GridGain 2.5 Road Map发布
2022-05-10 13:57:48
GridGain 2.5 Road Map发布,GridGain是一个完全基于Java5开发的开源网格计算平台。专注于网格处理,能够与JBoss和Spring相集成。
GridGain 2.5 计划中的新功能包括:
* Multi-SPI support
* New connector SPI with REST/JSON and TCP implementations
* New pluggable marshalling/demarshalling
* New communication and discovery implementation supporting one-directional and disconnected grids
* New “ondemand” SPI allowing seamless integration with Amazon EC2
* New advanced monitoring and management capabilities
你能下载最新的 GridGain 2.0.2 这里:here.
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