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Zend Studio 8.0.1发布:PHP开发环境

程序员文章站 2022-05-07 10:28:39

Zend Studio 8.0.1发布:PHP开发环境

Zend Studio 8.0.1发布了!该版本包含一系列的新特性,能够更好地支持JavaScript和CSS技术,此外还包括大量重要的bug修复及软件升级。

Zend Studio是专业开发人员在使用PHP整个开发周期中唯一的集成开发环境 (IDE),包含了所有PHP开发部件,整合了PHP开发过程中的所有工具。通过一整套编辑、调试、分析、优化和数据库工具,Zend Studio 加速开发周期,并简化复杂的应用方案。


* Case 033465 - The toggle breakpoint shortcut key now creates the correct breakpoints
* Case 033803 - Links in tool tip windows are now working
* Case 033638 - Opening a PHP file from the SVN Repositories view is now possible
* Case 187879 - Processing large files is now optimized
* Case 033246 - Running a PHP script with an error in the code now halts the php-cli.exe process properly
* Case 032519 - The code formatter no longer removes the backslash character from a namespace expression
* Case 033322 - The Remote search is now disabled in the search dialog
* Forum 04507 - The Remote Server Support page is now available in the project properties page
* Case 033499 - Only the necessary resources are scanned when downloading a specific directory in a Remote Server Support project
* Case 033679 - Various Javascript validator issues are now fixed


* ZSTD-415 - The Zend Firefox Toolbar now supports version 4.0


* Zend Framework 1.11.6


相关标签: PHP Zend