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【WPF学习】第五十七章 使用代码创建故事板

程序员文章站 2022-04-29 16:15:49
在“【WPF学习】第五十章 故事板”中讨论了如何使用代码创建简单动画,以及如何使用XAML标记构建更复杂的故事板——具有多个动画以及播放控制功能。但有时采用更复杂的故事板例程,并在代码中实现全部复杂功能是合理的。实际上,这种情况十分常见。当需要处理多个动画并且预先不知道将有多少个动画或不知道如何配置 ......

  在“【wpf学习】第五十章 故事板”中讨论了如何使用代码创建简单动画,以及如何使用xaml标记构建更复杂的故事板——具有多个动画以及播放控制功能。但有时采用更复杂的故事板例程,并在代码中实现全部复杂功能是合理的。实际上,这种情况十分常见。当需要处理多个动画并且预先不知道将有多少个动画或不知道如何配置动画时,就会遇到这种情况。如果希望在不同的窗口中使用相同的动画,或者只是希望从标记中灵活地分离出所有与动画相关的细节以以方便重用,也会遇到这种情况。



【WPF学习】第五十七章 使用代码创建故事板




<border borderbrush="steelblue" borderthickness="1" margin="5">
                <canvas x:name="canvasbackground" sizechanged="canvasbackground_sizechanged" minwidth="50">
                            <gradientstop color="aliceblue" offset="0"></gradientstop>
                            <gradientstop color="white" offset="0.7"></gradientstop>


private void canvasbackground_sizechanged(object sender, sizechangedeventargs e)
            rectanglegeometry rect = new rectanglegeometry();
            rect.rect = new rect(0, 0, canvasbackground.actualwidth, canvasbackground.actualheight);
            canvasbackground.clip = rect;



<border grid.column="1" borderbrush="steelblue" borderthickness="1" margin="5">
                <radialgradientbrush gradientorigin="1,0.7" center="1,0.7" radiusx="1" radiusy="1">
                    <gradientstop color="orange"  offset="0"></gradientstop>
                    <gradientstop color="white" offset="1"></gradientstop>
            <stackpanel margin="15" verticalalignment="center" horizontalalignment="center">
                <textblock fontfamily="impact" fontsize="35" foreground="lightsteelblue">bomb dropper</textblock>
                <textblock x:name="lblrate" margin="0,30,0,0" textwrapping="wrap" fontfamily="georgia" fontsize="14"></textblock>
                <textblock x:name="lblspeed" margin="0,30" textwrapping="wrap" fontfamily="georgia" fontsize="14"></textblock>
                <textblock x:name="lblstatus" 
             textwrapping="wrap" fontfamily="georgia" fontsize="20">no bombs have dropped.</textblock>
                <button x:name="cmdstart" padding="5" margin="0,30" width="80" content="start game" click="cmdstart_click"></button>



  下一步创建炸弹的图形划线。尽管可使用静态图像(只要具有透明的背景就可以),但使用更灵活的wpf形状总是更好一些。通过使用形状,当改变炸弹尺寸时不会导致变形,并且可以修改图画中的单个部分或为其应用动画。这个动画中显示的炸弹是直接从miscrosoft word的在线剪贴画集合绘制的。炸弹剪贴画被转换为xaml,具体方法是首先将剪贴画插入到word文档中,然后将word文档保存为xps文件。



public partial class bomb : usercontrol
        public bomb()
        public bool isfalling


<usercontrol x:class="bombdropper.bomb"
            <rotatetransform angle="20"  centerx="50" centery="50"></rotatetransform>
            <scaletransform scalex="0.5" scaley="0.5"></scaletransform>

