PHP 8新特性简介
php 8新特性
新的主要php版本php 8预计将于2020年底发布。它现在处于非常活跃的开发阶段,所以在接下来的几个月里,事情可能会发生很大的变化。
在这篇文章中,我将持续更新预期的内容列表:新特性、性能改进和重大变化。因为php 8是一个新的主版本,所以您的代码被破坏的几率更高。如果你一直在更新最新的版本,升级应该不会太困难,因为大多数有破坏性的更改在7之前就已经废弃了。*版本。
除了中断更改之外,php 8还带来了一些不错的新特性,比如jit编译器和union类型;还有更多!
union types:联合类型
public function foo(foo|bar $input): int|float;
public function foo(foo|null $foo): void; public function bar(?bar $bar): void;
static return type:静态的返回类型
虽然已经可以返回self,但静态类型直到php 8才成为有效的返回类型。考虑到php的动态类型特性,这一特性对许多开发人员都很有用。
class foo { public function test(): static { return new static(); } }
weak maps
在php 7.4中添加的weakrefs rfc的基础上,在php 8中添加了weakmap实现。弱映射包含对对象的引用,这并不会阻止那些对象被垃圾收集。
class foo { private weakmap $cache; public function getsomethingwithcaching(object $obj): object { return $this->cache[$obj] ??= $this->computesomethingexpensive($obj); } }
::class on objects
$foo = new foo(); var_dump($foo::class);
stringable interface
stringable接口可用于键入提示任何字符串或实现了 tostring()的内容。而且,无论何时类实现了 tostring(),它都会在后台自动实现接口,不需要手动实现。
class foo { public function __tostring(): string { return 'foo'; } } function bar(stringable $stringable) { /* … */ } bar(new foo()); bar('abc');
您已经可以使用datetime:: createfromimmutabledatetime ($immutabledatetime)从一个datetime对象创建一个datetime对象,但是另一种方法比较麻烦。通过添加datetime::createfrominterface()和datetime::createfrominterface(),现在就有了一种将datetime和datetime对象相互转换的通用方法。
datetime::createfrominterface(datetimeinterface $other); datetimeimmutable::createfrominterface(datetimeinterface $other);
- undefined variable: error exception instead of notice
- undefined array index: warning instead of notice
- division by zero: divisionbyzeroerror exception instead of warning
- attempt to increment/decrement property ‘%s' of non-object: error exception instead of warning
- attempt to modify property ‘%s' of non-object: error exception instead of warning
- attempt to assign property ‘%s' of non-object: error exception instead of warning
- creating default object from empty value: error exception instead of warning
- trying to get property ‘%s' of non-object: warning instead of notice
- undefined property: %s::$%s: warning instead of notice
- cannot add element to the array as the next element is already occupied: error exception instead of warning
- cannot unset offset in a non-array variable: error exception instead of warning
- cannot use a scalar value as an array: error exception instead of warning
- only arrays and traversables can be unpacked: typeerror exception instead of warning
- invalid argument supplied for foreach(): typeerror exception instead of warning
- illegal offset type: typeerror exception instead of warning
- illegal offset type in isset or empty: typeerror exception instead of warning
- illegal offset type in unset: typeerror exception instead of warning
- array to string conversion: warning instead of notice
- resource id#%d used as offset, casting to integer (%d): warning instead of notice
- string offset cast occurred: warning instead of notice
- uninitialized string offset: %d: warning instead of notice
- cannot assign an empty string to a string offset: error exception instead of warning
以上就是php 8新特性简介的详细内容,更多关于php 8新特性的资料请关注其它相关文章!
上一篇: Go开源游戏服务器框架——Pitaya