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Android 自定义imageview实现图片缩放实例详解

程序员文章站 2022-05-07 11:41:01
android 自定义imageview实现图片缩放实例详解  觉得这个自定义的imageview很好用 性能不错  所以拿出来分享给大家 ...

android 自定义imageview实现图片缩放实例详解

 觉得这个自定义的imageview很好用 性能不错  所以拿出来分享给大家  因为不会做gif图  所以项目效果 就不好贴出来了  把代码贴出来


Android 自定义imageview实现图片缩放实例详解


package com.suo.image; 
import android.os.build.version; 
import android.os.build.version_codes; 
import android.view.view; 
public class compat { 
 private static final int sixty_fps_interval = 1000 / 60; 
 public static void postonanimation(view view, runnable runnable) { 
  if (version.sdk_int >= version_codes.jelly_bean) { 
   sdk16.postonanimation(view, runnable); 
  } else { 
   view.postdelayed(runnable, sixty_fps_interval); 


package com.suo.image; 
import android.content.context; 
import android.support.v4.view.viewpager; 
import android.util.attributeset; 
import android.view.motionevent; 
 * hacky fix for issue #4 and 
 * http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=18990 
 * scalegesturedetector seems to mess up the touch events, which means that 
 * viewgroups which make use of onintercepttouchevent throw a lot of 
 * illegalargumentexception: pointerindex out of range. 
 * there's not much i can do in my code for now, but we can mask the result by 
 * just catching the problem and ignoring it. 
 * @author chris banes 
public class hackyviewpager extends viewpager { 
 public hackyviewpager(context context) { 
 public hackyviewpager(context context, attributeset attrs) { 
  super(context, attrs); 
  // todo auto-generated constructor stub 
 public boolean onintercepttouchevent(motionevent ev) { 
  try { 
   return super.onintercepttouchevent(ev); 
  } catch (illegalargumentexception e) { 
   return false; 


 * copyright 2011, 2012 chris banes. 
 * licensed under the apache license, version 2.0 (the "license"); 
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the license. 
 * you may obtain a copy of the license at 
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/license-2.0 
 * unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 
 * distributed under the license is distributed on an "as is" basis, 
 * without warranties or conditions of any kind, either express or implied. 
 * see the license for the specific language governing permissions and 
 * limitations under the license. 
package com.suo.image; 
import android.graphics.rectf; 
import android.view.view; 
import android.widget.imageview; 
public interface iscaleview { 
  * returns true if the scaleview is set to allow zooming of scales. 
  * @return true if the scaleview allows zooming. 
 boolean canzoom(); 
  * gets the display rectangle of the currently displayed drawable. the 
  * rectangle is relative to this view and includes all scaling and 
  * translations. 
  * @return - rectf of displayed drawable 
 rectf getdisplayrect(); 
  * @return the current minimum scale level. what this value represents depends on the current {@link android.widget.imageview.scaletype}. 
 float getminscale(); 
  * @return the current middle scale level. what this value represents depends on the current {@link android.widget.imageview.scaletype}. 
 float getmidscale(); 
  * @return the current maximum scale level. what this value represents depends on the current {@link android.widget.imageview.scaletype}. 
 float getmaxscale(); 
  * returns the current scale value 
  * @return float - current scale value 
 float getscale(); 
  * return the current scale type in use by the imageview. 
 imageview.scaletype getscaletype(); 
  * whether to allow the imageview's parent to intercept the touch event when the scale is scroll to it's horizontal edge. 
 void setallowparentinterceptonedge(boolean allow); 
  * sets the minimum scale level. what this value represents depends on the current {@link android.widget.imageview.scaletype}. 
 void setminscale(float minscale); 
  * sets the middle scale level. what this value represents depends on the current {@link android.widget.imageview.scaletype}. 
 void setmidscale(float midscale); 
  * sets the maximum scale level. what this value represents depends on the current {@link android.widget.imageview.scaletype}. 
 void setmaxscale(float maxscale); 
  * register a callback to be invoked when the scale displayed by this view is long-pressed. 
  * @param listener - listener to be registered. 
 void setonlongclicklistener(view.onlongclicklistener listener); 
  * register a callback to be invoked when the matrix has changed for this 
  * view. an example would be the user panning or scaling the scale. 
  * @param listener - listener to be registered. 
 void setonmatrixchangelistener(scaleviewattacher.onmatrixchangedlistener listener); 
  * register a callback to be invoked when the scale displayed by this view 
  * is tapped with a single tap. 
  * @param listener - listener to be registered. 
 void setonscaletaplistener(scaleviewattacher.onscaletaplistener listener); 
  * register a callback to be invoked when the view is tapped with a single 
  * tap. 
  * @param listener - listener to be registered. 
 void setonviewtaplistener(scaleviewattacher.onviewtaplistener listener); 
  * controls how the image should be resized or moved to match the size of 
  * the imageview. any scaling or panning will happen within the confines of 
  * this {@link android.widget.imageview.scaletype}. 
  * @param scaletype - the desired scaling mode. 
 void setscaletype(imageview.scaletype scaletype); 
  * allows you to enable/disable the zoom functionality on the imageview. 
  * when disable the imageview reverts to using the fit_center matrix. 
  * @param zoomable - whether the zoom functionality is enabled. 
 void setzoomable(boolean zoomable); 
  * zooms to the specified scale, around the focal point given. 
  * @param scale - scale to zoom to 
  * @param focalx - x focus point 
  * @param focaly - y focus point 
 void zoomto(float scale, float focalx, float focaly); 


