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C# WebClient download image within url and display the downloaded picture automatically in windows os

程序员文章站 2022-05-03 22:49:02
static void WebClientDownLoad() { string url = "http://p4.ssl.cdn.btime.com/t0167dce5a13c3da30d.jpg?size=5012x3094"; WebClient client = new WebClient( ......
static void webclientdownload()
            string url = "http://p4.ssl.cdn.btime.com/t0167dce5a13c3da30d.jpg?size=5012x3094";
            webclient client = new webclient();
            client.downloaddatacompleted += clientdownloaddatacompleted; 
            client.downloaddataasync(new uri(url));


        private static void clientdownloaddatacompleted(object sender, downloaddatacompletedeventargs e)
            byte[] imgbytes = e.result;
            using(memorystream ms=new memorystream(imgbytes))
                image img = image.fromstream(ms);
            processstartinfo info = new processstartinfo();
            info.filename = "lyf.jpg";
            info.useshellexecute = true;
            info.verb = string.empty;