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程序员文章站 2022-05-08 19:25:42

今天想改一下S5700的密码,使用Console口登陆,改完密码后,保存,以为这样就完事了。但重新登陆之后,密码还是没有改变,还得用旧密码登陆。最后发现,原来Console 0口之前不是用aaa认证模式的

[S5700-ui-console0]dis this
user-interface con 0
 authentication-mode password

解决方法:将Console 0口认证模式改成aaa

[S5700-ui-console0]authentication-mode aaa
Info: The password of CON0 will be changed. Please verify the old password.
Please enter old password: 
Warning: The level of the user-interface(s) will be the default level of AAA users, please check whether it is correct.
Info: The password was cleared.
Info: Succeeded in changing the authentication mode.


相关标签: 交换机 交换机