 * copyright 2011, 2012 chris banes. 
 * licensed under the apache license, version 2.0 (the "license"); 
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the license. 
 * you may obtain a copy of the license at 
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/license-2.0 
 * unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 
 * distributed under the license is distributed on an "as is" basis, 
 * without warranties or conditions of any kind, either express or implied. 
 * see the license for the specific language governing permissions and 
 * limitations under the license. 
package com.suo.image; 
import com.suo.image.scaleviewattacher.onmatrixchangedlistener; 
import com.suo.image.scaleviewattacher.onscaletaplistener; 
import com.suo.image.scaleviewattacher.onviewtaplistener; 
import android.content.context; 
import android.graphics.rectf; 
import android.graphics.drawable.drawable; 
import android.net.uri; 
import android.util.attributeset; 
import android.widget.imageview; 
public class scaleview extends imageview implements iscaleview { 
 private static final string tag = "scaleview"; 
 private final scaleviewattacher mattacher; 
 private scaletype mpendingscaletype; 
 public scaleview(context context) { 
  this(context, null); 
 public scaleview(context context, attributeset attr) { 
  this(context, attr, 0); 
 public scaleview(context context, attributeset attr, int defstyle) { 
  super(context, attr, defstyle); 
  mattacher = new scaleviewattacher(this); 
  if (null != mpendingscaletype) { 
   mpendingscaletype = null; 
 public void setonclicklistener(onclicklistener listener){ 
 public boolean canzoom() { 
  return mattacher.canzoom(); 
 public rectf getdisplayrect() { 
  return mattacher.getdisplayrect(); 
 public float getminscale() { 
  return mattacher.getminscale(); 
 public float getmidscale() { 
  return mattacher.getmidscale(); 
 public float getmaxscale() { 
  return mattacher.getmaxscale(); 
 public float getscale() { 
  return mattacher.getscale(); 
 public scaletype getscaletype() { 
  return mattacher.getscaletype(); 
 public void setallowparentinterceptonedge(boolean allow) { 
 public void setminscale(float minscale) { 
 public void setmidscale(float midscale) { 
 public void setmaxscale(float maxscale) { 
 // setimagebitmap calls through to this method 
 public void setimagedrawable(drawable drawable) { 
  if (null != mattacher) { 
 public void setimageresource(int resid) { 
  if (null != mattacher) { 
 public void setimageuri(uri uri) { 
  if (null != mattacher) { 
 public void setonmatrixchangelistener(onmatrixchangedlistener listener) { 
 public void setonlongclicklistener(onlongclicklistener l) { 
 public void setonscaletaplistener(onscaletaplistener listener) { 
 public void setonviewtaplistener(onviewtaplistener listener) { 
 public void setscaletype(scaletype scaletype) { 
  if (null != mattacher) { 
  } else { 
   mpendingscaletype = scaletype; 
 public void setzoomable(boolean zoomable) { 
 public void zoomto(float scale, float focalx, float focaly) { 
  mattacher.zoomto(scale, focalx, focaly); 
 protected void ondetachedfromwindow() { 

