Spring Boot Web开发与thymeleaf模板引擎
- 使用springboot应用,选中需要的模块,
- spring已经默认将场景配置好了,只需在配置文件中少量配置就可以运行起来
- 自己编写业务代码
xxxxxautoconfiguration :帮我们给容器自动配置组件
xxxproperties 配置类来封装配置文件的内容
@configurationproperties(prefix = "spring.resources", ignoreunknownfields = false) public class resourceproperties implements resourceloaderaware { //可以设置和静态资源有关的参数,缓存时间等 } //webmvc的自动配置 webmvcauotconfiguration: @override public void addresourcehandlers(resourcehandlerregistry registry) { if (!this.resourceproperties.isaddmappings()) { logger.debug("default resource handling disabled"); return; } integer cacheperiod = this.resourceproperties.getcacheperiod(); if (!registry.hasmappingforpattern("/webjars/**")) { customizeresourcehandlerregistration( registry.addresourcehandler("/webjars/**").addresourcelocations("classpath:/meta-inf/resources/webjars/").setcacheperiod(cacheperiod)); } string staticpathpattern = this.mvcproperties.getstaticpathpattern(); //静态资源文件夹映射 if (!registry.hasmappingforpattern(staticpathpattern)) { customizeresourcehandlerregistration(registry.addresourcehandler(staticpathpattern).addresourcelocations(this.resourceproperties.getstaticlocations()).setcacheperiod(cacheperiod)); } } //配置欢迎页映射 @bean public welcomepagehandlermapping welcomepagehandlermapping(resourceproperties resourceproperties) { return new welcomepagehandlermapping(resourceproperties.getwelcomepage(), this.mvcproperties.getstaticpathpattern()); } //配置喜欢的图标 即我们网页标签最左边的图标 @configuration @conditionalonproperty(value = "spring.mvc.favicon.enabled", matchifmissing = true) public static class faviconconfiguration { private final resourceproperties resourceproperties; public faviconconfiguration(resourceproperties resourceproperties) {this.resourceproperties = resourceproperties; } @bean public simpleurlhandlermapping faviconhandlermapping() { simpleurlhandlermapping mapping = new simpleurlhandlermapping(); mapping.setorder(ordered.highest_precedence + 1); //所有 **/favicon.ico mapping.seturlmap(collections.singletonmap("**/favicon.ico",faviconrequesthandler())); return mapping; } @bean public resourcehttprequesthandler faviconrequesthandler() { resourcehttprequesthandler requesthandler = new resourcehttprequesthandler(); requesthandler.setlocations(this.resourceproperties.getfaviconlocations()); return requesthandler; } }
- 所有的 /webjars/** 都去 classpath:/meta-inf/resources/webjars/ 找资源;
pom.xml 依赖:
<!--引入jquery-webjar-->在访问的时候只需要写webjars下面资源的名称即可 <dependency> <groupid>org.webjars</groupid> <artifactid>jquery</artifactid> <version>3.3.1</version> </dependency>
- "/**" 访问当前项目的任何资源,都去(静态资源的文件夹)找映射
"classpath:/meta-inf/resources/", "classpath:/resources/", "classpath:/static/", "classpath:/public/" "/":当前项目的根路径
localhost:8080/abc === 默认去静态资源文件夹里面找abc
- 欢迎页; 静态资源文件夹下的所有index.html页面;被"/**"映射;
- localhost:8080/ 找index页面
- 所有的 **/favicon.ico 都是在静态资源文件下找;
springboot 推荐使用thymeleaf ,语法更简单,功能更强大。
<dependency> <groupid>org.springframework.boot</groupid> <artifactid>spring-boot-starter-thymeleaf</artifactid> </dependency> springboot默认的thymeleaf 版本为 2.1.6 ,该版本太低,所以我们需要手动切换thymeleaf版本 <properties> <thymeleaf.version>3.0.9.release</thymeleaf.version> <!-- 布局功能的支持程序 thymeleaf3主程序 layout2以上版本 --> <!-- thymeleaf2 layout1--> <thymeleaf-layout-dialect.version>2.2.2</thymeleaf-layout-dialect.version> </properties>
springboot 的其他默认版本的依赖也是这样切换,如果需要修改的话,一样的切换思路。
配置上面这两个的时候,启动springboot 会报错误
an attempt was made to call the method org.thymeleaf.spring5.springtemplateengine.setrenderhiddenmarkersbeforecheckboxes(z)v but it does not exist. its class, org.thymeleaf.spring5.springtemplateengine, is available from the following locations:
it was loaded from the following location:
correct the classpath of your application so that it contains a single, compatible version of org.thymeleaf.spring5.springtemplateengine
