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程序员文章站 2022-04-30 18:14:37
  提到Desktop Java,不得不说这是Java开发之痛。从一开始引入JAVA平台的AWT(Abstract Windowing Toolkit)“一次编译,到处调试”给人留下了很糟糕的印象;在Java1.2加入的Swing后,虽然解决了AWT中的很多问题,但似乎也没让人对其产生多少好感,而且普遍认为Swing的速度慢,开发效率低下。
  不过最近几年SUN又开始大力支持Desktop Java的发展,从Java6中加入诸多Desktop Java新特性,以及对Swing性能有了很大的提高;并且特别针对Desktop Java创造了一个新的语言JavaFX……
  这一切,是否能改变Desktop Java的命运呢?
  最近,《Thinging in Java》的作者 Bruce Eckel 在其博客上发表了一篇题为:Does Anyone Really Care About Desktop Java? 文章。他认为,Desktop Java从设计之初到现在一直走在错误的路线上:
  The history of Java UI is littered with disastrous decisions, starting with the AWT (Abstract Windowing Toolkit), which was created at the last second, because (no surprise) the language designers hadn't considered UI as an important paradigm for Java. Rumor has it that AWT was one month from conception to completion, which certainly fits. The results of AWT -- buggy and equally mediocre on all platforms -- destroyed everyone's faith in Java UI, for so long that Swing, which has been baking for years and years, is only just getting back some of the lost mojo. Users, who have a long memory of first impressions, still equate Java with crappy user interfaces, so to them the steaming coffee cup looks like something else that steams.

相关标签: Java