        <path data="m 11.989,50.026 l 24.381,37.08 l 19.097,53.862 z ">
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      data="m 105.84,186.87 l 110.84,183.99 l 115.45,180.64 l 119.58,176.9 l 123.33,172.77 l 126.69,168.36 l 129.47,163.76 l 131.88,158.87 l 133.8,153.79 l 135.14,148.51 l 136.01,143.14 l 136.39,137.77 l 136.3,132.21 l 135.53,126.74 l 134.28,121.37 l 132.45,116 l 130.05,110.73 l 128.61,108.14 l 127.17,105.74 l 125.54,103.34 l 123.81,101.14 l 121.98,99.029 l 120.06,97.015 l 118.04,95.097 l 115.93,93.275 l 113.82,91.549 l 111.61,89.919 l 109.3,88.481 l 106.9,87.138 l 104.5,85.891 l 102,84.741 l 99.503,83.782 l 96.909,82.823 l 94.316,82.055 l 91.722,81.48 l 89.032,81.001 l 86.342,80.617 l 83.556,80.329 l 80.867,80.233 l 78.081,80.233 l 75.391,80.329 l 72.605,80.617 l 69.915,81.096 l 67.129,81.672 l 64.44,82.343 l 61.75,83.206 l 59.06,84.165 l 56.37,85.316 l 53.777,86.563 l 48.781,89.44 l 44.17,92.796 l 40.039,96.536 l 36.293,100.66 l 33.027,104.97 l 30.145,109.67 l 27.743,114.56 l 25.918,119.65 l 24.477,124.83 l 23.612,130.2 l 23.324,135.66 l 23.42,141.13 l 24.189,146.59 l 25.438,152.06 l 27.263,157.43 l 29.664,162.7 l 31.105,165.29 l 32.546,167.69 l 34.179,170.09 l 35.909,172.29 l 37.734,174.4 l 39.655,176.42 l 41.672,178.34 l 43.69,180.16 l 45.899,181.88 l 48.109,183.51 l 50.414,184.95 l 52.72,186.3 l 55.217,187.54 l 57.619,188.69 l 60.213,189.65 l 62.71,190.61 l 65.304,191.38 l 67.994,191.95 l 70.684,192.43 l 73.374,192.82 l 76.063,193.1 l 78.753,193.2 l 81.539,193.2 l 84.325,193.1 l 87.015,192.82 l 89.801,192.34 l 92.49,191.76 l 95.18,191.09 l 97.87,190.23 l 100.56,189.27 l 103.25,188.12 z ">
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      data="f 1 m 125.92,112.84 l 125.92,112.84 l 128.13,117.63 l 129.86,122.62 l 131.01,127.51 l 131.68,132.5 l 131.78,137.68 l 131.4,142.66 l 130.63,147.65 l 129.38,152.44 l 127.65,157.05 l 125.44,161.55 l 122.94,165.77 l 119.77,169.9 l 116.31,173.64 l 112.57,177.09 l 108.34,180.16 l 103.73,182.75 l 107.96,190.99 l 113.34,187.83 l 118.33,184.19 l 122.85,180.16 l 126.88,175.65 l 130.44,170.95 l 133.51,165.97 l 136.1,160.69 l 138.22,155.13 l 139.66,149.38 l 140.62,143.62 l 141,137.87 l 140.91,131.92 l 140.04,125.98 l 138.7,120.13 l 136.78,114.37 l 134.18,108.62 l 134.18,108.62 z ">