6.scaleviewattacher  这个是最关键的

 * copyright 2011, 2012 chris banes. 
 * licensed under the apache license, version 2.0 (the "license"); 
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the license. 
 * you may obtain a copy of the license at 
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/license-2.0 
 * unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 
 * distributed under the license is distributed on an "as is" basis, 
 * without warranties or conditions of any kind, either express or implied. 
 * see the license for the specific language governing permissions and 
 * limitations under the license. 
package com.suo.image; 
import android.content.context; 
import android.graphics.matrix; 
import android.graphics.matrix.scaletofit; 
import android.graphics.rectf; 
import android.graphics.drawable.drawable; 
import android.util.log; 
import android.view.gesturedetector; 
import android.view.motionevent; 
import android.view.view; 
import android.view.view.onclicklistener; 
import android.view.view.onlongclicklistener; 
import android.view.viewtreeobserver; 
import android.widget.imageview; 
import android.widget.imageview.scaletype; 
import java.lang.ref.weakreference; 
public class scaleviewattacher implements iscaleview, view.ontouchlistener, versionedgesturedetector.ongesturelistener, 
  gesturedetector.ondoubletaplistener, viewtreeobserver.ongloballayoutlistener { 
 static final string log_tag = "scaleviewattacher"; 
 // let debug flag be dynamic, but still proguard can be used to remove from release builds 
 static final boolean debug = log.isloggable(log_tag, log.debug); 
 static final int edge_none = -1; 
 static final int edge_left = 0; 
 static final int edge_right = 1; 
 static final int edge_both = 2; 
 public static final float default_max_scale = 3.0f; 
 public static final float default_mid_scale = 1.75f; 
 public static final float default_min_scale = 1.0f; 
 private float mminscale = default_min_scale; 
 private float mmidscale = default_mid_scale; 
 private float mmaxscale = default_max_scale; 
 private boolean mallowparentinterceptonedge = true; 
 private static void checkzoomlevels(float minzoom, float midzoom, float maxzoom) { 
  if (minzoom >= midzoom) { 
   throw new illegalargumentexception("minzoom should be less than midzoom"); 
  } else if (midzoom >= maxzoom) { 
   throw new illegalargumentexception("midzoom should be less than maxzoom"); 
  * @return true if the imageview exists, and it's drawable existss 
 private static boolean hasdrawable(imageview imageview) { 
  return null != imageview && null != imageview.getdrawable(); 
  * @return true if the scaletype is supported. 
 private static boolean issupportedscaletype(final scaletype scaletype) { 
  if (null == scaletype) { 
   return false; 
  switch (scaletype) { 
   case matrix: 
    throw new illegalargumentexception(scaletype.name() + " is not supported in scaleview"); 
    return true; 
  * set's the imageview's scaletype to matrix. 
 private static void setimageviewscaletypematrix(imageview imageview) { 
  if (null != imageview) { 
   if (imageview instanceof scaleview) { 
     * scaleview sets it's own scaletype to matrix, then diverts all 
     * calls setscaletype to this.setscaletype. basically we don't 
     * need to do anything here 
   } else { 
 private weakreference<imageview> mimageview; 
 private viewtreeobserver mviewtreeobserver; 
 // gesture detectors 
 private gesturedetector mgesturedetector; 
 private versionedgesturedetector mscaledragdetector; 
 // these are set so we don't keep allocating them on the heap 
 private final matrix mbasematrix = new matrix(); 
 private final matrix mdrawmatrix = new matrix(); 
 private final matrix msuppmatrix = new matrix(); 
 private final rectf mdisplayrect = new rectf(); 
 private final float[] mmatrixvalues = new float[9]; 
 // listeners 
 private onmatrixchangedlistener mmatrixchangelistener; 
 private onscaletaplistener mscaletaplistener; 
 private onviewtaplistener mviewtaplistener; 
 private onlongclicklistener mlongclicklistener; 
 private int mivtop, mivright, mivbottom, mivleft; 
 private flingrunnable mcurrentflingrunnable; 
 private int mscrolledge = edge_both; 
 private boolean mzoomenabled; 
 private scaletype mscaletype = scaletype.fit_center; 
 private onclicklistener onclicklistener; 
 public scaleviewattacher(imageview imageview) { 
  mimageview = new weakreference<imageview>(imageview); 
  mviewtreeobserver = imageview.getviewtreeobserver(); 
  if (mviewtreeobserver != null) { 
  onclicklistener = null; 
  // make sure we using matrix scale type 
  if (!imageview.isineditmode()) { 
   // create gesture detectors... 
   mscaledragdetector = versionedgesturedetector.newinstance(imageview.getcontext(), this); 
   mgesturedetector = new gesturedetector(imageview.getcontext(), 
     new gesturedetector.simpleongesturelistener() { 
      // forward long click listener 
      public void onlongpress(motionevent e) { 
       if(null != mlongclicklistener) { 
   // finally, update the ui so that we're zoomable 
 public final boolean canzoom() { 
  return mzoomenabled; 
  * clean-up the resources attached to this object. this needs to be called 
  * when the imageview is no longer used. a good example is from 
  * {@link android.view.view#ondetachedfromwindow()} or from {@link android.app.activity#ondestroy()}. 
  * this is automatically called if you are using {@link scaleview.co.senab.scaleview.scaleview}. 
 public final void cleanup() { 
  if (null != mimageview) { 
   android.view.viewtreeobserver obs = mimageview.get().getviewtreeobserver(); 
   if (obs != null) { 
  mviewtreeobserver = null; 
  // clear listeners too 
  mmatrixchangelistener = null; 
  mscaletaplistener = null; 
  mviewtaplistener = null; 
  // finally, clear imageview 
  mimageview = null; 
 public final rectf getdisplayrect() { 
  return getdisplayrect(getdisplaymatrix()); 
