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程序员文章站 2022-05-05 11:42:08




  缓解压力英语为relieve stress或者是relieve the pressure。缓解压力也是要讲究方法的。下面小编为你推荐缓解压力英文方法。

  1、everyone agrees: stress is terrible. it’s the thing that keeps you awake at night and unable to enjoy your day. sometimes stress helps us prioritize the things that need doing now, but more often than not, it’s a terrible feeling that sucks the life out of you.


  2、getting out of a funk is hard to do. when you’re super stressed, it’s easy to fall into a black hole of negative thinking. practice changing the way you think. if you’re plagued by negative thoughts, flip them around into something positive. it’s hard to do, especially when you feel buried by worry. the more you practice, the more you’ll lean towards positive thinking naturally. you’ll be happier in the long run.


  3、the best way to combat stress is to practice the art of self-care. self-care can be hard for a lot of people, especially those with busy lives who are used to putting work and the needs of others ahead of their own needs.




  1、you only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.若年华未曾虚度,只活一生便也足够。

  2、live as if you were to die tomorrow. learn as if you were to live forever.珍惜生活,就像死神随时来临;热爱学习,就像生命能够永恒。

  3、those who turn back never reach the summit.回头的人永远到不了最高峰!

  4、don’t wait. the time will never be just right.始终困于等待,时机就永远不会到来。