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      data="f 1 m 55.89,90.686 l 55.89,90.686 l 58.195,89.44 l 60.693,88.481 l 63.191,87.522 l 65.688,86.754 l 68.09,86.179 l 70.78,85.604 l 73.181,85.124 l 75.679,84.932 l 78.081,84.836 l 80.867,84.836 l 83.268,84.932 l 85.862,85.22 l 88.36,85.508 l 90.857,85.987 l 93.163,86.467 l 95.468,87.138 l 97.87,88.097 l 100.27,88.96 l 102.48,90.015 l 104.79,91.166 l 107,92.412 l 109.01,93.659 l 111.03,95.193 l 112.95,96.728 l 114.97,98.454 l 116.79,100.28 l 118.62,102.1 l 120.25,104.02 l 121.79,106.03 l 123.33,108.14 l 124.67,110.44 l 125.92,112.84 l 134.18,108.62 l 132.55,105.84 l 131.01,103.34 l 129.28,100.66 l 127.36,98.262 l 125.34,95.961 l 123.33,93.755 l 121.12,91.741 l 118.91,89.823 l 116.6,87.905 l 114.2,86.179 l 111.61,84.549 l 109.01,83.11 l 106.52,81.768 l 103.73,80.521 l 101.14,79.466 l 98.35,78.507 l 95.468,77.644 l 92.586,76.973 l 89.704,76.493 l 86.823,76.014 l 83.845,75.726 l 80.867,75.63 l 78.081,75.63 l 75.103,75.726 l 72.029,76.11 l 69.051,76.589 l 66.169,77.165 l 63.191,77.932 l 60.309,78.891 l 57.427,79.85 l 54.545,81.192 l 51.663,82.439 l 51.663,82.439 z ">
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                <solidcolorbrush color="#ff383838"/>
      data="m 52.624,63.739 l 69.243,95.865 l 69.723,95.385 l 70.203,95.002 l 70.588,94.522 l 71.068,94.138 l 71.452,93.659 l 71.74,93.275 l 72.125,92.892 l 72.413,92.508 l 56.466,61.725 z ">
                <solidcolorbrush color="#ff383838"/>
      data="m 47.628,66.328 l 64.728,99.317 l 65.4,98.837 l 66.073,98.358 l 66.649,97.974 l 67.225,97.495 l 50.318,64.89 z ">
                <solidcolorbrush color="#ff383838"/>
      data="m 44.554,70.26 l 46.187,69.397 l 47.724,68.438 l 49.262,67.575 l 50.702,66.616 l 52.143,65.657 l 53.392,64.698 l 54.641,63.739 l 55.794,62.78 l 56.851,61.821 l 57.811,60.862 l 58.676,59.903 l 59.444,58.944 l 60.117,58.081 l 60.693,57.218 l 61.173,56.355 l 61.462,55.492 l 61.75,54.245 l 61.75,53.19 l 61.558,52.327 l 61.27,51.656 l 61.077,51.368 l 60.885,51.081 l 60.597,50.697 l 60.309,50.409 l 59.925,50.122 l 59.444,49.834 l 58.868,49.546 l 58.292,49.355 l 57.427,49.163 l 56.466,48.971 l 55.41,48.875 l 54.257,48.971 l 53.008,48.971 l 51.759,49.163 l 50.414,49.45 l 49.069,49.738 l 47.532,50.122 l 46.091,50.601 l 44.554,51.081 l 42.921,51.656 l 41.384,52.327 l 39.751,52.999 l 38.022,53.766 l 36.389,54.629 l 34.564,55.588 l 32.642,56.739 l 30.913,57.794 l 29.184,58.944 l 27.551,60.191 l 26.014,61.342 l 24.573,62.588 l 23.228,63.835 l 22.075,65.082 l 21.115,66.328 l 20.346,67.575 l 19.674,68.822 l 19.29,69.972 l 19.193,71.123 l 19.29,72.178 l 19.674,73.233 l 19.866,73.521 l 20.058,73.808 l 20.346,74.096 l 20.634,74.384 l 21.115,74.767 l 21.595,75.055 l 22.075,75.343 l 22.748,75.534 l 23.612,75.726 l 24.573,75.918 l 25.63,75.918 l 26.686,75.918 l 27.935,75.822 l 29.184,75.63 l 30.529,75.439 l 31.97,75.151 l 33.411,74.767 l 34.852,74.288 l 36.389,73.808 l 38.022,73.233 l 39.559,72.562 l 41.192,71.89 l 42.921,71.123 z ">
