2022-05-12 15:06:45
名词解释:哈夫曼编码(HuffmanCoding)是一种编码方式,哈夫曼编码是可变字长编码(VLC)的一种。该方法依据字符出现概率来构造异字头的平均长度最短的码字,有时称之为最佳编码,一般就叫作Huffman编码。 实现过程: 1.计算每个字符在字符串中出现的频率作为构建h
名词解释:哈夫曼编码(Huffman Coding)是一种编码方式,哈夫曼编码是可变字长编码(VLC)的一种。该方法依据字符出现概率来构造异字头的平均长度最短的码字,有时称之为最佳编码,一般就叫作Huffman编码。
for($i=0;$i的结点合并生成出一个树 */ while ($item1 = each($array)) { $item2 = each($array); //构建huffman树 $this->creat_tree($item1,$item2,$array,$HuffmanArray); //反复排序 asort($array); } $HuffmanArray=array_shift($HuffmanArray); //构建编码表 $tab=null; $code_tab=$this->creat_tab($HuffmanArray,$tab); //压缩&转换整个字符串为二进制表达式 $binary=null; for($i=0;$iencode_bin($binary); //静态huffman编码算法压缩后需保留huffman树 return array('tree'=>$HuffmanArray,'len'=>strlen($binary),'code'=>$code); } /** * 解压缩入口 * $huffman:解压所使用的huffman树 * $str:被压缩的字符 * $blen:压缩前的位长度 */ public function decode($huffman,$str,$blen) { $len=strlen($str); $binary=null; //将编码解为二进制表达式 for($i=0;$idecode_tree($binary,$huffman,$huffman); } /** * 将压缩后的二进制表达式再转为字符串 * $binary:二进制表达式字串 */ private function encode_bin($binary) { $len=strlen($binary); //二进制转字符需要整8位,不足8位补0 $blen=$len+8-$len%8; $binary=str_pad($binary,$blen,'0'); $encode=null; //每8位转为一个字符 for($i=7;$i * $HuffmanArray:保存生成的huffman树结构 */ private function creat_tree($item1,$item2,&$array,&$HuffmanArray) { list($k,$v)=$item1; list($k2,$v2)=$item2; //假设当前树的左右节点为空节点 $c1=$k; $c2=$k2; //判断两个元素若为树则直接作为节点并入主树 if(isset($HuffmanArray[$k2])) { $c2=$HuffmanArray[$k2]; unset($HuffmanArray[$k2]); } if(isset($HuffmanArray[$k])) { $c1=$HuffmanArray[$k]; unset($HuffmanArray[$k]); } //设置树结点权值 $array[$k2]=$v+$v2; //合并节点后删除元素 unset($array[$k]); //合并到huffman树中 $HuffmanArray[$k2]=array(0=>$c1,1=>$c2); } /** * 广度优先遍历树,得到所有原字符对应的二进制表达式 * $tree:已经构建好的huffman树 * $tab:编码表,保存所有字符对应的编码 * $a0:左遍历树的路径 * $a1:右遍历树的路径 */ private function creat_tab($tree,&$tab,$a0=null,$a1=null) { if($tree==null) return; //遍历左右子树 foreach($tree as $node=>$ctree) { if(is_array($ctree)) { //判断未到达叶子节点时再向下遍历 $this->creat_tab($ctree,$tab,$a0.$node,$a1.$node); } else { //遍历到叶子节点时的所有路径,既二进制表达式,下同 $tab[$ctree]=${'a'.$node}.$node; } } } /** * 使用进制表达式深度优先遍历树,0为左子树,1为右子树,而到根节点,即为二进制表达式所指向的原字符 * $binary:二进制表达式字串 * $huffman:huffman树 * $tree:当前所遍历的子树 * $i:指向二进制表达式字串的 * $code:解码后的字符串 */ private function decode_tree($binary,$huffman,$tree,$i=0,$code=null) { $lr=$binary{$i}; //遍历完成 if($lr==null) return $code; //判断是否到根节点,根节点既为二进制表达式对应的原字符ascii码 if(is_array($tree[$lr])) { //继续向下遍历子树 return $this->decode_tree($binary,$huffman,$tree[$lr],$i+1,$code); } else { //将二进制表达式解码为原字符 $code.=chr($tree[$lr]); return $this->decode_tree($binary,$huffman,$huffman,$i+1,$code); } } } ?>
$str=' In computer science and information theory, Huffman coding is an entropy encoding algorithm used for lossless data compression. The term refers to the use of a variable-length code table for encoding a source symbol (such as a character in a file) where the variable-length code table has been derived in a particular way based on the estimated probability of occurrence for each possible value of the source symbol. It was developed by David A. Huffman while he was a Ph.D. student at MIT, and published in the 1952 paper "A Method for the Construction of Minimum-Redundancy Codes". '; $huffman=new huffman(); $obj=$huffman->encode($str); echo '压缩前的编码长度:',strlen($str),"\n"; echo '压缩后的编码:',"\n"; var_dump($obj['code']); echo '解压后的字符:',$huffman->decode($obj['tree'],$obj['code'],$obj['len']);
压缩前的编码长度:587压缩后的编码:string(330) "sp閉h颚?6鵞+王d挓吷s霒zk洚磗脎|t?*?;娳9蹴??>楏4O3 5 F凣rRuJ解压后的字符:In computer science and information theory, Huffman coding is an entropy encoding algorithm used for lossless data compression. The term refers to the use of a variable-length code table for encoding a source symbol (such as a character in a file) where the variable-length code table has been derived in a particular way based on the estimated probability of occurrence for each possible value of the source symbol. It was developed by David A. Huffman while he was a Ph.D. student at MIT, and published in the 1952 paper "A Method for the Construction of Minimum-Redundancy Codes".