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Android P 蓝牙与PC端连接失败(error错误分析与解决方法)

程序员文章站 2022-05-01 19:18:49
字符有:PIN码或配对密钥不正确,无法与对应的字符串为:bluetooth_pairing_pin_error_messageframeworks/base/packages/SettingsLib/src/com/android/settingslib/bluetooth/BluetoothEventManager.java /** * Called when we have reached the unbonded state. * * @pa...



         * Called when we have reached the unbonded state.
         * @param reason one of the error reasons from
         *            BluetoothDevice.UNBOND_REASON_*
         */ private void showUnbondMessage(Context context, String name, int reason) { int errorMsg; switch(reason) { case BluetoothDevice.UNBOND_REASON_AUTH_FAILED: errorMsg = R.string.bluetooth_pairing_pin_error_message; break; case BluetoothDevice.UNBOND_REASON_AUTH_REJECTED: errorMsg = R.string.bluetooth_pairing_rejected_error_message; break; case BluetoothDevice.UNBOND_REASON_REMOTE_DEVICE_DOWN: errorMsg = R.string.bluetooth_pairing_device_down_error_message; break; case BluetoothDevice.UNBOND_REASON_DISCOVERY_IN_PROGRESS: case BluetoothDevice.UNBOND_REASON_AUTH_TIMEOUT: case BluetoothDevice.UNBOND_REASON_REPEATED_ATTEMPTS: case BluetoothDevice.UNBOND_REASON_REMOTE_AUTH_CANCELED: errorMsg = R.string.bluetooth_pairing_error_message; break; default: Log.w(TAG, "showUnbondMessage: Not displaying any message for reason: " + reason); return; } Utils.showError(context, name, errorMsg); } } 


private class BondStateChangedHandler implements Handler { public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent, BluetoothDevice device) { if (device == null) { Log.e(TAG, "ACTION_BOND_STATE_CHANGED with no EXTRA_DEVICE"); return; } int bondState = intent.getIntExtra(BluetoothDevice.EXTRA_BOND_STATE, BluetoothDevice.ERROR); CachedBluetoothDevice cachedDevice = mDeviceManager.findDevice(device); if (cachedDevice == null) { Log.w(TAG, "CachedBluetoothDevice for device " + device + " not found, calling readPairedDevices()."); if (readPairedDevices()) { cachedDevice = mDeviceManager.findDevice(device); } if (cachedDevice == null) { Log.w(TAG, "Got bonding state changed for " + device + ", but we have no record of that device."); cachedDevice = mDeviceManager.addDevice(mLocalAdapter, mProfileManager, device); dispatchDeviceAdded(cachedDevice); } } synchronized (mCallbacks) { for (BluetoothCallback callback : mCallbacks) { callback.onDeviceBondStateChanged(cachedDevice, bondState); } } cachedDevice.onBondingStateChanged(bondState); if (bondState == BluetoothDevice.BOND_NONE) { /* Check if we need to remove other Hearing Aid devices */ if (cachedDevice.getHiSyncId() != BluetoothHearingAid.HI_SYNC_ID_INVALID) { mDeviceManager.onDeviceUnpaired(cachedDevice); } int reason = intent.getIntExtra(BluetoothDevice.EXTRA_REASON, BluetoothDevice.ERROR); showUnbondMessage(context, cachedDevice.getName(), reason); } } 

找到蓝牙服务的位置, 根据蓝牙状态机的显示有:

 private int getUnbondReasonFromHALCode(int reason) { if (reason == AbstractionLayer.BT_STATUS_SUCCESS) { return BluetoothDevice.BOND_SUCCESS; } else if (reason == AbstractionLayer.BT_STATUS_RMT_DEV_DOWN) { return BluetoothDevice.UNBOND_REASON_REMOTE_DEVICE_DOWN; } else if (reason == AbstractionLayer.BT_STATUS_AUTH_FAILURE) { return BluetoothDevice.UNBOND_REASON_AUTH_FAILED; } else if (reason == AbstractionLayer.BT_STATUS_AUTH_REJECTED) { return BluetoothDevice.UNBOND_REASON_AUTH_REJECTED; } else if (reason == AbstractionLayer.BT_STATUS_AUTH_TIMEOUT) { return BluetoothDevice.UNBOND_REASON_AUTH_TIMEOUT; } /* default */ return BluetoothDevice.UNBOND_REASON_REMOVED; } 