                <solidcolorbrush color="#ff777777"/>
      data="m 23.132,71.411 l 23.132,71.219 l 23.132,71.027 l 23.132,70.836 l 23.228,70.548 l 23.805,69.397 l 24.765,68.055 l 26.11,66.616 l 27.839,64.986 l 29.857,63.26 l 32.354,61.534 l 35.14,59.807 l 38.214,58.081 l 39.847,57.314 l 41.384,56.547 l 42.921,55.876 l 44.458,55.3 l 45.803,54.725 l 47.244,54.245 l 48.589,53.862 l 49.838,53.478 l 50.991,53.286 l 52.143,52.999 l 53.2,52.903 l 54.161,52.807 l 55.025,52.807 l 55.794,52.807 l 56.466,52.903 l 57.043,52.999 l 57.331,53.095 l 57.523,53.19 l 57.715,53.382 l 57.811,53.478 l 57.907,53.766 l 57.811,54.149 l 57.619,54.629 l 57.331,55.204 l 56.947,55.971 l 56.37,56.643 l 55.602,57.506 l 54.833,58.369 l 53.873,59.328 l 52.72,60.287 l 51.471,61.342 l 50.03,62.397 l 48.397,63.451 l 46.668,64.602 l 44.746,65.657 l 42.729,66.808 l 41.096,67.575 l 39.559,68.342 l 38.022,69.013 l 36.485,69.589 l 35.14,70.164 l 33.699,70.644 l 32.354,71.027 l 31.105,71.315 l 29.953,71.603 l 28.8,71.794 l 27.743,71.986 l 26.783,72.082 l 25.918,72.082 l 25.149,72.082 l 24.477,71.986 l 23.901,71.794 l 23.612,71.699 l 23.42,71.603 l 23.228,71.507 z ">
                <solidcolorbrush color="#ff000000"/>
      data="m 41.769,58.752 l 40.52,57.698 l 39.079,56.451 l 37.542,54.917 l 36.197,53.286 l 35.044,51.56 l 34.179,49.93 l 33.891,48.396 l 34.083,46.957 l 35.332,43.697 l 36.101,41.012 l 36.389,38.614 l 36.197,36.504 l 35.62,34.586 l 34.66,32.86 l 33.507,31.038 l 32.066,29.12 l 31.586,28.545 l 31.105,27.874 l 30.625,27.298 l 30.145,26.627 l 30.145,26.627 l 29.568,26.148 l 28.896,25.86 l 28.127,25.86 l 27.455,26.243 l 26.975,26.819 l 26.686,27.49 l 26.686,28.257 l 26.975,28.929 l 26.975,28.929 l 27.551,29.6 l 28.031,30.271 l 28.512,30.942 l 28.992,31.518 l 30.241,33.052 l 31.201,34.491 l 31.97,35.833 l 32.354,37.272 l 32.45,38.806 l 32.162,40.628 l 31.586,42.834 l 30.529,45.423 l 29.953,48.204 l 30.433,51.081 l 31.778,53.766 l 33.603,56.259 l 35.524,58.369 l 37.446,60.095 l 38.791,61.342 l 39.463,61.821 l 39.463,61.821 l 40.135,62.205 l 40.904,62.205 l 41.576,61.917 l 42.153,61.438 l 42.537,60.766 l 42.537,59.999 l 42.249,59.328 l 41.769,58.752 z ">
                <solidcolorbrush color="#ffff1900"/>
      data="m 59.925,139.59 l 60.597,130.2 l 27.167,127.61 l 26.398,137 z ">
                <solidcolorbrush color="#ff000000"/>