 public final imageview getimageview() { 
  imageview imageview = null; 
  if (null != mimageview) { 
   imageview = mimageview.get(); 
  // if we don't have an imageview, call cleanup() 
  if (null == imageview) { 
//   throw new illegalstateexception( 
//     "imageview no longer exists. you should not use this scaleviewattacher any more."); 
  return imageview; 
 public float getminscale() { 
  return mminscale; 
 public float getmidscale() { 
  return mmidscale; 
 public float getmaxscale() { 
  return mmaxscale; 
 public final float getscale() { 
  return getvalue(msuppmatrix, matrix.mscale_x); 
 public final scaletype getscaletype() { 
  return mscaletype; 
 public final boolean ondoubletap(motionevent ev) { 
  try { 
   float scale = getscale(); 
   float x = ev.getx(); 
   float y = ev.gety(); 
   if (scale < mmidscale) { 
    zoomto(mmidscale, x, y); 
   } else if (scale >= mmidscale && scale < mmaxscale) { 
    zoomto(mmaxscale, x, y); 
   } else { 
    zoomto(mminscale, x, y); 
  } catch (arrayindexoutofboundsexception e) { 
   // can sometimes happen when getx() and gety() is called 
  return true; 
 public final boolean ondoubletapevent(motionevent e) { 
  // wait for the confirmed ondoubletap() instead 
  return false; 
 public final void ondrag(float dx, float dy) { 
  if (debug) { 
   log.d(log_tag, string.format("ondrag: dx: %.2f. dy: %.2f", dx, dy)); 
  imageview imageview = getimageview(); 
  if (null != imageview && hasdrawable(imageview)) { 
   msuppmatrix.posttranslate(dx, dy); 
    * here we decide whether to let the imageview's parent to start 
    * taking over the touch event. 
    * first we check whether this function is enabled. we never want the 
    * parent to take over if we're scaling. we then check the edge we're 
    * on, and the direction of the scroll (i.e. if we're pulling against 
    * the edge, aka 'overscrolling', let the parent take over). 
   if (mallowparentinterceptonedge && !mscaledragdetector.isscaling()) { 
    if (mscrolledge == edge_both || (mscrolledge == edge_left && dx >= 1f) 
      || (mscrolledge == edge_right && dx <= -1f)) { 
      android.view.viewparent vparent = imageview.getparent(); 
     if (vparent != null) { 
 public final void onfling(float startx, float starty, float velocityx, float velocityy) { 
  if (debug) { 
   log.d(log_tag, "onfling. sx: " + startx + " sy: " + starty + " vx: " + velocityx + " vy: " + velocityy); 
  imageview imageview = getimageview(); 
  if (hasdrawable(imageview)) { 
   mcurrentflingrunnable = new flingrunnable(imageview.getcontext()); 
   mcurrentflingrunnable.fling(imageview.getwidth(), imageview.getheight(), (int) velocityx, (int) velocityy); 
 public final void ongloballayout() { 
  imageview imageview = getimageview(); 
  if (null != imageview && mzoomenabled) { 
   final int top = imageview.gettop(); 
   final int right = imageview.getright(); 
   final int bottom = imageview.getbottom(); 
   final int left = imageview.getleft(); 
    * we need to check whether the imageview's bounds have changed. 
    * this would be easier if we targeted api 11+ as we could just use 
    * view.onlayoutchangelistener. instead we have to replicate the 
    * work, keeping track of the imageview's bounds and then checking 
    * if the values change. 
   if (top != mivtop || bottom != mivbottom || left != mivleft || right != mivright) { 
    // update our base matrix, as the bounds have changed 
    // update values as something has changed 
    mivtop = top; 
    mivright = right; 
    mivbottom = bottom; 
    mivleft = left; 
 public final void setonclicklinstener(onclicklistener listener){ 
  onclicklistener = listener; 
 public final void onscale(float scalefactor, float focusx, float focusy) { 
  if (debug) { 
   log.d(log_tag, string.format("onscale: scale: %.2f. fx: %.2f. fy: %.2f", scalefactor, focusx, focusy)); 
  if (hasdrawable(getimageview()) && (getscale() < mmaxscale || scalefactor < 1f)) { 
   msuppmatrix.postscale(scalefactor, scalefactor, focusx, focusy); 
 public final boolean onsingletapconfirmed(motionevent e) { 
  imageview imageview = getimageview(); 
  if (null != imageview) { 
   if (null != mscaletaplistener) { 
    final rectf displayrect = getdisplayrect(); 
    if (null != displayrect) { 
     final float x = e.getx(), y = e.gety(); 
     // check to see if the user tapped on the scale 
     if (displayrect.contains(x, y)) { 
      float xresult = (x - displayrect.left) / displayrect.width(); 
      float yresult = (y - displayrect.top) / displayrect.height(); 
      mscaletaplistener.onscaletap(imageview, xresult, yresult); 
      return true; 
   if (null != mviewtaplistener) { 
    mviewtaplistener.onviewtap(imageview, e.getx(), e.gety()); 
  return false; 
 private float lastposx, lastposy; 
 private long firclick = 0; 
 public final boolean ontouch(view v, motionevent ev) { 
  boolean handled = false; 
  if (mzoomenabled) { 
   switch (ev.getaction()) { 
    case motionevent.action_down: 
     // first, disable the parent from intercepting the touch 
     // event 
     android.view.viewparent vparent = v.getparent(); 
     if (vparent != null) { 
     lastposx = ev.getx(); 
     lastposy = ev.gety(); 
     // if we're flinging, and the user presses down, cancel 
     // fling 
    case motionevent.action_cancel: 
    case motionevent.action_up: 
     // if the user has zoomed less than min scale, zoom back 
     // to min scale 
     if (getscale() < mminscale) { 
      rectf rect = getdisplayrect(); 
      if (null != rect) { 
       v.post(new animatedzoomrunnable(getscale(), mminscale, rect.centerx(), rect.centery())); 
       handled = true; 
     if(ev.getx() == lastposx && ev.gety() == lastposy){ 
      long time = system.currenttimemillis(); 
      if(time - firclick > 500){ 
       firclick = system.currenttimemillis(); 
       if(onclicklistener != null){ 
   // check to see if the user double tapped 
