Python技术大会:PyConUK 2008
Python技术大会:PyConUK 2008在9月12-14日英国召开,Python技术大会的目标是面向所有python社区的用户和开发者,提升python的技能。这次大会很成功,大概250-300人参与会议。这次大会也是为EuroPython 2009大会做准备,EuroPython 2009将在09年6月29日召开。
Minimal Software Transactional Memory & Simplified SOA using Kamaelia
"I love Zeppelins, and you should too" - Simon Willison's not-Python-related talk
Writing Parsers and Compilers with PLY (PDF) - Originally at PyCON'07, but presented to fill a cancellation.
Resolver One: Python Inside and Outside the Spreadsheet Grid (plus links to the slides for talks by other Resolver people)
This is a shot as I walked back to my hotel via one of Birmingham’s canals.
上一篇: Java并发——CompletionService
下一篇: PHP框架中的数据库连接是持久的吗