 // fires events on the user interface thread.
        private dispatchertimer bombtimer = new dispatchertimer();
        public mainwindow()
            bombtimer.tick += bombtimer_tick;


 // keep track of how many are dropped and stopped.
        private int droppedcount = 0;
        private int savedcount = 0;

// initially, bombs fall every 1.3 seconds, and hit the ground after 3.5 seconds.
        private double initialsecondsbetweenbombs = 1.3;
        private double initialsecondstofall = 3.5;
        private double secondsbetweenbombs;
        private double secondstofall;

// start the game.
        private void cmdstart_click(object sender, routedeventargs e)
            cmdstart.isenabled = false;

            // reset the game.
            droppedcount = 0;
            savedcount = 0;
            secondsbetweenbombs = initialsecondsbetweenbombs;
            secondstofall = initialsecondstofall;

            // start bomb dropping events.            
            bombtimer.interval = timespan.fromseconds(secondsbetweenbombs);


 // drop a bomb.
        private void bombtimer_tick(object sender, eventargs e)
            // create the bomb.
            bomb bomb = new bomb();
            bomb.isfalling = true;

            // position the bomb.            
            random random = new random();
                (double)(random.next(0, (int)(canvasbackground.actualwidth - 50))));
            bomb.setvalue(canvas.topproperty, -100.0);



// attach mouse click event (for defusing the bomb).
            bomb.mouseleftbuttondown += bomb_mouseleftbuttondown;

            // create the animation for the falling bomb.
            storyboard storyboard = new storyboard();
            doubleanimation fallanimation = new doubleanimation();
            fallanimation.to = canvasbackground.actualheight;
            fallanimation.duration = timespan.fromseconds(secondstofall);

            storyboard.settarget(fallanimation, bomb);
            storyboard.settargetproperty(fallanimation, new propertypath("(canvas.top)"));

            // create the animation for the bomb "wiggle."
            doubleanimation wiggleanimation = new doubleanimation();
            wiggleanimation.to = 30;
            wiggleanimation.duration = timespan.fromseconds(0.2);
            wiggleanimation.repeatbehavior = repeatbehavior.forever;
            wiggleanimation.autoreverse = true;

            storyboard.settarget(wiggleanimation, ((transformgroup)bomb.rendertransform).children[0]);
            storyboard.settargetproperty(wiggleanimation, new propertypath("angle"));



// make it possible to look up a storyboard based on a bomb.
private dictionary<bomb, storyboard> storyboards = new dictionary<bomb, storyboard>();


// add the storyboard to the tracking collection.            
storyboards.add(bomb, storyboard);


 // configure and start the storyboard.
storyboard.duration = fallanimation.duration;
storyboard.completed += storyboard_completed;


// "adjustments" happen periodically, increasing the speed of bomb
// falling and shortening the time between bombs.
private datetime lastadjustmenttime = datetime.minvalue;

// perform an adjustment every 15 seconds.
private double secondsbetweenadjustments = 15;
// after every adjustment, shave 0.1 seconds off both.
private double secondsbetweenbombsreduction = 0.1;
private double secondstofallreduction = 0.1;


// perform an "adjustment" when needed.
            if ((datetime.now.subtract(lastadjustmenttime).totalseconds >
                lastadjustmenttime = datetime.now;

                secondsbetweenbombs -= secondsbetweenbombsreduction;
                secondstofall -= secondstofallreduction;

                // (technically, you should check for 0 or negative values.
                // however, in practice these won't occur because the game will
                // always end first.)

                // set the timer to drop the next bomb at the appropriate time.
                bombtimer.interval = timespan.fromseconds(secondsbetweenbombs);

                // update the status message.
                lblrate.text = string.format("a bomb is released every {0} seconds.",
                lblspeed.text = string.format("each bomb takes {0} seconds to fall.",





private void bomb_mouseleftbuttondown(object sender, mousebuttoneventargs e)
            // get the bomb.
            bomb bomb = (bomb)sender;
            bomb.isfalling = false;

            // get the bomb's current position.
            storyboard storyboard = storyboards[bomb];
            double currenttop = canvas.gettop(bomb);


// get the bomb's current position.
storyboard storyboard = storyboards[bomb];
// stop the bomb from falling.