   if (null != mgesturedetector && mgesturedetector.ontouchevent(ev)) { 
    handled = true; 
   // finally, try the scale/drag detector 
   if (null != mscaledragdetector && mscaledragdetector.ontouchevent(ev)) { 
    handled = true; 
  return handled; 
 public void setallowparentinterceptonedge(boolean allow) { 
  mallowparentinterceptonedge = allow; 
 public void setminscale(float minscale) { 
  checkzoomlevels(minscale, mmidscale, mmaxscale); 
  mminscale = minscale; 
 public void setmidscale(float midscale) { 
  checkzoomlevels(mminscale, midscale, mmaxscale); 
  mmidscale = midscale; 
 public void setmaxscale(float maxscale) { 
  checkzoomlevels(mminscale, mmidscale, maxscale); 
  mmaxscale = maxscale; 
 public final void setonlongclicklistener(onlongclicklistener listener) { 
  mlongclicklistener = listener; 
 public final void setonmatrixchangelistener(onmatrixchangedlistener listener) { 
  mmatrixchangelistener = listener; 
 public final void setonscaletaplistener(onscaletaplistener listener) { 
  mscaletaplistener = listener; 
 public final void setonviewtaplistener(onviewtaplistener listener) { 
  mviewtaplistener = listener; 
 public final void setscaletype(scaletype scaletype) { 
  if (issupportedscaletype(scaletype) && scaletype != mscaletype) { 
//   mscaletype = scaletype; 
   // finally update 
 public final void setzoomable(boolean zoomable) { 
  mzoomenabled = zoomable; 
 public final void update() { 
  imageview imageview = getimageview(); 
  if (null != imageview) { 
   if (mzoomenabled) { 
    // make sure we using matrix scale type 
    // update the base matrix using the current drawable 
   } else { 
    // reset the matrix... 
 public final void zoomto(float scale, float focalx, float focaly) { 
  imageview imageview = getimageview(); 
  if (null != imageview) { 
   imageview.post(new animatedzoomrunnable(getscale(), scale, focalx, focaly)); 
 protected matrix getdisplaymatrix() { 
  return mdrawmatrix; 
 private void cancelfling() { 
  if (null != mcurrentflingrunnable) { 
   mcurrentflingrunnable = null; 
  * helper method that simply checks the matrix, and then displays the result 
 private void checkanddisplaymatrix() { 
 private void checkimageviewscaletype() { 
  imageview imageview = getimageview(); 
   * scaleview's getscaletype() will just divert to this.getscaletype() so 
   * only call if we're not attached to a scaleview. 
  if (null != imageview && !(imageview instanceof scaleview)) { 
   if (imageview.getscaletype() != scaletype.matrix) { 
    throw new illegalstateexception( 
      "the imageview's scaletype has been changed since attaching a scaleviewattacher"); 
 private void checkmatrixbounds() { 
  final imageview imageview = getimageview(); 
  if (null == imageview) { 
  final rectf rect = getdisplayrect(getdisplaymatrix()); 
  if (null == rect) { 
  final float height = rect.height(), width = rect.width(); 
  float deltax = 0, deltay = 0; 
  final int viewheight = imageview.getheight(); 
  if (height <= viewheight) { 
   switch (mscaletype) { 
    case fit_start: 
     deltay = -rect.top; 
    case fit_end: 
     deltay = viewheight - height - rect.top; 
     deltay = (viewheight - height) / 2 - rect.top; 
  } else if (rect.top > 0) { 
   deltay = -rect.top; 
  } else if (rect.bottom < viewheight) { 
   deltay = viewheight - rect.bottom; 
  final int viewwidth = imageview.getwidth(); 
  if (width <= viewwidth) { 
   switch (mscaletype) { 
    case fit_start: 
     deltax = -rect.left; 
    case fit_end: 
     deltax = viewwidth - width - rect.left; 
     deltax = (viewwidth - width) / 2 - rect.left; 
   mscrolledge = edge_both; 
  } else if (rect.left > 0) { 
   mscrolledge = edge_left; 
   deltax = -rect.left; 
  } else if (rect.right < viewwidth) { 
   deltax = viewwidth - rect.right; 
   mscrolledge = edge_right; 
  } else { 
   mscrolledge = edge_none; 
  // finally actually translate the matrix 
  msuppmatrix.posttranslate(deltax, deltay); 
  * helper method that maps the supplied matrix to the current drawable 
  * @param matrix - matrix to map drawable against 
  * @return rectf - displayed rectangle 
 private rectf getdisplayrect(matrix matrix) { 
  imageview imageview = getimageview(); 
  if (null != imageview) { 
   drawable d = imageview.getdrawable(); 
   if (null != d) { 
    mdisplayrect.set(0, 0, d.getintrinsicwidth(), d.getintrinsicheight()); 
    return mdisplayrect; 
  return null; 
  * helper method that 'unpacks' a matrix and returns the required value 
  * @param matrix - matrix to unpack 
  * @param whichvalue - which value from matrix.m* to return 
  * @return float - returned value 
 private float getvalue(matrix matrix, int whichvalue) { 
  return mmatrixvalues[whichvalue]; 
  * resets the matrix back to fit_center, and then displays it.s 
 private void resetmatrix() { 
 private void setimageviewmatrix(matrix matrix) { 
  imageview imageview = getimageview(); 
  if (null != imageview) { 
   // call matrixchangedlistener if needed 
   if (null != mmatrixchangelistener) { 
    rectf displayrect = getdisplayrect(matrix); 
    if (null != displayrect) { 
  * calculate matrix for fit_center 
  * @param d - drawable being displayed 
 private void updatebasematrix(drawable d) { 
  imageview imageview = getimageview(); 
  if (null == imageview || null == d) { 
  final float viewwidth = imageview.getwidth(); 
  final float viewheight = imageview.getheight(); 
  final int drawablewidth = d.getintrinsicwidth(); 
  final int drawableheight = d.getintrinsicheight(); 
  final float widthscale = viewwidth / drawablewidth; 
  final float heightscale = viewheight / drawableheight; 
  if (mscaletype == scaletype.center) { 
   mbasematrix.posttranslate((viewwidth - drawablewidth) / 2f, (viewheight - drawableheight) / 2f); 
  } else if (mscaletype == scaletype.center_crop) { 
   float scale = math.max(widthscale, heightscale); 