 private class PendingCommandState extends State { @Override public void enter() { infoLog("Entering PendingCommandState State"); BluetoothDevice dev = (BluetoothDevice) getCurrentMessage().obj; } @Override public synchronized boolean processMessage(Message msg) { BluetoothDevice dev = (BluetoothDevice) msg.obj; DeviceProperties devProp = mRemoteDevices.getDeviceProperties(dev); boolean result = false; if (mDevices.contains(dev) && msg.what != CANCEL_BOND && msg.what != BONDING_STATE_CHANGE && msg.what != SSP_REQUEST && msg.what != PIN_REQUEST) { deferMessage(msg); return true; } switch (msg.what) { case CREATE_BOND: OobData oobData = null; if (msg.getData() != null) { oobData = msg.getData().getParcelable(OOBDATA); } result = createBond(dev, msg.arg1, oobData, false); break; case REMOVE_BOND: result = removeBond(dev, false); break; case CANCEL_BOND: result = cancelBond(dev); break; case BONDING_STATE_CHANGE: int newState = msg.arg1; int reason = getUnbondReasonFromHALCode(msg.arg2); sendIntent(dev, newState, reason); if (newState != BluetoothDevice.BOND_BONDING) { // check if bond none is received from device which // was in pairing state otherwise don't transition to // stable state. if (newState == BluetoothDevice.BOND_NONE && !mDevices.contains(dev) && mDevices.size() != 0) { infoLog("not transitioning to stable state"); break; } /* this is either none/bonded, remove and transition */ result = !mDevices.remove(dev); if (mDevices.isEmpty()) { // Whenever mDevices is empty, then we need to // set result=false. Else, we will end up adding // the device to the list again. This prevents us // from pairing with a device that we just unpaired result = false; transitionTo(mStableState); } if (newState == BluetoothDevice.BOND_NONE) { mAdapterService.setPhonebookAccessPermission(dev, BluetoothDevice.ACCESS_UNKNOWN); mAdapterService.setMessageAccessPermission(dev, BluetoothDevice.ACCESS_UNKNOWN); mAdapterService.setSimAccessPermission(dev, BluetoothDevice.ACCESS_UNKNOWN); // Set the profile Priorities to undefined clearProfilePriority(dev); } } else if (!mDevices.contains(dev)) { result = true; } break; case SSP_REQUEST: int passkey = msg.arg1; int variant = msg.arg2; if (devProp == null) { Log.e(TAG,"Received msg from an unknown device"); return false; } sendDisplayPinIntent(devProp.getAddress(), passkey, variant); break; case PIN_REQUEST: BluetoothClass btClass = dev.getBluetoothClass(); int btDeviceClass = btClass.getDeviceClass(); if (devProp == null) { Log.e(TAG,"Received msg from an unknown device"); return false; } if (btDeviceClass == BluetoothClass.Device.PERIPHERAL_KEYBOARD || btDeviceClass == BluetoothClass.Device.PERIPHERAL_KEYBOARD_POINTING) { // Its a keyboard. Follow the HID spec recommendation of creating the // passkey and displaying it to the user. If the keyboard doesn't follow // the spec recommendation, check if the keyboard has a fixed PIN zero // and pair. //TODO: Maintain list of devices that have fixed pin // Generate a variable 6-digit PIN in range of 100000-999999 // This is not truly random but good enough. int pin = 100000 + (int) Math.floor((Math.random() * (999999 - 100000))); sendDisplayPinIntent(devProp.getAddress(), pin, BluetoothDevice.PAIRING_VARIANT_DISPLAY_PIN); break; } if (msg.arg2 == 1) { // Minimum 16 digit pin required here sendDisplayPinIntent(devProp.getAddress(), 0, BluetoothDevice.PAIRING_VARIANT_PIN_16_DIGITS); } else { // In PIN_REQUEST, there is no passkey to display.So do not send the // EXTRA_PAIRING_KEY type in the intent( 0 in SendDisplayPinIntent() ) sendDisplayPinIntent(devProp.getAddress(), 0, BluetoothDevice.PAIRING_VARIANT_PIN); } break; default: Log.e(TAG, "Received unhandled event:" + msg.what); return false; } if (result) { mDevices.add(dev); } return true; } } 