// reuse the existing storyboard, but with new animations.
            // send the bomb on a new trajectory by animating canvas.top
            // and canvas.left.

            doubleanimation riseanimation = new doubleanimation();
            riseanimation.from = currenttop;
            riseanimation.to = 0;
            riseanimation.duration = timespan.fromseconds(2);

            storyboard.settarget(riseanimation, bomb);
            storyboard.settargetproperty(riseanimation, new propertypath("(canvas.top)"));

            doubleanimation slideanimation = new doubleanimation();
            double currentleft = canvas.getleft(bomb);
            // throw the bomb off the closest side.
            if (currentleft < canvasbackground.actualwidth / 2)
                slideanimation.to = -100;
                slideanimation.to = canvasbackground.actualwidth + 100;
            slideanimation.duration = timespan.fromseconds(1);
            storyboard.settarget(slideanimation, bomb);
            storyboard.settargetproperty(slideanimation, new propertypath("(canvas.left)"));

            // start the new animation.
            storyboard.duration = slideanimation.duration;




// end the game at maxdropped.
        private int maxdropped = 5;

        private void storyboard_completed(object sender, eventargs e)
            clockgroup clockgroup = (clockgroup)sender;

            // get the first animation in the storyboard, and use it to find the
            // bomb that's being animated.
            doubleanimation completedanimation = (doubleanimation)clockgroup.children[0].timeline;
            bomb completedbomb = (bomb)storyboard.gettarget(completedanimation);

            // determine if a bomb fell or flew off the canvas after being clicked.
            if (completedbomb.isfalling)


// update the display.
lblstatus.text = string.format("you have dropped {0} bombs and saved {1}.",
                droppedcount, savedcount);


 // check if it's game over.
            if (droppedcount >= maxdropped)
                lblstatus.text += "\r\n\r\ngame over.";

                // find all the storyboards that are underway.
                foreach (keyvaluepair<bomb, storyboard> item in storyboards)
                    storyboard storyboard = item.value;
                    bomb bomb = item.key;

                // empty the tracking collection.

                // allow the user to start a new game.
                cmdstart.isenabled = true;
                storyboard storyboard = (storyboard)clockgroup.timeline;



<window x:class="bombdropper.mainwindow"
        title="mainwindow" height="500" width="600">
    <grid x:name="layoutroot">
            <columndefinition width="280"></columndefinition>

        <border borderbrush="steelblue" borderthickness="1" margin="5">
                <canvas x:name="canvasbackground" sizechanged="canvasbackground_sizechanged" minwidth="50">
                            <gradientstop color="aliceblue" offset="0"></gradientstop>
                            <gradientstop color="white" offset="0.7"></gradientstop>

        <border grid.column="1" borderbrush="steelblue" borderthickness="1" margin="5">
                <radialgradientbrush gradientorigin="1,0.7" center="1,0.7" radiusx="1" radiusy="1">
                    <gradientstop color="orange"  offset="0"></gradientstop>
                    <gradientstop color="white" offset="1"></gradientstop>
            <stackpanel margin="15" verticalalignment="center" horizontalalignment="center">
                <textblock fontfamily="impact" fontsize="35" foreground="lightsteelblue">bomb dropper</textblock>
                <textblock x:name="lblrate" margin="0,30,0,0" textwrapping="wrap" fontfamily="georgia" fontsize="14"></textblock>
                <textblock x:name="lblspeed" margin="0,30" textwrapping="wrap" fontfamily="georgia" fontsize="14"></textblock>
                <textblock x:name="lblstatus" 
             textwrapping="wrap" fontfamily="georgia" fontsize="20">no bombs have dropped.</textblock>
                <button x:name="cmdstart" padding="5" margin="0,30" width="80" content="start game" click="cmdstart_click"></button>

