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Netty 3.2.0 Beta1发布,zero-copy文件传输

程序员文章站 2022-05-07 16:28:00


Netty 3.2.0 Beta1版本发布了。






  NIO transport :

  * @ChannelPipelineCoverage annotation has been deprecated by the
    @Sharable annotation to reduce beginner confusion

  * ChannelBuffer improvements
    * New access methods for float, double, and char
    * New method: ensureWritableBytes(int)
    * New method: bytesBefore() for easier variable length string decode
    * All string conversion methods now use Charset instead of String.

  * Channel API improvements
    * Zero-copy file transfer in NIO transport: http://is.gd/8Z7dI
    * StaticChannelPipeline: an alternative pipeline implementation

  * HTTP codec improvements
    * WebSocket support
    * Complete trailing header support
    * More robust CookieDecoder
    * More convenience methods in HttpMessage

  * Zlib-based compression handlers
  * RTSP codec 



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