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程序员文章站 2022-05-01 17:28:42
# lrucache.py -- a simple LRU (Least-Recently-Used) cache class 
# Copyright 2004 Evan Prodromou  
# Licensed under the Academic Free License 2.1 
# Licensed for ftputil under the revised BSD license 
# with permission by the author, Evan Prodromou. Many 
# thanks, Evan! :-) 
# The original file is available at 
# http://pypi.python.org/pypi/lrucache/0.2 . 
# arch-tag: LRU cache main module 
"""a simple LRU (Least-Recently-Used) cache module 
This module provides very simple LRU (Least-Recently-Used) cache 
An *in-memory cache* is useful for storing the results of an 
'expe\nsive' process (one that takes a lot of time or resources) for 
later re-use. Typical examples are accessing data from the filesystem, 
a database, or a network location. If you know you'll need to re-read 
the data again, it can help to keep it in a cache. 
You *can* use a Python dictionary as a cache for some purposes. 
However, if the results you're caching are large, or you have a lot of 
possible results, this can be impractical memory-wise. 
An *LRU cache*, on the other hand, only keeps _some_ of the results in 
memory, which keeps you from overusing resources. The cache is bounded 
by a maximum size; if you try to add more values to the cache, it will 
automatically discard the values that you haven't read or written to 
in the longest time. In other words, the least-recently-used items are 
discarded. [1]_ 
.. [1]: 'Discarded' here means 'removed from the cache'. 
from __future__ import generators 
import time 
from heapq import heappush, heappop, heapify 
# the suffix after the hyphen denotes modifications by the 
# ftputil project with respect to the original version 
__version__ = "0.2-1"
__all__ = ['CacheKeyError', 'LRUCache', 'DEFAULT_SIZE'] 
__docformat__ = 'reStructuredText en'
"""Default size of a new LRUCache object, if no 'size' argument is given."""
class CacheKeyError(KeyError): 
  """Error raised when cache requests fail 
  When a cache record is accessed which no longer exists (or never did), 
  this error is raised. To avoid it, you may want to check for the existence 
  of a cache record before reading or deleting it."""
class LRUCache(object): 
  """Least-Recently-Used (LRU) cache. 
  Instances of this class provide a least-recently-used (LRU) cache. They 
  emulate a Python mapping type. You can use an LRU cache more or less like 
  a Python dictionary, with the exception that objects you put into the 
  cache may be discarded before you take them out. 
  Some example usage:: 
  cache = LRUCache(32) # new cache 
  cache['foo'] = get_file_contents('foo') # or whatever 
  if 'foo' in cache: # if it's still in cache... 
    # use cached version 
    contents = cache['foo'] 
    # recalculate 
    contents = get_file_contents('foo') 
    # store in cache for next time 
    cache['foo'] = contents 
  print cache.size # Maximum size 
  print len(cache) # 0  %s (%s)>" % \ 
          (self.__class__, self.key, self.obj, \ 
  def __init__(self, size=DEFAULT_SIZE): 
    # Check arguments 
    if size = self.size: 
        lru = heappop(self.__heap) 
        del self.__dict[lru.key] 
      node = self.__Node(key, obj, time.time(), self._sort_key()) 
      self.__dict[key] = node 
      heappush(self.__heap, node) 
  def __getitem__(self, key): 
    if not self.__dict.has_key(key): 
      raise CacheKeyError(key) 
      node = self.__dict[key] 
      # update node object in-place 
      node.atime = time.time() 
      node._sort_key = self._sort_key() 
      return node.obj 
  def __delitem__(self, key): 
    if not self.__dict.has_key(key): 
      raise CacheKeyError(key) 
      node = self.__dict[key] 
      del self.__dict[key] 
      return node.obj 
  def __iter__(self): 
    copy = self.__heap[:] 
    while len(copy) > 0: 
      node = heappop(copy) 
      yield node.key 
    raise StopIteration 
  def __setattr__(self, name, value): 
    object.__setattr__(self, name, value) 
    # automagically shrink heap on resize 
    if name == 'size': 
      while len(self.__heap) > value: 
        lru = heappop(self.__heap) 
        del self.__dict[lru.key] 
  def __repr__(self): 
    return "" % (str(self.__class__), len(self.__heap)) 
  def mtime(self, key): 
    """Return the last modification time for the cache record with key. 
    May be useful for cache instances where the stored values can get 
    'stale', such as caching file or network resource contents."""
    if not self.__dict.has_key(key): 
      raise CacheKeyError(key) 
      node = self.__dict[key] 
      return node.mtime 
if __name__ == "__main__": 
  cache = LRUCache(25) 
  print cache 
  for i in range(50): 
    cache[i] = str(i) 
  print cache 
  if 46 in cache: 
    print "46 in cache"
    del cache[46] 
  print cache 
  cache.size = 10
  print cache 
  cache[46] = '46'
  print cache 
  print len(cache) 
  for c in cache: 
    print c 
  print cache 
  print cache.mtime(46) 
  for c in cache: 
    print c 




