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[译]Speeding up your PHP scripts

程序员文章站 2022-05-12 23:13:31
I've been coding in PHP ever since I was 13, over the years I have seen many different coding styles and standards being used. However most of them weren't optimised.


This time I'd like to talk about different ways on how you can speed up your scripts by optimizing your code to reduce your server load.

Coding tips




Try using single quotes as much as possible, it's faster than double quotes because PHP searches for variables in text surrounded in double quotes.


Using single quotes in arrays is also recommended since it's faster than calling it with double or no quotes.


Echo VS. print

Echo 与 print

Echo is faster than print, if you're using concatenation in your echo command then you could optimise it further by using multiple parameters instead of concatenation.

Echo 比 print 快,尽可能的使用单引号,如果你在echo 命令中要用到连接,那就把它优化成多个参数相连。

The print function can't handle multiple parameters so don't even try.


$name = 'zenk0';echo 'the user ', $name, ' has been selected for a special event.';//slower and more widely usedecho 'The user ' . $name . ' has been selected for a special event.';For loops循环Define your count variable before you start looping instead of in your loop. If you don't do this then your count function will be repeated everytime a loop happens.不要在循环体内,而是在循环体外定义 count 变量。如果不这样,你的计数函数每次循环都会调用。$array = array('one', 'two', 'three');$count = count($array);//slow : for($i=0; $i