   mbasematrix.postscale(scale, scale); 
   mbasematrix.posttranslate((viewwidth - drawablewidth * scale) / 2f, 
     (viewheight - drawableheight * scale) / 2f); 
  } else if (mscaletype == scaletype.center_inside) { 
   float scale = math.min(1.0f, math.min(widthscale, heightscale)); 
   mbasematrix.postscale(scale, scale); 
   mbasematrix.posttranslate((viewwidth - drawablewidth * scale) / 2f, 
     (viewheight - drawableheight * scale) / 2f); 
  } else { 
   rectf mtempsrc = new rectf(0, 0, drawablewidth, drawableheight); 
   rectf mtempdst = new rectf(0, 0, viewwidth, viewheight); 
   switch (mscaletype) { 
    case fit_center: 
     mbasematrix.setrecttorect(mtempsrc, mtempdst, scaletofit.center); 
    case fit_start: 
     mbasematrix.setrecttorect(mtempsrc, mtempdst, scaletofit.start); 
    case fit_end: 
     mbasematrix.setrecttorect(mtempsrc, mtempdst, scaletofit.end); 
    case fit_xy: 
     mbasematrix.setrecttorect(mtempsrc, mtempdst, scaletofit.fill); 
  * interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the internal 
  * matrix has changed for this view. 
  * @author chris banes 
 public static interface onmatrixchangedlistener { 
   * callback for when the matrix displaying the drawable has changed. 
   * this could be because the view's bounds have changed, or the user has 
   * zoomed. 
   * @param rect - rectangle displaying the drawable's new bounds. 
  void onmatrixchanged(rectf rect); 
  * interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the scale is 
  * tapped with a single tap. 
  * @author chris banes 
 public static interface onscaletaplistener { 
   * a callback to receive where the user taps on a scale. you will only 
   * receive a callback if the user taps on the actual scale, tapping on 
   * 'whitespace' will be ignored. 
   * @param view - view the user tapped. 
   * @param x - where the user tapped from the of the drawable, as 
   *   percentage of the drawable width. 
   * @param y - where the user tapped from the top of the drawable, as 
   *   percentage of the drawable height. 
  void onscaletap(view view, float x, float y); 
  * interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the imageview is 
  * tapped with a single tap. 
  * @author chris banes 
 public static interface onviewtaplistener { 
   * a callback to receive where the user taps on a imageview. you will 
   * receive a callback if the user taps anywhere on the view, tapping on 
   * 'whitespace' will not be ignored. 
   * @param view - view the user tapped. 
   * @param x - where the user tapped from the left of the view. 
   * @param y - where the user tapped from the top of the view. 
  void onviewtap(view view, float x, float y); 
 private class animatedzoomrunnable implements runnable { 
  // these are 'postscale' values, means they're compounded each iteration 
  static final float animation_scale_per_iteration_in = 1.07f; 
  static final float animation_scale_per_iteration_out = 0.93f; 
  private final float mfocalx, mfocaly; 
  private final float mtargetzoom; 
  private final float mdeltascale; 
  public animatedzoomrunnable(final float currentzoom, final float targetzoom, final float focalx, 
    final float focaly) { 
   mtargetzoom = targetzoom; 
   mfocalx = focalx; 
   mfocaly = focaly; 
   if (currentzoom < targetzoom) { 
    mdeltascale = animation_scale_per_iteration_in; 
   } else { 
    mdeltascale = animation_scale_per_iteration_out; 
  public void run() { 
   imageview imageview = getimageview(); 
   if (null != imageview) { 
    msuppmatrix.postscale(mdeltascale, mdeltascale, mfocalx, mfocaly); 
    final float currentscale = getscale(); 
    if ((mdeltascale > 1f && currentscale < mtargetzoom) 
      || (mdeltascale < 1f && mtargetzoom < currentscale)) { 
     // we haven't hit our target scale yet, so post ourselves 
     // again 
     compat.postonanimation(imageview, this); 
    } else { 
     // we've scaled past our target zoom, so calculate the 
     // necessary scale so we're back at target zoom 
     final float delta = mtargetzoom / currentscale; 
     msuppmatrix.postscale(delta, delta, mfocalx, mfocaly); 
 private class flingrunnable implements runnable { 
  private final scrollerproxy mscroller; 
  private int mcurrentx, mcurrenty; 
  public flingrunnable(context context) { 
   mscroller = scrollerproxy.getscroller(context); 
  public void cancelfling() { 
   if (debug) { 
    log.d(log_tag, "cancel fling"); 
  public void fling(int viewwidth, int viewheight, int velocityx, int velocityy) { 
   final rectf rect = getdisplayrect(); 
   if (null == rect) { 
   final int startx = math.round(-rect.left); 
   final int minx, maxx, miny, maxy; 
   if (viewwidth < rect.width()) { 
    minx = 0; 
    maxx = math.round(rect.width() - viewwidth); 
   } else { 
    minx = maxx = startx; 
   final int starty = math.round(-rect.top); 
   if (viewheight < rect.height()) { 
    miny = 0; 
    maxy = math.round(rect.height() - viewheight); 
   } else { 
    miny = maxy = starty; 
   mcurrentx = startx; 
   mcurrenty = starty; 
   if (debug) { 
    log.d(log_tag, "fling. startx:" + startx + " starty:" + starty + " maxx:" + maxx + " maxy:" + maxy); 
   // if we actually can move, fling the scroller 
   if (startx != maxx || starty != maxy) { 
    mscroller.fling(startx, starty, velocityx, velocityy, minx, maxx, miny, maxy, 0, 0); 
  public void run() { 
   imageview imageview = getimageview(); 
   if (null != imageview && mscroller.computescrolloffset()) { 
    final int newx = mscroller.getcurrx(); 
    final int newy = mscroller.getcurry(); 
    if (debug) { 
     log.d(log_tag, "fling run(). currentx:" + mcurrentx + " currenty:" + mcurrenty + " newx:" + newx 
       + " newy:" + newy); 
    msuppmatrix.posttranslate(mcurrentx - newx, mcurrenty - newy); 
    mcurrentx = newx; 
    mcurrenty = newy; 
    // post on animation 
    compat.postonanimation(imageview, this); 


