORDER BY 2;
2 为unoin的各个子查询使用相同的列名,如:
select supplier_id as id, supplier_name as name from suppliers UNION select company_id as id, company_name as name from companies ORDER BY name;
这样,不管是执行整个查询还是单独执行包含order by的最后一个union子查询,都不会有问题。
I have two tables, TableA and TableB defined as follows,
A1 int
A2 int
A3 int
B1 int
B2 int
B3 int
If I try to run this query, SQL Server says syntex failed at the Order By clouse. Is such Order by not allowed in SQL, Any other way to achieve this?
(Select A1, A2 from TableA) Union All (Select B1, B2 from TableB Order by B3)Any help will be appreciated.
First of all, you can not order by a column that is not included in your SELECT list(我注:这句话是错误的;可以order by一个不在select列表中的column). Secondly, when performing a UNION query the ORDER BY clause must be(我注:not “must be”!) a column index not a column name, because a UNION query does not have column headings (although SQL Server(我注:此处泛指DBMS) pretends that it has by picking the column names used in the first queryalthough this is not ANSI compliant]). Assuming you want to order the second column (A2 and B2) your query should look like this:
SELECT A1, A2 FROM TableA UNION ALL SELECT B1, B2 FROM TableB ORDER BY 2Conceptually, ORDER BY works by producing the final query table with all the queries joined together (if it is a UNION query), then it orders the query results and does not care about what is in the database.
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