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Rails 3.0.5 发布

程序员文章站 2022-05-10 13:58:06
Rails 3.0.5 发布

今日Rails 3.0.5 发布。

Ruby on Rails是一个 Web 应用程序框架,它是严格按照MVC结构开发的。它从视图中的Ajax应用,到控制器中的访问请求和反馈,到封装数据库的模型,Rails 为你提供一个纯Ruby的开发环境。发布网站时,你只需要一个数据库和一个网络服务器即可。

    * Fix when gzip returns a UTF-8 string on Ruby 1.9, when it is actually binary.
    * Active Record limit values will not escape Arel SQL Literal nodes.
    * Relation#where calls will always produce AND statements regardless of how conditions hashes behaves.
    * Observer callbacks will only be executed once when using STI classes in ActiveRecord.

    * Deprecate Relation#& alias for Relation#merge.
    * Deprecated support for interpolated association conditions with the :conditions => ‘foo = #{bar}’ syntax, and added the new interpolation syntax which is :conditions => proc { “foo = #{bar}” }.


相关标签: Rails