我们都知道ViewPager有一套预加载机制,我们有些时间不希望它起效果,然后网上很多人在介绍,原因是有一个mOffscreenPageLimit的变量来控制。再深入一些的分析家了调用对应的set方法不起作用,因为内部会有判断,使用的是一个 private static final int DEFAULT_OFFSCREEN_PAGES = 1,因为是static final的所以无法改变。
void populate(int newCurrentItem) {
ItemInfo oldCurInfo = null;
if (mCurItem != newCurrentItem) {
oldCurInfo = infoForPosition(mCurItem);
mCurItem = newCurrentItem;
if (mAdapter == null) {
// Bail now if we are waiting to populate. This is to hold off
// on creating views from the time the user releases their finger to
// fling to a new position until we have finished the scroll to
// that position, avoiding glitches from happening at that point.
if (mPopulatePending) {
if (DEBUG) Log.i(TAG, "populate is pending, skipping for now...");
// Also, don't populate until we are attached to a window. This is to
// avoid trying to populate before we have restored our view hierarchy
// state and conflicting with what is restored.
if (getWindowToken() == null) {
final int pageLimit = mOffscreenPageLimit;
final int startPos = Math.max(0, mCurItem - pageLimit);
final int N = mAdapter.getCount();
final int endPos = Math.min(N - 1, mCurItem + pageLimit);
if (N != mExpectedAdapterCount) {
String resName;
try {
resName = getResources().getResourceName(getId());
} catch (Resources.NotFoundException e) {
resName = Integer.toHexString(getId());
throw new IllegalStateException("The application's PagerAdapter changed the adapter's"
+ " contents without calling PagerAdapter#notifyDataSetChanged!"
+ " Expected adapter item count: " + mExpectedAdapterCount + ", found: " + N
+ " Pager id: " + resName
+ " Pager class: " + getClass()
+ " Problematic adapter: " + mAdapter.getClass());
// Locate the currently focused item or add it if needed.
int curIndex = -1;
ItemInfo curItem = null;
for (curIndex = 0; curIndex < mItems.size(); curIndex++) {
final ItemInfo ii = mItems.get(curIndex);
if (ii.position >= mCurItem) {
if (ii.position == mCurItem) curItem = ii;
if (curItem == null && N > 0) {
curItem = addNewItem(mCurItem, curIndex);
// Fill 3x the available width or up to the number of offscreen
// pages requested to either side, whichever is larger.
// If we have no current item we have no work to do.
if (curItem != null) {
float extraWidthLeft = 0.f;
int itemIndex = curIndex - 1;
ItemInfo ii = itemIndex >= 0 ? mItems.get(itemIndex) : null;
final int clientWidth = getClientWidth();
final float leftWidthNeeded = clientWidth <= 0 ? 0 :
2.f - curItem.widthFactor + (float) getPaddingLeft() / (float) clientWidth;
for (int pos = mCurItem - 1; pos >= 0; pos--) {
if (extraWidthLeft >= leftWidthNeeded && pos < startPos) {
if (ii == null) {
if (pos == ii.position && !ii.scrolling) {
mAdapter.destroyItem(this, pos, ii.object);
if (DEBUG) {
Log.i(TAG, "populate() - destroyItem() with pos: " + pos
+ " view: " + ((View) ii.object));
ii = itemIndex >= 0 ? mItems.get(itemIndex) : null;
} else if (ii != null && pos == ii.position) {
extraWidthLeft += ii.widthFactor;
ii = itemIndex >= 0 ? mItems.get(itemIndex) : null;
} else {
ii = addNewItem(pos, itemIndex + 1);
extraWidthLeft += ii.widthFactor;
ii = itemIndex >= 0 ? mItems.get(itemIndex) : null;
float extraWidthRight = curItem.widthFactor;
itemIndex = curIndex + 1;
if (extraWidthRight < 2.f) {
ii = itemIndex < mItems.size() ? mItems.get(itemIndex) : null;
final float rightWidthNeeded = clientWidth <= 0 ? 0 :
(float) getPaddingRight() / (float) clientWidth + 2.f;
for (int pos = mCurItem + 1; pos < N; pos++) {
if (extraWidthRight >= rightWidthNeeded && pos > endPos) {
if (ii == null) {
if (pos == ii.position && !ii.scrolling) {
mAdapter.destroyItem(this, pos, ii.object);
if (DEBUG) {
Log.i(TAG, "populate() - destroyItem() with pos: " + pos
+ " view: " + ((View) ii.object));
ii = itemIndex < mItems.size() ? mItems.get(itemIndex) : null;
} else if (ii != null && pos == ii.position) {
extraWidthRight += ii.widthFactor;
ii = itemIndex < mItems.size() ? mItems.get(itemIndex) : null;
} else {
ii = addNewItem(pos, itemIndex);
extraWidthRight += ii.widthFactor;
ii = itemIndex < mItems.size() ? mItems.get(itemIndex) : null;
calculatePageOffsets(curItem, curIndex, oldCurInfo);
if (DEBUG) {
Log.i(TAG, "Current page list:");
for (int i = 0; i < mItems.size(); i++) {
Log.i(TAG, "#" + i + ": page " + mItems.get(i).position);
mAdapter.setPrimaryItem(this, mCurItem, curItem != null ? curItem.object : null);
// Check width measurement of current pages and drawing sort order.
