UTF8编码的Base64解密 MSSQL实现
2022-05-05 13:44:50
加密解密UTF8编码的BASE64串 无 GOCREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[c_GetUTF8Code] ( @char Nchar )RETURNS intAS--UTF8转码BEGIN Declare @Code int Select @Code=Cast(Unicode(@char) as int) Declare @Utf8Code int Set @Utf8Code=0 if(@Code128) begin --0-127 --
加密解密UTF8编码的BASE64串GO CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[c_GetUTF8Code] ( @char Nchar ) RETURNS int AS --UTF8转码 BEGIN Declare @Code int Select @Code=Cast(Unicode(@char) as int) Declare @Utf8Code int Set @Utf8Code=0 if(@Code127 and @Code2047 and @Code127 and @CodeInt2047) begin --+3位 if(@RestTransferLenth=0) begin Set @CodeTransfer=@CodeInt Set @RestTransfer=0 Set @RestTransferLenth=0 end else if(@RestTransferLenth=1) begin Set @CodeTransfer=0x10000*@RestTransfer+@CodeInt/0x100 Set @RestTransfer=@CodeInt%0x100 Set @RestTransferLenth=1 end else if(@RestTransferLenth=2) begin --剩余部分十六进制右移两位与新数据前两位之和 Set @CodeTransfer=0x100*@RestTransfer+@CodeInt/0x10000 Set @RestTransfer=@CodeInt%0x10000 Set @RestTransferLenth=2 end end ---累积到3位,执行加密转换 if(@CodeTransfer>0x100000) begin SET @block_val = CAST(@CodeTransfer AS BINARY(3)) SET @output = @output + SUBSTRING(@map , @block_val/262144 +1,1) + SUBSTRING(@map ,(@block_val/4096&63)+1,1) + SUBSTRING(@map ,(@block_val/64 &63)+1,1) + SUBSTRING(@map ,(@block_val&63) +1,1) end SET @block_start=@block_start+1 END IF @RestTransferLenth>0 BEGIN SET @block_val=Cast(@RestTransfer*(Case @RestTransferLenth When 1 Then 65536 Else 256 end) as BINARY(3)) SET @output=@output +SUBSTRING(@map , @block_val/262144+1, 1) +SUBSTRING(@map ,(@block_val/4096 &63)+1,1) +CASE WHEN @RestTransferLenth =1 THEN REPLACE(SUBSTRING(@map ,(@block_val/64&63)+1,1),'A','=') ELSE SUBSTRING(@map ,(@block_val/64&63)+1,1) END +CASE WHEN @RestTransferLenth=1 THEN '=' ELSE REPLACE(SUBSTRING(@map ,(@block_val&63)+1,1),'A','=') END END RETURN @output END GO CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[base64_utf8decode] ( @encoded_text varchar(max) ) RETURNS varchar(max) AS BEGIN --BASE64加密 DECLARE @output varchar(max) DECLARE @block_start int DECLARE @encoded_length int DECLARE @decoded_length int DECLARE @mapr binary(122) SET @output = '' SET @mapr = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF -- 1-33 +0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF3EFFFFFF3F3435363738393A3B3C3DFFFFFF00FFFFFF -- 33-64 +0x000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F10111213141516171819FFFFFFFFFFFF -- 65-96 +0x1A1B1C1D1E1F202122232425262728292A2B2C2D2E2F30313233-- 97-122 SET @encoded_length=LEN(@encoded_text) SET @decoded_length=@encoded_length/4*3 SET @block_start=1 Declare @Code int Set @Code=0 Declare @CodeLength int--累计连接数,1,2,3 Set @CodeLength =0 WHILE @block_start
上一篇: 预定义变量 PHP