Hi3559 Ruyi Studio ImportError: No module named 'rpn' Failed to get shape info.
2022-03-06 21:33:11
ruyi studio报错如下
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "E:\HISVP\RuyiStudio-2.0.38\Resources\pythonScript\get_caffe_shape.py", line 3, in <module>
import rpn
ImportError: No module named 'rpn'
Failed to get shape info.
Failed to obtain the shape information. The possible causes are as follows: (1) The layers that the prototxt file contains are not supported by the tool. (2) The PC is not installed with the Python environment. (3) The PC is not installed with the Caffe environment. For details, see the following document: ruyi_env_setup-x.x.x/readme.txt.
import sys, getopt
import rpn
把import rpn挪到import sys后面,
import sys后加一句sys.path.append(‘E:\HISVP\ruyi_env_setup-.0.38\python35\Lib\site-packages\caffe\roi_pooling’)
这样再执行Mark shape信息就出来了