Dapper 一对多查询 one to many
2022-05-03 14:12:34
参考文档:Dapper one to many Table C Code pulic List GetPersons(){ var sql = @"SELECT 1 AS Id, 'Daniel Dennett' AS Name, 1942 AS Born, 1 AS CountryId, 'Uni ......
public class person { public int id { get; set; } public string name { get; set; } public int born { get; set; } public country residience { get; set; } public icollection<book> books { get; set; } } public class country { public int countryid { get; set; } public string countryname { get; set; } } public class book { public int bookid { get; set; } public string bookname { get; set; } }
c# code
pulic list<person> getpersons(){ var sql = @"select 1 as id, 'daniel dennett' as name, 1942 as born, 1 as countryid, 'united states of america' as countryname, 1 as bookid, 'brainstorms' as bookname union all select 1 as id, 'daniel dennett' as name, 1942 as born, 1 as countryid, 'united states of america' as countryname, 2 as bookid, 'elbow room' as bookname union all select 2 as id, 'sam harris' as name, 1967 as born, 1 as countryid, 'united states of america' as countryname, 3 as bookid, 'the moral landscape' as bookname union all select 2 as id, 'sam harris' as name, 1967 as born, 1 as countryid, 'united states of america' as countryname, 4 as bookid, 'waking up: a guide to spirituality without religion' as bookname union all select 3 as id, 'richard dawkins' as name, 1941 as born, 2 as countryid, 'united kingdom' as countryname, 5 as bookid, 'the magic of reality: how we know what`s really true' as bookname union all select 3 as id, 'richard dawkins' as name, 1941 as born, 2 as countryid, 'united kingdom' as countryname, 6 as bookid, 'an appetite for wonder: the making of a scientist' as bookname"; var remaininghorsemen = new dictionary<int, person>(); connection.query<person, country, book, person>(sql, (person, country, book) => { //person person personentity; //trip if (!remaininghorsemen.trygetvalue(person.id, out personentity)) { remaininghorsemen.add(person.id, personentity = person); } //country if(personentity.residience == null) { if (country == null) { country = new country { countryname = "" }; } personentity.residience = country; } //books if(personentity.books == null) { personentity.books = new list<book>(); } if (book != null) { if (!personentity.books.any(x => x.bookid == book.bookid)) { personentity.books.add(book); } } return personentity; }, spliton: "countryid,bookid"); return remaininghorsemen.value.tolist(); }
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