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iOS中使用正则表达式NSRegularExpression 来验证textfiled输入的内容

程序员文章站 2022-05-04 16:49:35
何谓正则表达式 正则表达式(regular expression),在计算机科学中,是指一个用来描述或者匹配一系列符合某个句法规则的字符串的单个字符串。在很多文本编辑...


正则表达式(regular expression),在计算机科学中,是指一个用来描述或者匹配一系列符合某个句法规则的字符串的单个字符串。在很多文本编辑器或其他工具里,正则表达式通常被用来检索和/或替换那些符合某个模式的文本内容。正则表达式这个概念最初是由unix中的工具软件(例如sed和grep)普及开的。正则表达式通常缩写成“regex”,单数有regexp、regex,复数有regexps、regexes、regexen。





iphone 4.0以后就开始支持正则表达式的使用了,在ios4.0中正则表达式的使用是使用nsregularexpression类来调用。

1. 下面一个简单的使用正则表达式的一个例子:nsregularexpression 类

nsstring *urlstring=@"sfdsfhttp://www.baidu.com";
 nserror *error;
//http+:[^\\s]* 这个表达式是检测一个网址的。
  nsregularexpression *regex = [nsregularexpression regularexpressionwithpattern:@"http+:[^\\s]*" options:0 error:&error];
  if (regex != nil) {
  nstextcheckingresult *firstmatch=[regex firstmatchinstring:urlstring options:0range:nsmakerange(0, [urlstring length])];
  if (firstmatch) {
   nsrange resultrange = [firstmatch rangeatindex:0]; //等同于 firstmatch.range --- 相匹配的范围
  nsstring *result=[urlstring substringwithrange:resultrange];


//初始化一个nsregularexpression 对象,并设置检测对象范围为:0-9 
nsregularexpression *regex2 = [nsregularexpression regularexpressionwithpattern:@"^[0-9]*$" options:0 error:nil];
    if (regex2)
       nstextcheckingresult *result2 = [regex2 firstmatchinstring:textfield.text options:0 range:nsmakerange(0, [textfield.text length])];
      if (result2) {




-(bool)isvalidateemail:(nsstring *)email
  nsstring *emailregex = @"[a-z0-9a-z._%+-]+@[a-za-z0-9.-]+\\.[a-za-z]{2,4}";
  nspredicate *emailtest = [nspredicate predicatewithformat:@"self matches%@",emailregex];
  return [emailtest evaluatewithobject:email];


  nsstring * regex = @"^[a-za-z0-9]{9,15}$";
  nspredicate *pred = [nspredicate predicatewithformat:@"self matches %@", regex];
  bool ismatch = [pred evaluatewithobject:txtfldphonenumber.text];



