2022-05-13 14:45:35
本文实例为大家分享了英文单词统计器php 实现,供大家参考,具体内容如下
程序开始运行, 按"浏览"钮选择一个英文文档, 再按"统计 Statistics"钮, 即可得到按字母顺序列出的所有单词,及其出现的次数
用于测试的数据文档: data.txt
output.php 和 StringTokenizer.php 是 要求在同一个文件夹中的程序
1. words_statistics_PHP.png
2. word.php
0) echo "Error: " . $_FILES["file"]["error"] . "
"; else { $myfile = fopen($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"], "r") or die("Unable to open file!"); $str = fread($myfile,filesize($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"])); $delim = "?\\,. /:!\"()\t\n\r\f%"; $st = new StringTokenizer($str, $delim); echo '找到字符串: '.$st->countTokens(); $list=new LinkedList(); while ($st->hasMoreTokens()) { $list->orderInsert($st->nextToken()); } $list->words_count(); $list->traversal(); fclose($myfile); } } ?>英文文档单词统计 Statistics on English words
程序开始运行, 按"浏览"钮选择一个英文文档, 再按"统计 Statistics"钮, 即可得到按字母顺序列出的所有单词,及其出现的次数
3. output.php
data = $data; //英文字符串 $this->next = $next; //指向后继结点的指针 $this->frequency=$frequency; //英文字符串出现的次数 } } class LinkedList{ private $head; //单链表的头结点,不存储数据 function __construct(){//单链表的构造方法 //头结点的数据为"傀儡", 不代表 任何数据 $this->head = new Node("dummy 傀儡"); $this->first = null; } function isEmpty(){ return ($this->head->next == null); } /* orderInsert($data) 方法, * 按给定字符串 $data 的大小, 将其安插到适当的位置, * 以保证单链表中字符串的存储,始终是有序的。 */ function orderInsert($data){ $p = new Node($data); if($this->isEmpty()){ $this->head->next = $p; } else { $node= $this->find($data); if(!$node){ $q = $this->head; while($q->next != NULL && strcmp($data, $q->next->data)> 0 ){ $q = $q->next; } $p->next = $q->next; $q->next = $p; }else $node->frequency++; } } function insertLast($data){//将字符串插到单链表的尾部 $p = new Node($data); if($this->isEmpty()){ $this->head->next = $p; } else{ $q = $this->head->next; while($q->next != NULL) $q = $q->next; $q->next = $p; } } function find($value){//查询是否有给定的字符串 $q = $this->head->next; while($q->next != null){ if(strcmp($q->data,$value)==0){ break; } $q = $q->next; } if ($q->data == $value) return $q; else return null; } function traversal(){//遍历单链表 if(!$this->isEmpty()){ $p=$this->head->next; echo "输出结果:
".$p->data." 出现次数:".$p->frequency." | ";
while($p->next != null){
echo "".$p->data." 出现次数:".$p->frequency." | ";
if ($n%11==0) echo "
"; else{ $counter=0; $p=$this->head->next; while($p->next != null){ $p=$p->next; $counter++; }; echo "***共有单词 ".$counter." 个***"; } }} ?>
4. StringTokenizer.php
* countTokens().'
'; * while ($st->hasMoreTokens()) { * echo $st->nextToken() . '
'; * } * prints the following output: * Total tokens: 4 * this * is * a * test * ?> * */ class StringTokenizer { /** @var string */ private $string; /** @var string */ private $token; /** @var string */ private $delim; /** * Constructs a string tokenizer for the specified string. * @param string $str String to tokenize * @param string $delim The set of delimiters (the characters that separate tokens) * specified at creation time, default to " \n\r\t\0" */ public function __construct($str, $delim=" \n\r\t\0") { $this->string = $str; $this->delim = $delim; $this->token = strtok($str, $delim); } /** * Destructor to prevent memory leaks */ public function __destruct() { unset($this); } /** * Calculates the number of times that this tokenizer's nextToken method can * be called before it generates an exception * @return int - number of tokens */ public function countTokens() { $counter = 0; while($this->hasMoreTokens()) { $counter++; $this->nextToken(); } $this->token = strtok($this->string, $this->delim); return $counter; } /** * Tests if there are more tokens available from this tokenizer's string. It * does not move the internal pointer in any way. To move the internal pointer * to the next element call nextToken() * @return boolean - true if has more tokens, false otherwise */ public function hasMoreTokens() { return ($this->token !== false); } /** * Returns the next token from this string tokenizer and advances the internal * pointer by one. * @return string - next element in the tokenized string */ public function nextToken() { $hold = $this->token; //hold current pointer value $this->token = strtok($this->delim); //increment pointer return $hold; //return current pointer value } } ?>