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程序员文章站 2022-04-29 23:46:46


查看设置mysql genneral log

show VARIABLES like '%general_log%';

set GLOBAL general_log = off;// on-打开; off-关闭

general_log ON
general_log_file    /var/log/mysql/query.log

使用mysql general log

tail -f /path/to/log/query.log | grep yourtable
13518 Prepare   SELECT count(*) AS `count` FROM `babysitter_tips` WHERE (tip_type = '1') AND (is_enable = 1) AND (is_tip = 2)
        13518 Query DESCRIBE `babysitter_tips`
        13518 Close stmt
        13518 Prepare   SELECT `babysitter_tips`.* FROM `babysitter_tips` WHERE (tip_type = '1') AND (is_enable = 1) AND (is_tip = 2) ORDER BY `created_time` desc LIMIT 5
        13518 Reset stmt
        13518 Close stmt
        13518 Prepare   SELECT count(*) AS `count` FROM `babysitter_tips` WHERE (tip_type = '1') AND (is_enable = 1) AND (is_tip = 2) AND (tip_id > 15440)
        13518 Close stmt
        13518 Prepare   SELECT count(*) AS `count` FROM `babysitter_tips` WHERE (tip_type = '3') AND (is_enable = 1) AND (is_tip = 2)
        13518 Query DESCRIBE `babysitter_tips`
        13518 Close stmt
        13518 Prepare   SELECT `babysitter_tips`.* FROM `babysitter_tips` WHERE (tip_type = '3') AND (is_enable = 1) AND (is_tip = 2) ORDER BY `created_time` desc LIMIT 5
        13518 Reset stmt
        13518 Close stmt
        13518 Prepare   SELECT count(*) AS `count` FROM `babysitter_tips` WHERE (tip_type = '3') AND (is_enable = 1) AND (is_tip = 2) AND (tip_id > '')
        13518 Close stmt
        13518 Prepare   SELECT count(*) AS `count` FROM `babysitter_tips` WHERE (tip_type = '2') AND (is_enable = 1) AND (is_tip = 2)
        13518 Query DESCRIBE `babysitter_tips`
        13518 Close stmt
        13518 Prepare   SELECT `babysitter_tips`.* FROM `babysitter_tips` WHERE (tip_type = '2') AND (is_enable = 1) AND (is_tip = 2) ORDER BY `created_time` desc LIMIT 5
        13518 Reset stmt
        13518 Close stmt

清理mysql general log

general log会比较大,所以默认市关闭的,所以最好需要的时候打开,随手关闭。如果发现query.log过大,可以手动删除。在general log打开的情况下,query.log文件类似于mysql表的lock情况,不允许修改和删除,关闭general log就可以操作了。

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