ajax是前后端交互的重要手段,ajax的全称是asynchronous javascript and xml(异步javascript和xml);
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; (function () { 2 class project { 3 constructor() { 4 // 获取元素 5 this.tbody=document.queryselector("tbody"); 6 this.addbtn=document.queryselector("#insert"); 7 this.submit=document.queryselector("#send"); 8 this.name = document.getelementbyid("name"); 9 this.cpt = document.getelementbyid("cpt"); 10 this.pen = document.getelementbyid("pen"); 11 // console.log(this.addbtn); 12 this.selecturl = "http://localhost/test/project/php/select.php"; 16 this.select(); 17 } 18 select() { 19 var that = this; 20 ajax({ 21 url: this.selecturl, 22 success: function (res) { 23 // console.log(res); 24 that.res = json.parse(res); 25 if (that.res.code) { 26 alert(that.res.msg); 27 } else { 28 // console.log(that.res); 29 that.display(); 30 } 31 } 32 }); 33 } 34 display() { 35 // console.log(this.res.length); 36 var str = ""; 37 for (var i = 0; i < this.res.length; i++) { 38 str += `<tr> 39 <td>${this.res[i].id}</td> 40 <td>${this.res[i].name}</td> 41 <td>${this.res[i].machine}</td> 42 <td>${this.res[i].examination}</td> 43 <td><span class="btn btn-primary btn-info" ly="delete">删除</span></td> 44 <td><button type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-info" data-toggle="modal" 45 data-target="#examplemodal" data-whatever="@fat" ly="update">修改</button></td> 46 </tr> ` 47 } 48 this.tbody.innerhtml=str; 49 } 50 } 51 new project(); 52 })();
1 <?php 2 $link=@new mysqli("localhost:3306","root","root","test"); 3 if($link->connect_error){ 4 $err = array("code"=>1,"msg"=>$link->connect_error); 5 die(json_encode($err)); 6 } 7 $select="select * from stu"; 8 $res=$link->query($select); 9 if($res){ 10 $str=""; 11 while ($arr=$res->fetch_assoc()) { 12 $str=$str.json_encode($arr).","; 13 } 14 die ("[".substr($str,0,-1)."]"); 15 }else{ 16 $err = array("code"=>2,"msg"=>"失败"); 17 die(json_encode($err)); 18 } 19 ?>
1 ; (function () { 2 class project { 3 constructor() { 4 // 获取元素 5 this.tbody=document.queryselector("tbody"); 6 this.addbtn=document.queryselector("#insert"); 7 this.submit=document.queryselector("#send"); 8 this.name = document.getelementbyid("name"); 9 this.cpt = document.getelementbyid("cpt"); 10 this.pen = document.getelementbyid("pen"); 11 // console.log(this.addbtn); 12 this.selecturl = "http://localhost/test/project/php/select.php"; 13 this.inserturl="http://localhost/test/project/php/insert.php"; 14 this.updateurl="http://localhost/test/project/php/update.php"; 15 16 17 this.type=0; 18 this.select(); 19 this.addevent(); 20 } 21 select() { 22 var that = this; 23 ajax({ 24 url: this.selecturl, 25 success: function (res) { 26 // console.log(res); 27 that.res = json.parse(res); 28 if (that.res.code) { 29 alert(that.res.msg); 30 } else { 31 // console.log(that.res); 32 that.display(); 33 } 34 } 35 }); 36 } 37 addevent(){ 38 var that=this; 39 this.addbtn.addeventlistener("click",function(){ 40 that.type=0; 41 }); 42 this.tbody.addeventlistener("click",function(eve){ 43 var e = eve || window.event; 44 that.target = e.target || e.srcelement; 45 if(that.target.getattribute("y") === "update"){ 46 that.type = 1; 47 that.id=that.target.parentnode.parentnode.children[0].innerhtml; 48 that.name.value=that.target.parentnode.parentnode.children[1].innerhtml; 49 that.cpt.value=that.target.parentnode.parentnode.children[2].innerhtml; 50 that.pen.value=that.target.parentnode.parentnode.children[3].innerhtml; 51 } 52 }); 53 this.submit.addeventlistener("click",function(){ 54 that.n=that.name.value; 