 * Function         btif_dm_auth_cmpl_evt
 * Description      Executes authentication complete event in btif context
 * Returns          void
 ******************************************************************************/ static void btif_dm_auth_cmpl_evt(tBTA_DM_AUTH_CMPL* p_auth_cmpl) { /* Save link key, if not temporary */ bt_status_t status = BT_STATUS_FAIL; bt_bond_state_t state = BT_BOND_STATE_NONE; if (p_auth_cmpl->success) { // Do not call bond_state_changed_cb yet. Wait until remote service // discovery is complete } else { // Map the HCI fail reason  to  bt status switch (p_auth_cmpl->fail_reason) { case HCI_ERR_PAGE_TIMEOUT: case HCI_ERR_LMP_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT: if (pairing_cb.timeout_retries) { BTIF_TRACE_WARNING("%s() - Pairing timeout; retrying (%d) ...", __func__, pairing_cb.timeout_retries); --pairing_cb.timeout_retries; btif_dm_cb_create_bond(bd_addr, BTA_TRANSPORT_UNKNOWN); return; } /* Fall-through */ case HCI_ERR_CONNECTION_TOUT: status = BT_STATUS_RMT_DEV_DOWN; break; case HCI_ERR_PAIRING_NOT_ALLOWED: btif_storage_remove_bonded_device(&bd_addr); status = BT_STATUS_AUTH_REJECTED; break; /* Dont fail the bonding for key missing error as stack retry security */ case HCI_ERR_KEY_MISSING: btif_storage_remove_bonded_device(&bd_addr); if (p_auth_cmpl->is_sm4_dev) { return; } else { BTIF_TRACE_WARNING("%s() legacy remote ,move bond state to none", __FUNCTION__); } /* map the auth failure codes, so we can retry pairing if necessary */ case HCI_ERR_AUTH_FAILURE: btif_storage_remove_bonded_device(&bd_addr); case HCI_ERR_HOST_REJECT_SECURITY: case HCI_ERR_ENCRY_MODE_NOT_ACCEPTABLE: case HCI_ERR_UNIT_KEY_USED: case HCI_ERR_PAIRING_WITH_UNIT_KEY_NOT_SUPPORTED: case HCI_ERR_INSUFFCIENT_SECURITY: case HCI_ERR_PEER_USER: case HCI_ERR_UNSPECIFIED: case HCI_ERR_REPEATED_ATTEMPTS: BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG(" %s() Authentication fail reason %d", __FUNCTION__, p_auth_cmpl->fail_reason); if (pairing_cb.autopair_attempts == 1) { /* Create the Bond once again */ BTIF_TRACE_WARNING("%s() auto pair failed. Reinitiate Bond", __func__); btif_dm_cb_create_bond(bd_addr, BTA_TRANSPORT_UNKNOWN); return; } else { /* if autopair attempts are more than 1, or not attempted */ status = BT_STATUS_AUTH_FAILURE; } break; default: status = BT_STATUS_FAIL; } 


 /* if autopair attempts are more than 1, or not attempted */ status = BT_STATUS_AUTH_FAILURE; 


 * Function         btif_dm_ble_auth_cmpl_evt
 * Description      Executes authentication complete event in btif context
 * Returns          void
 ******************************************************************************/ static void btif_dm_ble_auth_cmpl_evt(tBTA_DM_AUTH_CMPL* p_auth_cmpl) { /* Save link key, if not temporary */ bt_status_t status = BT_STATUS_FAIL; bt_bond_state_t state = BT_BOND_STATE_NONE; RawAddress bd_addr = p_auth_cmpl->bd_addr; /* Clear OOB data */ memset(&oob_cb, 0, sizeof(oob_cb)); if ((p_auth_cmpl->success == true) && (p_auth_cmpl->key_present)) { /* store keys */ } if (p_auth_cmpl->success) { status = BT_STATUS_SUCCESS; state = BT_BOND_STATE_BONDED; int addr_type; RawAddress bdaddr = p_auth_cmpl->bd_addr; if (btif_storage_get_remote_addr_type(&bdaddr, &addr_type) != BT_STATUS_SUCCESS) btif_storage_set_remote_addr_type(&bdaddr, p_auth_cmpl->addr_type); /* Test for temporary bonding */ if (btm_get_bond_type_dev(p_auth_cmpl->bd_addr) == BOND_TYPE_TEMPORARY) { BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG("%s: sending BT_BOND_STATE_NONE for Temp pairing", __func__); btif_storage_remove_bonded_device(&bdaddr); state = BT_BOND_STATE_NONE; } else { btif_dm_save_ble_bonding_keys(); BTA_GATTC_Refresh(bd_addr); if(!p_auth_cmpl->smp_over_br) btif_dm_get_remote_services_by_transport(&bd_addr, BTA_GATT_TRANSPORT_LE); else btif_dm_get_remote_services(bd_addr); } } else { /*Map the HCI fail reason  to  bt status  */ switch (p_auth_cmpl->fail_reason) { case BTA_DM_AUTH_SMP_PAIR_AUTH_FAIL: case BTA_DM_AUTH_SMP_CONFIRM_VALUE_FAIL: case BTA_DM_AUTH_SMP_UNKNOWN_ERR: case BTA_DM_AUTH_SMP_CONN_TOUT: btif_dm_remove_ble_bonding_keys(); status = BT_STATUS_AUTH_FAILURE; break; case BTA_DM_AUTH_SMP_PAIR_NOT_SUPPORT: status = BT_STATUS_AUTH_REJECTED; break; default: btif_dm_remove_ble_bonding_keys(); status = BT_STATUS_FAIL; break; } } bond_state_changed(status, bd_addr, state); } 


 case BTA_DM_AUTH_CMPL_EVT: btif_dm_auth_cmpl_evt(&p_data->auth_cmpl); break; case BTA_DM_BLE_AUTH_CMPL_EVT: BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG("BTA_DM_BLE_AUTH_CMPL_EVT. "); btif_dm_ble_auth_cmpl_evt(&p_data->auth_cmpl); break; 

