2022-03-07 15:33:12
第一种: 根据规律手工构造各个期刊的url 爬取两遍,第一遍爬完,去重(集合),并初始化结果集;第二遍爬取,在结果集里查询并计数 将结果集转化为列表,并按照列表中times关键字对字典(相当于数据集合)整体排序 写入结果到txt文件 第二种: 根据规律手工构造各个期刊的url 爬取一遍,用列表(容器 ......
from bs4 import beautifulsoup as be import requests as req import os baseurl = "http://www.52duzhe.com/" def do_soup(url): try: r = req.get(url,headers={'user-agent':'mozilla/5.0'}) r.raise_for_status() r.encoding = r.apparent_encoding html = r.text soup = be(html,'lxml') return soup except: print("获取"+url+"失败") def search_each_per(tag): aut_set = set() a_list = [] for i in range(2010,2018): for j in range(1,25): if j<10: extraurl = str(i)+'_0'+str(j) else: extraurl = str(i)+'_'+str(j) if i in [2010,2011,2012]: if(i == 2012 and j>=14): url = baseurl + extraurl + r"/index.html" else: url = baseurl + '1_' + extraurl + ".html" else: url = baseurl + extraurl + r"/index.html" soup = do_soup(url) #使用函数 if soup == none: continue per_aut_list = soup.find_all('td',class_="author") if tag==1: for k in per_aut_list: aut_set.add(k.string) print("{}年{}期作者已入库".format(i,j)) else: for k in per_aut_list: a_list.append(k.string) if tag==1: return list(aut_set) #返回了一个去重后的作者列表 else: return a_list #返回了一个有重复元素的列表,用于计数 def main(): author_list0 = search_each_per(1) # 1代表一个控制标记,接收无重列表 print("正在接收有重复数据列表,请等待...") a_list = search_each_per(0) #接收有重复元素列表 result = {} #放结果的字典 for i in author_list0: result[str(i)] = 0 #初始化统计结果 for j in a_list: if i==j: result[str(i)] += 1 #下面对结果按发表次数做降序处理 print("下面对结果按发表次数做降序处理...") att = [] #做一个容器 for key,value in result.items(): j={} j["author"]=key j["times"]=value att.append(j) att.sort(key = lambda x:x["times"],reverse = true) # 将结果写入text文本中 print("将结果写入text文本中,请耐心等待...") path = os.getcwd() filename = path + "读者作者结果1.txt" new = open(filename,"w",errors='ignore') #网络字节流中可能有不合法字符要忽略:illegal multibyte sequence for i in att: author = i["author"] times = i["times"] print(author) print(times) if author == none: #unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'nonetype' and 'str' new.write("none" +"\t" + str(times) + "\n") else: new.write(author +"\t" + str(times) + "\n") new.close() print("完成统计") main()
爬取一遍,用列表(容器)放集合(数据集),并设置tag标签,判断列表中是否有此作者,没有就增加,有就 times+1
from bs4 import beautifulsoup as be import requests as req import os baseurl = "http://www.52duzhe.com/" def do_soup(url): try: r = req.get(url,headers={'user-agent':'mozilla/5.0'}) r.raise_for_status() r.encoding = r.apparent_encoding html = r.text soup = be(html,'lxml') return soup except: print("获取"+url+"失败") def search_each_per(): obj_list = [] for i in range(2010,2018): for j in range(1,25): if j<10: extraurl = str(i)+'_0'+str(j) else: extraurl = str(i)+'_'+str(j) if i in [2010,2011,2012]: if(i == 2012 and j>=14): url = baseurl + extraurl + r"/index.html" else: url = baseurl + '1_' + extraurl + ".html" else: url = baseurl + extraurl + r"/index.html" soup = do_soup(url) #使用函数 if soup == none: continue per_aut_list = soup.find_all('td',class_="author") for it in per_aut_list: #别习惯性用i,换个名字,是个坑 tag = 0 for jk in obj_list: if(jk["author"] == it.string): jk["times"] += 1 tag = 1 break if(tag == 0): obj = {"author":it.string,"times":1} obj_list.append(obj) return obj_list def main(): print("正在创建结果对象列表,请耐心等待...") obj_list = search_each_per() #接受结果列表 #下面对结果按发表次数做降序处理 print("下面对结果按发表次数做降序处理...") obj_list.sort(key = lambda x:x["times"],reverse = true) # 将结果写入text文本中 print("将结果写入text文本中,请耐心等待...") path = os.getcwd() filename = path + "读者作者结果3.txt" new = open(filename,"w",errors='ignore') #网络字节流中可能有不合法字符要忽略:illegal multibyte sequence for i in obj_list: author = i["author"] times = i["times"] print(author) print(times) if author == none: #unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'nonetype' and 'str' new.write("none" +"\t" + str(times) + "\n") else: new.write(author +"\t" + str(times) + "\n") new.close() print("完成统计") main()
爬取一遍,用列表(容器)放对象(数据集),并设置tag标签,判断列表中是否有此对象,没有就实例化一个对象并更新列表,有就 对象.times+1
class author(object): def __init__(self,name): self.name = name self.times = 1 from bs4 import beautifulsoup as be import requests as req import os baseurl = "http://www.52duzhe.com/" def do_soup(url): try: r = req.get(url) r.raise_for_status() r.encoding = r.apparent_encoding html = r.text soup = be(html,'lxml') return soup except: print("获取"+url+"失败") def search_each_per(): url_list = [] obj_list = [] soup = do_soup(baseurl) link = soup.select(".booklist a") #获得链接,放回字典 for item in link: url = baseurl +item["href"] url_list.append(url) for url in url_list: soup = do_soup(url) #使用函数 if soup == none: continue per_aut_list = soup.find_all('td',class_="author") for i in per_aut_list: tag = 0 for j in obj_list: if(j.name == i.string): j.times += 1 tag = 1 break if(tag == 0): obj = author(i.string) obj_list.append(obj) return obj_list def main(): print("正在创建对象列表,请等待...........") obj_list = search_each_per() #下面对结果按发表次数做降序处理 print("下面对结果按发表次数做降序处理...") obj_list.sort(key = lambda obj:obj.times,reverse = true) # 将结果写入text文本中 print("将结果写入text文本中,请耐心等待...") path = os.getcwd() filename = path + "读者作者结果2.txt" new = open(filename,"w",errors="ignore") #处理非法字符 illegal multibyte sequence for i in obj_list: author = i.name times = i.times print(author) print(times) if author == none: new.write("none" +"\t" + str(times) + "\n") else: new.write(author +"\t" + str(times) + "\n") new.close() print("完成统计") main()