using system;
using system.collections.generic;
using system.linq;
using system.text;
using system.windows;
using system.windows.controls;
using system.windows.data;
using system.windows.documents;
using system.windows.input;
using system.windows.media;
using system.windows.media.animation;
using system.windows.media.imaging;
using system.windows.navigation;
using system.windows.shapes;
using system.windows.threading;

namespace bombdropper
    /// <summary>
    /// mainwindow.xaml 的交互逻辑
    /// </summary>
    public partial class mainwindow : window
        // fires events on the user interface thread.
        private dispatchertimer bombtimer = new dispatchertimer();
        public mainwindow()
            bombtimer.tick += bombtimer_tick;
        private void canvasbackground_sizechanged(object sender, sizechangedeventargs e)
            rectanglegeometry rect = new rectanglegeometry();
            rect.rect = new rect(0, 0, canvasbackground.actualwidth, canvasbackground.actualheight);
            canvasbackground.clip = rect;

        // "adjustments" happen periodically, increasing the speed of bomb
        // falling and shortening the time between bombs.
        private datetime lastadjustmenttime = datetime.minvalue;

        // perform an adjustment every 15 seconds.
        private double secondsbetweenadjustments = 15;

        // initially, bombs fall every 1.3 seconds, and hit the ground after 3.5 seconds.
        private double initialsecondsbetweenbombs = 1.3;
        private double initialsecondstofall = 3.5;
        private double secondsbetweenbombs;
        private double secondstofall;

        // after every adjustment, shave 0.1 seconds off both.
        private double secondsbetweenbombsreduction = 0.1;
        private double secondstofallreduction = 0.1;

        // make it possible to look up a storyboard based on a bomb.
        private dictionary<bomb, storyboard> storyboards = new dictionary<bomb, storyboard>();


        // start the game.
        private void cmdstart_click(object sender, routedeventargs e)
            cmdstart.isenabled = false;

            // reset the game.
            droppedcount = 0;
            savedcount = 0;
            secondsbetweenbombs = initialsecondsbetweenbombs;
            secondstofall = initialsecondstofall;

            // start bomb dropping events.            
            bombtimer.interval = timespan.fromseconds(secondsbetweenbombs);

        // drop a bomb.
        private void bombtimer_tick(object sender, eventargs e)
            // perform an "adjustment" when needed.
            if ((datetime.now.subtract(lastadjustmenttime).totalseconds >
                lastadjustmenttime = datetime.now;

                secondsbetweenbombs -= secondsbetweenbombsreduction;
                secondstofall -= secondstofallreduction;

                // (technically, you should check for 0 or negative values.
                // however, in practice these won't occur because the game will
                // always end first.)

                // set the timer to drop the next bomb at the appropriate time.
                bombtimer.interval = timespan.fromseconds(secondsbetweenbombs);

                // update the status message.
                lblrate.text = string.format("a bomb is released every {0} seconds.",
                lblspeed.text = string.format("each bomb takes {0} seconds to fall.",

            // create the bomb.
            bomb bomb = new bomb();
            bomb.isfalling = true;

            // position the bomb.            
            random random = new random();
                (double)(random.next(0, (int)(canvasbackground.actualwidth - 50))));
            bomb.setvalue(canvas.topproperty, -100.0);

            // attach mouse click event (for defusing the bomb).
            bomb.mouseleftbuttondown += bomb_mouseleftbuttondown;

            // create the animation for the falling bomb.
            storyboard storyboard = new storyboard();
            doubleanimation fallanimation = new doubleanimation();
            fallanimation.to = canvasbackground.actualheight;
            fallanimation.duration = timespan.fromseconds(secondstofall);

            storyboard.settarget(fallanimation, bomb);
            storyboard.settargetproperty(fallanimation, new propertypath("(canvas.top)"));

            // create the animation for the bomb "wiggle."
            doubleanimation wiggleanimation = new doubleanimation();
            wiggleanimation.to = 30;
            wiggleanimation.duration = timespan.fromseconds(0.2);
            wiggleanimation.repeatbehavior = repeatbehavior.forever;
            wiggleanimation.autoreverse = true;

            storyboard.settarget(wiggleanimation, ((transformgroup)bomb.rendertransform).children[0]);
            storyboard.settargetproperty(wiggleanimation, new propertypath("angle"));

            // add the bomb to the canvas.