55 that.c=that.cpt.value; 56 that.p=that.pen.value; 57 if(that.type==0){ 58 that.name.value=that.cpt.value=that.pen.value=""; 59 that.insertload(); 60 }else{ 61 // console.log(); 62 that.updateload(); 63 } 64 }) 65 } 66 insertload(){ 67 var that=this; 68 ajax({ 69 url:this.inserturl, 70 data:{ 71 name:this.n, 72 cpt:this.c, 73 pen:this.p 74 }, 75 success:function(res){ 76 // console.log(res); 77 that.res=json.parse(res); 78 if(that.res.code){ 79 alert(that.res.msg); 80 }else{ 81 that.display(); 82 } 83 } 84 }); 85 } 86 updateload(){ 87 var that=this; 88 ajax({ 89 url:this.updateurl, 90 data:{ 91 id:this.id, 92 name:this.n, 93 cpt:this.c, 94 pen:this.p 95 }, 96 success:function (res) { 97 that.res=json.parse(res); 98 if(that.res.code){ 99 alert(that.res.msg); 100 }else{ 101 that.display(); 102 } 103 } 104 }) 105 } 106 display() { 107 // console.log(this.res.length); 108 var str = ""; 109 for (var i = 0; i < this.res.length; i++) { 110 str += `<tr> 111 <td>${this.res[i].id}</td> 112 <td>${this.res[i].name}</td> 113 <td>${this.res[i].machine}</td> 114 <td>${this.res[i].examination}</td> 115 <td><span class="btn btn-primary btn-info" ly="delete">删除</span></td> 116 <td><button type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-info" data-toggle="modal" 117 data-target="#examplemodal" data-whatever="@fat" ly="update">修改</button></td> 118 </tr> ` 119 } 120 this.tbody.innerhtml=str; 121 } 122 } 123 new project(); 124 })();
1 <?php 2 $link=@new mysqli("localhost:3306","root","root","test"); 3 if($link->connect_error){ 4 $err = array("code"=>1,"msg"=>$link->connect_error); 5 die(json_encode($err)); 6 } 7 $n=@$_request["name"]; 8 $c=@$_request["cpt"]; 9 $p=@$_request["pen"]; 10 $insert="insert stu (name,machine,examination) values('".$n."',".$c.",".$p.")"; 11 $q=$link->query($insert); 12 if($q){ 13 echo select(); 14 }else{ 15 $err = array("code"=>3,"msg"=>"添加失败"); 16 die(json_encode($err)); 17 } 18 function select(){ 19 global $link; 20 $select="select * from stu"; 21 $res=$link->query($select); 22 if($res){ 23 $str=""; 24 while ($arr=$res->fetch_assoc()) { 25 $str=$str.json_encode($arr).","; 26 } 27 die ("[".substr($str,0,-1)."]"); 28 }else{ 29 $err = array("code"=>2,"msg"=>"失败"); 30 die(json_encode($err)); 31 } 32 } 33 ?>
1 <?php 2 $link=@new mysqli("localhost:3306","root","root","test"); 3 if($link->connect_error){ 4 $err = array("code"=>1,"msg"=>$link->connect_error); 5 die(json_encode($err)); 6 } 7 $id=@$_request["id"]; 8 $n=@$_request["name"]; 9 $c=@$_request["cpt"]; 10 $p=@$_request["pen"]; 11 $update="update stu set name='".$n."',machine=".$c.",examination=".$p." where id=".$id; 12 $q=$link->query($update); 13 if($q){ 14 echo select(); 15 }else{ 16 $err = array("code"=>3,"msg"=>"添加失败"); 17 die(json_encode($err)); 18 } 19 function select(){ 20 global $link; 21 $select="select * from stu"; 22 $res=$link->query($select); 23 if($res){ 24 $str=""; 25 while ($arr=$res->fetch_assoc()) { 26 $str=$str.json_encode($arr).","; 27 } 28 die ("[".substr($str,0,-1)."]"); 29 }else{ 30 $err = array("code"=>2,"msg"=>"失败"); 31 die(json_encode($err)); 32 } 33 } 34 ?>