nspredicate *predicate; 
predicate = [nspredicate predicatewithformat: @"name == 'herbie'"]; 
  bool match = [predicate evaluatewithobject: car]; 
  nslog (@"%s", (match) ? "yes" : "no"); 
  predicate = [nspredicate predicatewithformat: @"engine.horsepower > 150"]; 
  nsarray *cars = [garage cars]; 
  for (car *car in [garage cars]) { 
    if ([predicate evaluatewithobject: car]) { 
      nslog (@"%@", car.name); 
  predicate = [nspredicate predicatewithformat: @"engine.horsepower > 150"]; 
  nsarray *results; 
  results = [cars filteredarrayusingpredicate: predicate]; 
  nslog (@"%@", results); 
  nspredicate *predicatetemplate = [nspredicate predicatewithformat:@"name == $name"]; 
  nsdictionary *vardict; 
  vardict = [nsdictionary dictionarywithobjectsandkeys: 
        @"herbie", @"name", nil]; 
  predicate = [predicatetemplate predicatewithsubstitutionvariables: vardict]; 
  nslog(@"snorgle: %@", predicate); 
  match = [predicate evaluatewithobject: car]; 
 nslog (@"%s", (match) ? "yes" : "no"); 
  predicate = [nspredicate predicatewithformat: 
         @"(engine.horsepower > 50) and (engine.horsepower < 200)"]; 
  results = [cars filteredarrayusingpredicate: predicate]; 
  nslog (@"oop %@", results); 
  predicate = [nspredicate predicatewithformat: @"name < 'newton'"]; 
  results = [cars filteredarrayusingpredicate: predicate]; 
  nslog (@"%@", [results valueforkey: @"name"]); 
  predicate = [nspredicate predicatewithformat: 
         @"engine.horsepower between { 50, 200 }"]; 
  results = [cars filteredarrayusingpredicate: predicate]; 
  nslog (@"%@", results); 
  nsarray *betweens = [nsarray arraywithobjects: 
             [nsnumber numberwithint: 50], [nsnumber numberwithint: 200], nil]; 
  predicate = [nspredicate predicatewithformat: @"engine.horsepower between %@", betweens]; 
  results = [cars filteredarrayusingpredicate: predicate]; 
  nslog (@"%@", results); 
  predicatetemplate = [nspredicate predicatewithformat: @"engine.horsepower between $powers"]; 
  vardict = [nsdictionary dictionarywithobjectsandkeys: betweens, @"powers", nil]; 
  predicate = [predicatetemplate predicatewithsubstitutionvariables: vardict]; 
  results = [cars filteredarrayusingpredicate: predicate]; 
  nslog (@"%@", results); 
  predicate = [nspredicate predicatewithformat: @"name in { 'herbie', 'snugs', 'badger', 'flap' }"]; 
  results = [cars filteredarrayusingpredicate: predicate]; 
  nslog (@"%@", [results valueforkey: @"name"]); 
  predicate = [nspredicate predicatewithformat: @"self.name in { 'herbie', 'snugs', 'badger', 'flap' }"]; 
  results = [cars filteredarrayusingpredicate: predicate]; 
  nslog (@"%@", [results valueforkey: @"name"]); 
  names = [cars valueforkey: @"name"]; 
  predicate = [nspredicate predicatewithformat: @"self in { 'herbie', 'snugs', 'badger', 'flap' }"]; 
  results = [names filteredarrayusingpredicate: predicate];//这里限制了self的范围 
  nslog (@"%@", results); 
  predicate = [nspredicate predicatewithformat: @"name beginswith 'bad'"]; 
  results = [cars filteredarrayusingpredicate: predicate]; 
  nslog (@"%@", results); 
  predicate = [nspredicate predicatewithformat: @"name beginswith 'herb'"]; 
  results = [cars filteredarrayusingpredicate: predicate]; 
  nslog (@"%@", results); 
  predicate = [nspredicate predicatewithformat: @"name beginswith[cd] 'herb'"]; 
  results = [cars filteredarrayusingpredicate: predicate]; 
  nslog (@"%@", results); 
  predicate = [nspredicate predicatewithformat: @"name like[cd] '*er*'"]; 
  results = [cars filteredarrayusingpredicate: predicate]; 
  nslog (@"%@", results); 
  predicate = [nspredicate predicatewithformat: @"name like[cd] '???er*'"]; 
  results = [cars filteredarrayusingpredicate: predicate]; 
  nslog (@"%@", results); 
nspredicate *predicate;
predicate = [nspredicate predicatewithformat: @"name == 'herbie'"];
  bool match = [predicate evaluatewithobject: car];
  nslog (@"%s", (match) ? "yes" : "no");
  predicate = [nspredicate predicatewithformat: @"engine.horsepower > 150"];
  nsarray *cars = [garage cars];
  for (car *car in [garage cars]) {
    if ([predicate evaluatewithobject: car]) {
      nslog (@"%@", car.name);
  predicate = [nspredicate predicatewithformat: @"engine.horsepower > 150"];
  nsarray *results;
  results = [cars filteredarrayusingpredicate: predicate];
  nslog (@"%@", results);
  nspredicate *predicatetemplate = [nspredicate predicatewithformat:@"name == $name"];
  nsdictionary *vardict;
  vardict = [nsdictionary dictionarywithobjectsandkeys:
        @"herbie", @"name", nil];
  predicate = [predicatetemplate predicatewithsubstitutionvariables: vardict];
  nslog(@"snorgle: %@", predicate);
  match = [predicate evaluatewithobject: car];
 nslog (@"%s", (match) ? "yes" : "no");
  predicate = [nspredicate predicatewithformat:
         @"(engine.horsepower > 50) and (engine.horsepower < 200)"];
  results = [cars filteredarrayusingpredicate: predicate];
  nslog (@"oop %@", results);
  predicate = [nspredicate predicatewithformat: @"name < 'newton'"];
  results = [cars filteredarrayusingpredicate: predicate];
  nslog (@"%@", [results valueforkey: @"name"]);
  predicate = [nspredicate predicatewithformat:
         @"engine.horsepower between { 50, 200 }"];
  results = [cars filteredarrayusingpredicate: predicate];
  nslog (@"%@", results);
  nsarray *betweens = [nsarray arraywithobjects:
             [nsnumber numberwithint: 50], [nsnumber numberwithint: 200], nil];
  predicate = [nspredicate predicatewithformat: @"engine.horsepower between %@", betweens];
  results = [cars filteredarrayusingpredicate: predicate];
  nslog (@"%@", results);
  predicatetemplate = [nspredicate predicatewithformat: @"engine.horsepower between $powers"];
  vardict = [nsdictionary dictionarywithobjectsandkeys: betweens, @"powers", nil];
  predicate = [predicatetemplate predicatewithsubstitutionvariables: vardict];
  results = [cars filteredarrayusingpredicate: predicate];
  nslog (@"%@", results);
  predicate = [nspredicate predicatewithformat: @"name in { 'herbie', 'snugs', 'badger', 'flap' }"];
  results = [cars filteredarrayusingpredicate: predicate];
  nslog (@"%@", [results valueforkey: @"name"]);
  predicate = [nspredicate predicatewithformat: @"self.name in { 'herbie', 'snugs', 'badger', 'flap' }"];
  results = [cars filteredarrayusingpredicate: predicate];
  nslog (@"%@", [results valueforkey: @"name"]);
  names = [cars valueforkey: @"name"];
  predicate = [nspredicate predicatewithformat: @"self in { 'herbie', 'snugs', 'badger', 'flap' }"];
  results = [names filteredarrayusingpredicate: predicate];//这里限制了self的范围
  nslog (@"%@", results);
  predicate = [nspredicate predicatewithformat: @"name beginswith 'bad'"];
  results = [cars filteredarrayusingpredicate: predicate];
  nslog (@"%@", results);
  predicate = [nspredicate predicatewithformat: @"name beginswith 'herb'"];
  results = [cars filteredarrayusingpredicate: predicate];
  nslog (@"%@", results);
  predicate = [nspredicate predicatewithformat: @"name beginswith[cd] 'herb'"];
  results = [cars filteredarrayusingpredicate: predicate];
  nslog (@"%@", results);
  predicate = [nspredicate predicatewithformat: @"name like[cd] '*er*'"];
  results = [cars filteredarrayusingpredicate: predicate];
  nslog (@"%@", results);
  predicate = [nspredicate predicatewithformat: @"name like[cd] '???er*'"];
  results = [cars filteredarrayusingpredicate: predicate];
  nslog (@"%@", results);

以上就是小编给大家分享的ios中使用正则表达式nsregularexpression 来验证textfiled输入的内容,希望大家喜欢。