 * copyright 2011, 2012 chris banes. 
 * licensed under the apache license, version 2.0 (the "license"); 
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the license. 
 * you may obtain a copy of the license at 
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/license-2.0 
 * unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 
 * distributed under the license is distributed on an "as is" basis, 
 * without warranties or conditions of any kind, either express or implied. 
 * see the license for the specific language governing permissions and 
 * limitations under the license. 
package com.suo.image; 
import android.annotation.targetapi; 
import android.content.context; 
import android.os.build.version; 
import android.os.build.version_codes; 
import android.widget.overscroller; 
import android.widget.scroller; 
public abstract class scrollerproxy { 
 public static scrollerproxy getscroller(context context) { 
  if (version.sdk_int < version_codes.gingerbread) { 
   return new pregingerscroller(context); 
  } else { 
   return new gingerscroller(context); 
 public abstract boolean computescrolloffset(); 
 public abstract void fling(int startx, int starty, int velocityx, int velocityy, int minx, int maxx, int miny, 
   int maxy, int overx, int overy); 
 public abstract void forcefinished(boolean finished); 
 public abstract int getcurrx(); 
 public abstract int getcurry(); 
 private static class gingerscroller extends scrollerproxy { 
  private overscroller mscroller; 
  public gingerscroller(context context) { 
   mscroller = new overscroller(context); 
  public boolean computescrolloffset() { 
   return mscroller.computescrolloffset(); 
  public void fling(int startx, int starty, int velocityx, int velocityy, int minx, int maxx, int miny, int maxy, 
    int overx, int overy) { 
   mscroller.fling(startx, starty, velocityx, velocityy, minx, maxx, miny, maxy, overx, overy); 
  public void forcefinished(boolean finished) { 
  public int getcurrx() { 
   return mscroller.getcurrx(); 
  public int getcurry() { 
   return mscroller.getcurry(); 
 private static class pregingerscroller extends scrollerproxy { 
  private scroller mscroller; 
  public pregingerscroller(context context) { 
   mscroller = new scroller(context); 
  public boolean computescrolloffset() { 
   return mscroller.computescrolloffset(); 
  public void fling(int startx, int starty, int velocityx, int velocityy, int minx, int maxx, int miny, int maxy, 
    int overx, int overy) { 
   mscroller.fling(startx, starty, velocityx, velocityy, minx, maxx, miny, maxy); 
  public void forcefinished(boolean finished) { 
  public int getcurrx() { 
   return mscroller.getcurrx(); 
  public int getcurry() { 
   return mscroller.getcurry(); 


