1. 讲故事
在我们一个订单聚合系统中,每一笔订单都会标注来源,比如jd,taobao,etao,shopex 等等一些渠道,ui上也提供高级配置输入自定义的订单来源,后来客户反馈输入xxx查询不出订单,这里就拿shopex为例,用户用小写的shopex查询,但系统中标注的是首字母大写的shopex,所以自然无法匹配,为了解决这个问题开发小哥就统一转成大写做比对,用代码表示如下:
var orderfrom = "shopex".toupper(); customeridlist = memoryorders.where(i =>i.orderfrom.toupper()==orderfrom) .select(i => i.customerid).tolist();
2. string.compare 改造
其实在c#中面对忽略大小写形式的比较是有专门的方法,性能高而且还不费内存,它就是 string.compare
var orderfrom = "shopex"; customeridlist = memoryorders.where(string.compare(i.tradefrom, tradefrom, stringcomparison.ordinalignorecase) == 0) .select(i => i.customerid).tolist();
这其中的 stringcomparison.ordinalignorecase
public static void main(string[] args) { var strlist = "hooray! it's snowing! it's time to make a snowman.james runs out. he makes a big pile of snow. he puts a big snowball on top. he adds a scarf and a hat. he adds an orange for the nose. he adds coal for the eyes and buttons.in the evening, james opens the door. what does he see? the snowman is moving! james invites him in. the snowman has never been inside a house. he says hello to the cat. he plays with paper towels.a moment later, the snowman takes james's hand and goes out.they go up, up, up into the air! they are flying! what a wonderful night!the next morning, james jumps out of bed. he runs to the door.he wants to thank the snowman. but he's gone.".split(' '); var query = "snowman".toupper(); for (int i = 0; i < strlist.length; i++) { var str = strlist[i].toupper(); if (str == query) console.writeline(str); } console.readline(); }
1. 内存波动探究
0:000> !dumpheap -type system.string -stat statistics: mt count totalsize class name 00007ff8e7a9a120 1 24 system.collections.generic.genericequalitycomparer`1[[system.string, mscorlib]] 00007ff8e7a99e98 1 80 system.collections.generic.dictionary`2[[system.string, mscorlib],[system.globalization.culturedata, mscorlib]] 00007ff8e7a9a378 1 96 system.collections.generic.dictionary`2+entry[[system.string, mscorlib],[system.globalization.culturedata, mscorlib]][] 00007ff8e7a93200 19 2264 system.string[] 00007ff8e7a959c0 429 17894 system.string total 451 object
个string对象,那这个429怎么来的? 组成:短文128个,toupper后128个,系统默认165个,query字符串2个,不明字符串6个,最后就是128 +128 + 165 + 2 + 6=429
!dumpheap -mt 00007ff8e7a959c0 > !dumpobj 000002244282a1f8
0:000> !dumpobj /d 0000017800008010 name: system.string methodtable: 00007ff8e7a959c0 eeclass: 00007ff8e7a72ec0 size: 38(0x26) bytes file: c:\windows\microsoft.net\assembly\gac_64\mscorlib\v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089\mscorlib.dll string: house. fields: mt field offset type vt attr value name 00007ff8e7a985a0 4000281 8 system.int32 1 instance 6 m_stringlength 00007ff8e7a96838 4000282 c system.char 1 instance 48 m_firstchar 00007ff8e7a959c0 4000286 d8 system.string 0 shared static empty >> domain:value 0000017878943bb0:notinit << 0:000> !dumpobj /d 0000017800008248 name: system.string methodtable: 00007ff8e7a959c0 eeclass: 00007ff8e7a72ec0 size: 40(0x28) bytes file: c:\windows\microsoft.net\assembly\gac_64\mscorlib\v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089\mscorlib.dll string: snowman fields: mt field offset type vt attr value name 00007ff8e7a985a0 4000281 8 system.int32 1 instance 7 m_stringlength 00007ff8e7a96838 4000282 c system.char 1 instance 53 m_firstchar 00007ff8e7a959c0 4000286 d8 system.string 0 shared static empty >> domain:value 0000017878943bb0:notinit <<