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Kinect V2开发(7)测量骨骼点高度以及骨骼角度

程序员文章站 2022-05-13 15:08:39

Kinect V2开发(7)测量骨骼点高度以及骨骼角度

Namespace Use DirectX
Header DirectXMath.h

XMVECTOR XMVector3AngleBetweenVectors(
  [in] XMVECTOR V1,
  [in] XMVECTOR V2
);//返回向量V1、V2间的夹角[angle, angle,angle, angle],单位为弧度
DOUBLE CBodyBasics::Angle(const DirectX::XMVECTOR* vec, JointType jointA, JointType jointB, JointType jointC)
    double angle = 0.0;

    XMVECTOR vBA = XMVectorSubtract(vec[jointB], vec[jointA]);
    XMVECTOR vBC = XMVectorSubtract(vec[jointB], vec[jointC]);

    XMVECTOR vAngle = XMVector3AngleBetweenVectors(vBA, vBC);

    angle = XMVectorGetX(vAngle) * 180.0 * XM_1DIVPI;    // XM_1DIVPI: An optimal representation of 1 / π

    return angle;

在获取关节信息后调用,这里测量的是 右肘和右肩连线 与右肘和右腕连线之间的角度

const DirectX::XMVECTOR* vec = filterKinect.GetFilteredJoints();    // Retrive Filtered Joints

                    double angle = Angle(vec, JointType_WristRight, JointType_ElbowRight, JointType_ShoulderRight); // Get ElbowRight joint angle
                    char s[10];
                    sprintf_s(s, "%.0f", angle);
                    string strAngleInfo = s;
                    putText(BodyImg, strAngleInfo, cvPoint(0, 50), CV_FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 0.5, cvScalar(0, 0, 255)); // 屏幕上显示角度信息

Kinect V2开发(7)测量骨骼点高度以及骨骼角度

地面检测的难度比较大,在IBodyFrame类里面有一个get_FloorClipPlane方法,函数的参数是vector4 *floorClipPlane,返回值是HRESULT类型。vector4结构体里有4个float类型的数据成员,分别是x,y,z,w,这4个参数即为地面方程的系数(x,y,z)和常数项(w),将这四个数分别赋值给A,B,C,D,则可得地面方程为
height = Kinect V2开发(7)测量骨骼点高度以及骨骼角度

                    Vector4 vFloorClipPlane;
                    float A, B, C, D;
                    float x, y, z;
                    float baseH;
                    A = vFloorClipPlane.x;
                    B = vFloorClipPlane.y;
                    C = vFloorClipPlane.z;
                    D = vFloorClipPlane.w;
                    x = joints[JointType_SpineBase].Position.X;
                    y = joints[JointType_SpineBase].Position.Y;
                    z = joints[JointType_SpineBase].Position.Z;
                    baseH = (A*x + B*y + C*z + D) / sqrt(pow(A, 2) + pow(B, 2) + pow(C, 2));
                    cout << "JointType_SpineBase的高度是  " << baseH << "\tm" << endl;

Bones Hierarchy:
我们使用骨骼跟踪系统定义的关节来定义骨骼的层次结构。 层次结构以髋关节中心关节作为根,并延伸到脚、头和手:
Kinect V2开发(7)测量骨骼点高度以及骨骼角度


HRESULT = pBody -> GetJointOrientations(_countof(joints), jointOrientations); 


typedef struct _JointOrientation {
    JointType JointType;
    Vector4 Orientation;  // quaternion
} JointOrientation;
  1. 末端节点(Head、HandTip、Thumb、Feet)不含有姿态信息,这些关节返回的四元数各分量都为0:
    Kinect V2开发(7)测量骨骼点高度以及骨骼角度
  2. 所有的关节姿态描述都以摄像机坐标系为参考,当人体站正朝向Kinect时SpineBase关节处的坐标系如下图所示。此时返回的关节四元数理论上应为(w,x,y,z)=(0,0,1,0),对应的Z-Y-X欧拉角为(180°,0,180°)或(0,180°,0)
    Kinect V2开发(7)测量骨骼点高度以及骨骼角度
    1. 关节坐标系的Y轴沿着骨骼的方向,Z轴为骨骼转动轴( Z-axis points to the direction that makes sense for the joint to rotate),X轴与Y轴和Z轴垂直,构成右手坐标系
      Bone direction(Y green) - always matches the skeleton.
      Normal(Z blue) - joint roll, perpendicular to the bone
      Binormal(X red) - perpendicular to the bone and normal
      Kinect V2开发(7)测量骨骼点高度以及骨骼角度

Joint Orientation
Adventures in Motion Capture: Using Kinect Data (Part 1)
Meaning of Rotation Data of K4W v2

相关标签: kinect