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ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [joet_create_root_thread_group()+140]

程序员文章站 2022-05-11 13:43:07


客户一套单机10.2.0.5 on Linux , 我给了打了最后的PSU: 20299014(。 然后再dbca建库, 按以前11g的经验,是不需要再运行“  @catbundle.sql psu apply”


About to export the entire database ...
. exporting tablespace definitions
. exporting profiles
. exporting user definitions
. exporting roles
. exporting resource costs
. exporting rollback segment definitions
. exporting database links
. exporting sequence numbers
. exporting directory aliases
. exporting context namespaces
. exporting foreign function library names
. exporting PUBLIC type synonyms
EXP-00008: ORACLE error 3113 encountered
ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel
EXP-00000: Export terminated unsuccessfully


 Mon Nov 16 11:57:35 CST 2020                                                                                                                  
 Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/admin/ora10/udump/ora10_ora_29931.trc:                                                                         
 ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [joet_create_root_thread_group()+140] [SIGSEGV] [Address not mapped to object] [0x000000008] [] []
 Mon Nov 16 11:57:39 CST 2020                                                                                                                  
 Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/admin/ora10/udump/ora10_ora_29938.trc:                                                                         
 ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [joet_create_root_thread_group()+140] [SIGSEGV] [Address not mapped to object] [0x000000008] [] []
 Mon Nov 16 12:00:46 CST 2020                                                                                                                  
 Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/admin/ora10/udump/ora10_ora_30014.trc:                                                                         
 ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [joet_create_root_thread_group()+140] [SIGSEGV] [Address not mapped to object] [0x000000008] [] []
 Mon Nov 16 12:01:37 CST 2020                                                                                                                  
 Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/admin/ora10/udump/ora10_ora_30034.trc:                                                                         
 ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [joet_create_root_thread_group()+140] [SIGSEGV] [Address not mapped to object] [0x000000008] [] []
 Mon Nov 16 12:02:53 CST 2020                                                                                                                  
 Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/admin/ora10/udump/ora10_ora_30041.trc:                                                                         
 ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [joet_create_root_thread_group()+140] [SIGSEGV] [Address not mapped to object] [0x000000008] [] []



ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [joet_create_root_thread_group()+140]

查看数据库的PSU情况, dba_registry_history记录竟然是空!这跟11g不一样。看来10g打完PSU后,dbca建库还是要其他步骤要做。

Oracle Database 10g                                         
Oracle Database 10g Release 2 Patch Set 4                   
There are 2 products installed in this Oracle Home.                             
Interim patches (1) :                                                           
Patch  20299014     : applied on Mon Nov 09 11:30:28 CST 2020                   
Unique Patch ID:  19074368                                                      
   Created on 24 Jun 2015, 02:35:37 hrs PST8PDT                                 
   Bugs fixed:                                                                  
 alter session set nls_timestamp_format = "yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss.ff";
 select * from dba_registry_history;                                 
 16:28:12 aaa@qq.com >                                                
 Session altered.                                                    
 Elapsed: 00:00:00.01                                                
 16:28:12 aaa@qq.com >                                                
 no rows selected                                                    


按mos的说明,我们来执行“  @catbundle.sql psu apply”

16:31:11 aaa@qq.com > alter system set java_jit_enabled =FALSE;                                
alter system set java_jit_enabled =FALSE                                                      
ERROR at line 1:                                                                              
ORA-02065: illegal option for ALTER SYSTEM                                                    
Elapsed: 00:00:00.02                                                                          
16:31:12 aaa@qq.com >  alter system set "_system_trig_enabled"=FALSE;                          
System altered.                                                                               
Elapsed: 00:00:00.02                                                                          
16:31:21 aaa@qq.com >  alter system set JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES=0;                                 
System altered.                                                                               
Elapsed: 00:00:00.01                                                                          
16:31:26 aaa@qq.com > startup restrict                                                         
ORA-01081: cannot start already-running ORACLE - shut it down first                           
16:31:30 aaa@qq.com > shutdown immediate                                                       
Database closed.                                                                              
Database dismounted.                                                                          
ORACLE instance shut down.                                                                    
16:31:51 aaa@qq.com > startup restrict                                                         
ORACLE instance started.                                                                      
Total System Global Area          32212254720 bytes                                           
Fixed Size                            2155264 bytes                                           
Variable Size                      3019902208 bytes                                           
Database Buffers                  29175578624 bytes                                           
Redo Buffers                         14618624 bytes                                           
Database mounted.                                                                             
Database opened.                                                                              
16:32:20 aaa@qq.com > exit                                                                     
Disconnected from Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options                 
[aaa@qq.com:/home/oracle ora10]$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin                                
[aaa@qq.com:/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/rdbms/admin ora10]$ ora si                  
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Mon Nov 16 16:32:46 2020                         
Copyright (c) 1982, 2010, Oracle.  All Rights Reserved.                                       
Connected to:                                                                                 
Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production                  
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options                 
16:32:46 aaa@qq.com >                                                                          
16:33:26 aaa@qq.com >                                                                          
16:33:26 aaa@qq.com > @catbundle.sql psu apply                                                 

16:36:35 aaa@qq.com > alter system set "_system_trig_enabled"=TRUE; 
System altered.                                                    
Elapsed: 00:00:00.03                                               
16:39:53 aaa@qq.com > alter system set JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES=10;      
System altered.                                                    
Elapsed: 00:00:00.02                                               
16:39:57 aaa@qq.com > startup force                                 