// Update LayoutParams as needed.
final int childCount = getChildCount();
for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
final View child = getChildAt(i);
final LayoutParams lp = (LayoutParams) child.getLayoutParams();
lp.childIndex = i;
if (!lp.isDecor && lp.widthFactor == 0.f) {
// 0 means requery the adapter for this, it doesn't have a valid width.
final ItemInfo ii = infoForChild(child);
if (ii != null) {
lp.widthFactor = ii.widthFactor;
lp.position = ii.position;
if (hasFocus()) {
View currentFocused = findFocus();
ItemInfo ii = currentFocused != null ? infoForAnyChild(currentFocused) : null;
if (ii == null || ii.position != mCurItem) {
for (int i = 0; i < getChildCount(); i++) {
View child = getChildAt(i);
ii = infoForChild(child);
if (ii != null && ii.position == mCurItem) {
if (child.requestFocus(View.FOCUS_FORWARD)) {
ItemInfo oldCurInfo = null;
if (mCurItem != newCurrentItem) {
oldCurInfo = infoForPosition(mCurItem);
mCurItem = newCurrentItem;
if (mAdapter == null) {
// Bail now if we are waiting to populate. This is to hold off
// on creating views from the time the user releases their finger to
// fling to a new position until we have finished the scroll to
// that position, avoiding glitches from happening at that point.
if (mPopulatePending) {
if (DEBUG) Log.i(TAG, "populate is pending, skipping for now...");
// Also, don't populate until we are attached to a window. This is to
// avoid trying to populate before we have restored our view hierarchy
// state and conflicting with what is restored.
if (getWindowToken() == null) {
final int pageLimit = mOffscreenPageLimit;
final int startPos = Math.max(0, mCurItem - pageLimit);
final int N = mAdapter.getCount();
final int endPos = Math.min(N - 1, mCurItem + pageLimit);
if (N != mExpectedAdapterCount) {
String resName;
try {
resName = getResources().getResourceName(getId());
} catch (Resources.NotFoundException e) {
resName = Integer.toHexString(getId());
throw new IllegalStateException("The application's PagerAdapter changed the adapter's"
+ " contents without calling PagerAdapter#notifyDataSetChanged!"
+ " Expected adapter item count: " + mExpectedAdapterCount + ", found: " + N
+ " Pager id: " + resName
+ " Pager class: " + getClass()
+ " Problematic adapter: " + mAdapter.getClass());
根据mOffscreenPageLimit和mCurItem算出左右的边界,当我们使用反射修改后,这里startPos 和 endPos 确实可以变成和mCurItem相等。后边的是异常情况处理。
// Locate the currently focused item or add it if needed.
int curIndex = -1;
ItemInfo curItem = null;
for (curIndex = 0; curIndex < mItems.size(); curIndex++) {
final ItemInfo ii = mItems.get(curIndex);
if (ii.position >= mCurItem) {
if (ii.position == mCurItem) curItem = ii;
if (curItem == null && N > 0) {
curItem = addNewItem(mCurItem, curIndex);
// Fill 3x the available width or up to the number of offscreen
// pages requested to either side, whichever is larger.
// If we have no current item we have no work to do.
if (curItem != null) {
float extraWidthLeft = 0.f;
int itemIndex = curIndex - 1;
ItemInfo ii = itemIndex >= 0 ? mItems.get(itemIndex) : null;
final int clientWidth = getClientWidth();
final float leftWidthNeeded = clientWidth <= 0 ? 0 :
2.f - curItem.widthFactor + (float) getPaddingLeft() / (float) clientWidth;
for (int pos = mCurItem - 1; pos >= 0; pos--) {
if (extraWidthLeft >= leftWidthNeeded && pos < startPos) {
if (ii == null) {
if (pos == ii.position && !ii.scrolling) {
mAdapter.destroyItem(this, pos, ii.object);
if (DEBUG) {
Log.i(TAG, "populate() - destroyItem() with pos: " + pos
+ " view: " + ((View) ii.object));
ii = itemIndex >= 0 ? mItems.get(itemIndex) : null;
} else if (ii != null && pos == ii.position) {
extraWidthLeft += ii.widthFactor;
ii = itemIndex >= 0 ? mItems.get(itemIndex) : null;
} else {
ii = addNewItem(pos, itemIndex + 1);
extraWidthLeft += ii.widthFactor;
ii = itemIndex >= 0 ? mItems.get(itemIndex) : null;
注意有一个extraWidthLeft ,左边的宽度是0,然后itemIndex 是左边的一个。ii是左边一个的ItemInfo ,leftWidthNeeded左边需要的宽度是大约是1,具体curItem.widthFactor是通过PagerAdapter的getPageWidth,默认是返回的1。
最重要的就是后边的循环,循环退出的条件是extraWidthLeft >= leftWidthNeeded && pos < startPos,刚才我们已经说过startPos是可以等于mCurItem 的,但是左边的extraWidthLeft 明显是小于leftWidthNeeded 的,所以不会进来,一旦进入下边的分支,发现ii 为空就会立刻创建新的。这就是预加载的真正原理,需要同时满足这两个条件才可以。右边的机制完全相同,就不再分析了。