@configurationproperties(prefix = "spring.thymeleaf") public class thymeleafproperties { private static final charset default_encoding = charset.forname("utf-8"); private static final mimetype default_content_type = mimetype.valueof("text/html");
public static final string default_prefix = "classpath:/templates/";
public static final string default_suffix = ".html";
1,在html 页面上导入thymeleaf的命名空间 , 不导入也可以,只是在写代码的时候,没有相应的代码提示。
<html lang="en" xmlns:th="http://www.thymeleaf.org">
<!doctype html> <html lang="en" xmlns:th="http://www.thymeleaf.org"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>title</title> </head> <body> <h1>成功!</h1> <!--th:text 将div里面的文本内容设置为 --> <div th:text="${hello}">这是显示欢迎信息</div> </body> </html>
simple expressions:(表达式语法) variable expressions: ${...}:获取变量值;ognl; 1)、获取对象的属性、调用方法 2)、使用内置的基本对象: #ctx : the context object. #vars: the context variables. #locale : the context locale. #request : (only in web contexts) the httpservletrequest object. #response : (only in web contexts) the httpservletresponse object. #session : (only in web contexts) the httpsession object. #servletcontext : (only in web contexts) the servletcontext object. ${session.foo} 3)、内置的一些工具对象: #execinfo : information about the template being processed. #messages : methods for obtaining externalized messages inside variables expressions, in the same way as they would be obtained using #{…} syntax. #uris : methods for escaping parts of urls/uris #conversions : methods for executing the configured conversion service (if any). #dates : methods for java.util.date objects: formatting, component extraction, etc. #calendars : analogous to #dates , but for java.util.calendar objects. #numbers : methods for formatting numeric objects. #strings : methods for string objects: contains, startswith, prepending/appending, etc. #objects : methods for objects in general. #bools : methods for boolean evaluation. #arrays : methods for arrays. #lists : methods for lists. #sets : methods for sets. #maps : methods for maps. #aggregates : methods for creating aggregates on arrays or collections. #ids : methods for dealing with id attributes that might be repeated (for example, as a result of an iteration). selection variable expressions: *{...}:选择表达式:和${}在功能上是一样; 补充:配合 th:object="${session.user}: <div th:object="${session.user}"> <p>name: <span th:text="*{firstname}">sebastian</span>.</p> <p>surname: <span th:text="*{lastname}">pepper</span>.</p> <p>nationality: <span th:text="*{nationality}">saturn</span>.</p> </div> message expressions: #{...}:获取国际化内容 link url expressions: @{...}:定义url; @{/order/process(execid=${execid},exectype='fast')} fragment expressions: ~{...}:片段引用表达式 <div th:insert="~{commons :: main}">...</div> literals(字面量) text literals: 'one text' , 'another one!' ,… number literals: 0 , 34 , 3.0 , 12.3 ,… boolean literals: true , false null literal: null literal tokens: one , sometext , main ,… text operations:(文本操作) string concatenation: + literal substitutions: |the name is ${name}| arithmetic operations:(数学运算) binary operators: + , - , * , / , % minus sign (unary operator): - boolean operations:(布尔运算) binary operators: and , or boolean negation (unary operator): ! , not comparisons and equality:(比较运算) comparators: > , < , >= , <= ( gt , lt , ge , le ) equality operators: == , != ( eq , ne ) conditional operators:条件运算(三元运算符) if-then: (if) ? (then) if-then-else: (if) ? (then) : (else) default: (value) ?: (defaultvalue) special tokens: no-operation: _
上一篇: laravel 文件删除
下一篇: 要剥开壳吃的
Spring Boot Web开发与thymeleaf模板引擎
Spring Boot thymeleaf模板引擎的使用详解
Spring boot 整合 Mybatis + Thymeleaf开发web(二)
Thymeleaf模板的使用及与Spring Boot的集成
Spring Boot Web开发与thymeleaf模板引擎
4) Spring Boot 整合 Thymeleaf 模板引擎 之 表达式语法
Spring boot 整合 Mybatis + Thymeleaf开发web(二)
Spring Boot thymeleaf模板引擎的使用详解