 * copyright 2011, 2012 chris banes. 
 * licensed under the apache license, version 2.0 (the "license"); 
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the license. 
 * you may obtain a copy of the license at 
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/license-2.0 
 * unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 
 * distributed under the license is distributed on an "as is" basis, 
 * without warranties or conditions of any kind, either express or implied. 
 * see the license for the specific language governing permissions and 
 * limitations under the license. 
package com.suo.image; 
import android.annotation.targetapi; 
import android.view.view; 
public class sdk16 { 
 public static void postonanimation(view view, runnable r) { 


package com.suo.image; 
 * copyright 2011, 2012 chris banes. 
 * licensed under the apache license, version 2.0 (the "license"); 
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the license. 
 * you may obtain a copy of the license at 
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/license-2.0 
 * unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 
 * distributed under the license is distributed on an "as is" basis, 
 * without warranties or conditions of any kind, either express or implied. 
 * see the license for the specific language governing permissions and 
 * limitations under the license. 
import android.annotation.targetapi; 
import android.content.context; 
import android.os.build; 
import android.view.motionevent; 
import android.view.scalegesturedetector; 
import android.view.scalegesturedetector.onscalegesturelistener; 
import android.view.velocitytracker; 
import android.view.viewconfiguration; 
public abstract class versionedgesturedetector { 
 static final string log_tag = "versionedgesturedetector"; 
 ongesturelistener mlistener; 
 public static versionedgesturedetector newinstance(context context, ongesturelistener listener) { 
  final int sdkversion = build.version.sdk_int; 
  versionedgesturedetector detector = null; 
  if (sdkversion < build.version_codes.eclair) { 
   detector = new cupcakedetector(context); 
  } else if (sdkversion < build.version_codes.froyo) { 
   detector = new eclairdetector(context); 
  } else { 
   detector = new froyodetector(context); 
  detector.mlistener = listener; 
  return detector; 
 public abstract boolean ontouchevent(motionevent ev); 
 public abstract boolean isscaling(); 
 public static interface ongesturelistener { 
  public void ondrag(float dx, float dy); 
  public void onfling(float startx, float starty, float velocityx, float velocityy); 
  public void onscale(float scalefactor, float focusx, float focusy); 
 private static class cupcakedetector extends versionedgesturedetector { 
  float mlasttouchx; 
  float mlasttouchy; 
  final float mtouchslop; 
  final float mminimumvelocity; 
  public cupcakedetector(context context) { 
   final viewconfiguration configuration = viewconfiguration.get(context); 
   mminimumvelocity = configuration.getscaledminimumflingvelocity(); 
   mtouchslop = configuration.getscaledtouchslop(); 
  private velocitytracker mvelocitytracker; 
  private boolean misdragging; 
  float getactivex(motionevent ev) { 
   return ev.getx(); 
  float getactivey(motionevent ev) { 
   return ev.gety(); 
  public boolean isscaling() { 
   return false; 
  public boolean ontouchevent(motionevent ev) { 
   boolean result = true; 
   switch (ev.getaction()) { 
    case motionevent.action_down: { 
     mvelocitytracker = velocitytracker.obtain(); 
     if (mvelocitytracker != null) { 
     mlasttouchx = getactivex(ev); 
     mlasttouchy = getactivey(ev); 
     misdragging = false; 
    case motionevent.action_move: { 
     final float x = getactivex(ev); 
     final float y = getactivey(ev); 
     final float dx = x - mlasttouchx, dy = y - mlasttouchy; 
     if (!misdragging) { 
      // use pythagoras to see if drag length is larger than 
      // touch slop 
      misdragging = math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)) >= mtouchslop; 
     if (misdragging) { 
      mlistener.ondrag(dx, dy); 
      mlasttouchx = x; 
      mlasttouchy = y; 
      if (null != mvelocitytracker) { 
    case motionevent.action_cancel: { 
     // recycle velocity tracker 
     if (null != mvelocitytracker) { 
      mvelocitytracker = null; 
    case motionevent.action_up: { 
     if (misdragging) { 
      if (null != mvelocitytracker) { 
       mlasttouchx = getactivex(ev); 
       mlasttouchy = getactivey(ev); 
       // compute velocity within the last 1000ms 
       final float vx = mvelocitytracker.getxvelocity(), vy = mvelocitytracker.getyvelocity(); 
       // if the velocity is greater than minvelocity, call 
       // listener 
       if (math.max(math.abs(vx), math.abs(vy)) >= mminimumvelocity) { 
        mlistener.onfling(mlasttouchx, mlasttouchy, -vx, -vy); 
     // recycle velocity tracker 
     if (null != mvelocitytracker) { 
      mvelocitytracker = null; 
   return result; 
 private static class eclairdetector extends cupcakedetector { 
  private static final int invalid_pointer_id = -1; 
  private int mactivepointerid = invalid_pointer_id; 
  private int mactivepointerindex = 0; 
  public eclairdetector(context context) { 
  float getactivex(motionevent ev) { 
   try { 
    return ev.getx(mactivepointerindex); 
   } catch (exception e) { 
    return ev.getx(); 
  float getactivey(motionevent ev) { 
   try { 
    return ev.gety(mactivepointerindex); 
   } catch (exception e) { 
    return ev.gety(); 
  public boolean ontouchevent(motionevent ev) { 
   final int action = ev.getaction(); 
   switch (action & motionevent.action_mask) { 
    case motionevent.action_down: 
     mactivepointerid = ev.getpointerid(0); 
    case motionevent.action_cancel: 
    case motionevent.action_up: 
     mactivepointerid = invalid_pointer_id; 
    case motionevent.action_pointer_up: 
     final int pointerindex = (ev.getaction() & motionevent.action_pointer_index_mask) >> motionevent.action_pointer_index_shift; 
     final int pointerid = ev.getpointerid(pointerindex); 
     if (pointerid == mactivepointerid) { 
      // this was our active pointer going up. choose a new 
      // active pointer and adjust accordingly. 
      final int newpointerindex = pointerindex == 0 ? 1 : 0; 
      mactivepointerid = ev.getpointerid(newpointerindex); 
      mlasttouchx = ev.getx(newpointerindex); 
      mlasttouchy = ev.gety(newpointerindex); 
   mactivepointerindex = ev.findpointerindex(mactivepointerid != invalid_pointer_id ? mactivepointerid : 0); 
   return super.ontouchevent(ev); 
 private static class froyodetector extends eclairdetector { 
  private final scalegesturedetector mdetector; 
  // needs to be an inner class so that we don't hit 
  // verifyerror's on api 4. 
  private final onscalegesturelistener mscalelistener = new onscalegesturelistener() { 
   public boolean onscale(scalegesturedetector detector) { 
    mlistener.onscale(detector.getscalefactor(), detector.getfocusx(), detector.getfocusy()); 
    return true; 
   public boolean onscalebegin(scalegesturedetector detector) { 
    return true; 
   public void onscaleend(scalegesturedetector detector) { 
    // no-op 
  public froyodetector(context context) { 
   mdetector = new scalegesturedetector(context, mscalelistener); 
  public boolean isscaling() { 
   return mdetector.isinprogress(); 
  public boolean ontouchevent(motionevent ev) { 
   return super.ontouchevent(ev); 


package com.suo.myimage; 
import android.os.bundle; 
import android.app.activity; 
import android.view.menu; 
public class mainactivity extends activity { 
 protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { 
 public boolean oncreateoptionsmenu(menu menu) { 
  // inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present. 
  getmenuinflater().inflate(r.menu.activity_main, menu); 
  return true; 


<relativelayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" 
 tools:context=".mainactivity" > 
  android:text="@string/hello_world" /> 
