function teststring(somestring)
tempstring = trim(somestring)
tempstring_length = len(tempstring)
tempstring_ok = true
for tempstring_pos = 1 to tempstring_length
tempstring_char = mid(tempstring,tempstring_pos)
tempstring_char_ansi = asc(tempstring_char)
if tempstring_char_ansi > 47 and tempstring_char_ansi < 123 then
' ansi字符中:a-z 是65-90,a-z是97-122,0-9是48-57
if tempstring_char_ansi > 57 and tempstring_char_ansi < 65 then
tempstring_ok = false
exit for
end if
if tempstring_char_ansi > 90 and tempstring_char_ansi < 97 then
tempstring_ok = false
exit for
end if
tempstring_ok = false
exit for
end if
teststring = tempstring_ok
end function
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