1 ; (function () { 2 class project { 3 constructor() { 4 // 获取元素 5 this.tbody=document.queryselector("tbody"); 6 this.addbtn=document.queryselector("#insert"); 7 this.submit=document.queryselector("#send"); 8 this.name = document.getelementbyid("name"); 9 this.cpt = document.getelementbyid("cpt"); 10 this.pen = document.getelementbyid("pen"); 11 // console.log(this.addbtn); 12 this.selecturl = "http://localhost/test/project/php/select.php"; 13 this.inserturl="http://localhost/test/project/php/insert.php"; 14 this.updateurl="http://localhost/test/project/php/update.php"; 15 this.deleteurl="http://localhost/test/project/php/delect.php"; 16 17 this.type=0; 18 this.select(); 19 this.addevent(); 20 } 21 select() { 22 var that = this; 23 ajax({ 24 url: this.selecturl, 25 success: function (res) { 26 // console.log(res); 27 that.res = json.parse(res); 28 if (that.res.code) { 29 alert(that.res.msg); 30 } else { 31 // console.log(that.res); 32 that.display(); 33 } 34 } 35 }); 36 } 37 addevent(){ 38 var that=this; 39 this.addbtn.addeventlistener("click",function(){ 40 that.type=0; 41 }); 42 this.tbody.addeventlistener("click",function(eve){ 43 var e = eve || window.event; 44 that.target = e.target || e.srcelement; 45 if(that.target.getattribute("ly") === "update"){ 46 that.type = 1; 47 that.id=that.target.parentnode.parentnode.children[0].innerhtml; 48 that.name.value=that.target.parentnode.parentnode.children[1].innerhtml; 49 that.cpt.value=that.target.parentnode.parentnode.children[2].innerhtml; 50 that.pen.value=that.target.parentnode.parentnode.children[3].innerhtml; 51 }else if(that.target.getattribute("ly") === "delete"){ 52 that.i=that.target.parentnode.parentnode.children[0].innerhtml; 53 that.na=that.target.parentnode.parentnode.children[1].innerhtml; 54 that.ma=that.target.parentnode.parentnode.children[2].innerhtml; 55 that.ex=that.target.parentnode.parentnode.children[3].innerhtml; 56 57 that.deleteload(); 58 } 59 }); 60 this.submit.addeventlistener("click",function(){ 61 that.n=that.name.value; 62 that.c=that.cpt.value; 63 that.p=that.pen.value; 64 if(that.type==0){ 65 that.name.value=that.cpt.value=that.pen.value=""; 66 that.insertload(); 67 }else{ 68 // console.log(); 69 that.updateload(); 70 } 71 }) 72 } 73 93 113 deleteload(){ 114 var that=this; 115 ajax({ 116 url:this.deleteurl, 117 data:{ 118 id:this.i, 119 name:this.na, 120 cpt:this.ma, 121 pen:this.ex, 122 }, 123 success:function(res){ 124 that.res=json.parse(res); 125 if(that.res.code){ 126 alert(that.res.msg); 127 }else{ 128 that.display(); 129 } 130 } 131 }) 132 } 133 display() { 134 // console.log(this.res.length); 135 var str = ""; 136 for (var i = 0; i < this.res.length; i++) { 137 str += `<tr> 138 <td>${this.res[i].id}</td> 139 <td>${this.res[i].name}</td> 140 <td>${this.res[i].machine}</td> 141 <td>${this.res[i].examination}</td> 142 <td><span class="btn btn-primary btn-info" ly="delete">删除</span></td> 143 <td><button type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-info" data-toggle="modal" 144 data-target="#examplemodal" data-whatever="@fat" ly="update">修改</button></td> 145 </tr> ` 146 } 147 this.tbody.innerhtml=str; 148 } 149 } 150 new project(); 151 })();
1 <?php 2 $link=@new mysqli("localhost:3306","root","root","test"); 3 if($link->connect_error){ 4 $err = array("code"=>1,"msg"=>$link->connect_error); 5 die(json_encode($err)); 6 } 7 $id=@$_request["id"]; 8 $n=@$_request["name"]; 9 $c=@$_request["cpt"]; 10 $p=@$_request["pen"]; 11 $delete="delete from stu where id=".$id; 12 $q=$link->query($delete); 13 if($q){ 14 echo select(); 15 }else{ 16 $err = array("code"=>3,"msg"=>"添加失败"); 17 die(json_encode($err)); 18 } 19 function select(){ 20 global $link; 21 $select="select * from stu"; 22 $res=$link->query($select); 23 if($res){ 24 $str=""; 25 while ($arr=$res->fetch_assoc()) { 26 $str=$str.json_encode($arr).","; 27 } 28 die ("[".substr($str,0,-1)."]"); 29 }else{ 30 $err = array("code"=>2,"msg"=>"失败"); 31 die(json_encode($err)); 32 } 33 } 34 ?>
下一篇: 什么场景下用Hbase