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C++程序员如何向一个java工程师解释extern "C"的作用

程序员文章站 2022-05-12 16:38:08
今天,一搞Android开发的同事问题external “C”是干嘛的? 我说:就是为了让C++能够使用C语言编程的类或函数,按照C语言的方式编译。 估...

今天,一搞Android开发的同事问题external “C”是干嘛的?


extern “C”的主要作用就是为了能够正确实现C++代码调用其他C语言代码。加上extern “C”后,会指示编译器这部分代码按C语言的进行编译,而不是C++的。由于C++支持函数重载,因此编译器编译函数的过程中会将函数的参数类型也加到编译后的代码中,而不仅仅是函数名;而C语言并不支持函数重载,因此编译C语言代码的函数时不会带上函数的参数类型,一般之包括函数名。
比如说你用C 开发了一个DLL 库,为了能够让C ++语言也能够调用你的DLL输出(Export)的函数,你需要用extern “C”来强制编译器不要修改你的函数名。

揭秘extern “C”

#ifndef __INCvxWorksh  /*防止该头文件被重复引用*/
#define __INCvxWorksh

#ifdef __cplusplus    //__cplusplus是cpp中自定义的一个宏
extern "C" {          //告诉编译器,这部分代码按C语言的格式进行编译,而不是C++的

    /**** some declaration or so *****/  

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* __INCvxWorksh */

extern “C”的含义
extern “C” 包含双重含义,从字面上即可得到:首先,被它修饰的目标是“extern”的;其次,被它修饰的目标是“C”的。
被extern “C”限定的函数或变量是extern类型的;
与extern对应的关键字是static,被它修饰的全局变量和函数只能在本模块中使用。因此,一个函数或变量只可能被本模块使用时,其不可能被extern “C”修饰。

2、被extern “C”修饰的变量和函数是按照C语言方式编译和链接的

void foo( int x, int y );

该函数被C编译器编译后在符号库中的名字为_foo,而C++编译器则会产生像_foo_int_int之类的名字(不同的编译器可能生成的名字不同,但是都采用了相同的机制,生成的新名字称为“mangled name”)。
_foo_int_int这样的名字包含了函数名、函数参数数量及类型信息,C++就是靠这种机制来实现函数重载的。 例如,在C++中,函数void foo( int x, int y )与void foo( int x, float y )编译生成的符号是不相同的,后者为_foo_int_float。

如果C++调用一个C语言编写的.DLL时,当包括.DLL的头文件或声明接口函数时,应加extern “C”{}。

extern “C” makes a function-name in C++ have ‘C’ linkage (compiler does not mangle the name) so that client C code can link to (i.e use) your function using a ‘C’ compatible header file that contains just the declaration of your function. Your function definition is contained in a binary format (that was compiled by your C++ compiler) that the client ‘C’ linker will then link to using the ‘C’ name.

Since C++ has overloading of function names and C does not, the C++ compiler cannot just use the function name as a unique id to link to, so it mangles the name by adding information about the arguments. A C compiler does not need to mangle the name since you can not overload function names in C. When you state that a function has extern “C” linkage in C++, the C++ compiler does not add argument/parameter type information to the name used for linkage.

Just so you know, you can specify “C” linkage to each inpidual declaration/definition explicitly or use a block to group a sequence of declarations/definitions to have a certain linkage:

extern "C" void foo(int);
extern "C"
   void g(char);
   int i;

If you care about the technicalities, they are listed in section 7.5 of the C++03 standard, here is a brief summary (with emphasis on extern “C”):

extern “C” is a linkage-specification
Every compiler is required to provide “C” linkage
a linkage specification shall occur only in namespace scope
all function types, function names and variable names have a language linkage See Richard’s Comment: Only function names and variable names with external linkage have a language linkage
two function types with distinct language linkages are distinct types even if otherwise identical
linkage specs nest, inner one determines the final linkage
extern “C” is ignored for class members
at most one function with a particular name can have “C” linkage (regardless of namespace)
extern “C” forces a function to have external linkage (cannot make it static) See Richard’s comment: ‘static’ inside ‘extern “C”’ is valid; an entity so declared has internal linkage, and so does not have a language linkage
Linkage from C++ to objects defined in other languages and to objects defined in C++ from other languages is implementation-defined and language-dependent. Only where the object layout strategies of two language implementations are similar enough can such linkage be achieved

used ‘extern “C”’ before for dll(dynamic link library) files to make etc. main() function “exportable” so it can be used later in another executable from dll. Maybe an example of where I used to use it can be useful.



using namespace std;

#define DLL extern "C" __declspec(dllexport)
//I defined DLL for dllexport function
DLL main ()
    MessageBox(NULL,"Hi from DLL","DLL",MB_OK);



using namespace std;

typedef LPVOID (WINAPI*Function)();//make a placeholder for function from dll
Function mainDLLFunc;//make a variable for function placeholder

int main()
    char winDir[MAX_PATH];//will hold path of above dll
    GetCurrentDirectory(sizeof(winDir),winDir);//dll is in same dir as exe
    strcat(winDir,"\\exmple.dll");//concentrate dll name with path
    HINSTANCE DLL = LoadLibrary(winDir);//load example dll
        FreeLibrary((HMODULE)DLL);//if load fails exit
        return 0;
    mainDLLFunc=(Function)GetProcAddress((HMODULE)DLL, "main");
    //defined variable is used to assign a function from dll
    //GetProcAddress is used to locate function with pre defined extern name "DLL"
    //and matcing function name
        FreeLibrary((HMODULE)DLL);//if it fails exit
        return 0;
    mainDLLFunc();//run exported function 

extern “C” is a linkage specification which is used to call C functions in the Cpp source files. We can call C functions, write Variables, & include headers. Function is declared in extern entity & it is defined outside. Syntax is

Type 1:

extern "language" function-prototype

Type 2:

extern "language"


using namespace std;

extern "C"
     #include    // Include C Header
     int n;               // Declare a Variable
     void func(int,int);  // Declare a function (function prototype)

int main()
    func(int a, int b);   // Calling function . . .
    return 0;

// Function definition . . .
void func(int m, int n)