            // add the storyboard to the tracking collection.            
            storyboards.add(bomb, storyboard);

            // configure and start the storyboard.
            storyboard.duration = fallanimation.duration;
            storyboard.completed += storyboard_completed;

        private void bomb_mouseleftbuttondown(object sender, mousebuttoneventargs e)
            // get the bomb.
            bomb bomb = (bomb)sender;
            bomb.isfalling = false;

            // get the bomb's current position.
            storyboard storyboard = storyboards[bomb];
            double currenttop = canvas.gettop(bomb);

            // stop the bomb from falling.

            // reuse the existing storyboard, but with new animations.
            // send the bomb on a new trajectory by animating canvas.top
            // and canvas.left.

            doubleanimation riseanimation = new doubleanimation();
            riseanimation.from = currenttop;
            riseanimation.to = 0;
            riseanimation.duration = timespan.fromseconds(2);

            storyboard.settarget(riseanimation, bomb);
            storyboard.settargetproperty(riseanimation, new propertypath("(canvas.top)"));

            doubleanimation slideanimation = new doubleanimation();
            double currentleft = canvas.getleft(bomb);
            // throw the bomb off the closest side.
            if (currentleft < canvasbackground.actualwidth / 2)
                slideanimation.to = -100;
                slideanimation.to = canvasbackground.actualwidth + 100;
            slideanimation.duration = timespan.fromseconds(1);
            storyboard.settarget(slideanimation, bomb);
            storyboard.settargetproperty(slideanimation, new propertypath("(canvas.left)"));

            // start the new animation.
            storyboard.duration = slideanimation.duration;

        // keep track of how many are dropped and stopped.
        private int droppedcount = 0;
        private int savedcount = 0;

        // end the game at maxdropped.
        private int maxdropped = 5;

        private void storyboard_completed(object sender, eventargs e)
            clockgroup clockgroup = (clockgroup)sender;

            // get the first animation in the storyboard, and use it to find the
            // bomb that's being animated.
            doubleanimation completedanimation = (doubleanimation)clockgroup.children[0].timeline;
            bomb completedbomb = (bomb)storyboard.gettarget(completedanimation);

            // determine if a bomb fell or flew off the canvas after being clicked.
            if (completedbomb.isfalling)

            // update the display.
            lblstatus.text = string.format("you have dropped {0} bombs and saved {1}.",
                droppedcount, savedcount);

            // check if it's game over.
            if (droppedcount >= maxdropped)
                lblstatus.text += "\r\n\r\ngame over.";

                // find all the storyboards that are underway.
                foreach (keyvaluepair<bomb, storyboard> item in storyboards)
                    storyboard storyboard = item.value;
                    bomb bomb = item.key;

                // empty the tracking collection.

                // allow the user to start a new game.
                cmdstart.isenabled = true;
                storyboard storyboard = (storyboard)clockgroup.timeline;

<usercontrol x:class="bombdropper.bomb"
            <rotatetransform angle="20"  centerx="50" centery="50"></rotatetransform>
            <scaletransform scalex="0.5" scaley="0.5"></scaletransform>
        <path data="m 11.989,50.026 l 24.381,37.08 l 19.097,53.862 z ">
                <solidcolorbrush color="#fff2cc0c"/>
        <path data="m 0.46098,31.997 l 17.945,28.449 l 4.1114,39.19 z ">
                <solidcolorbrush color="#fff2cc0c"/>
        <path data="m 9.9713,7.3517 l 22.075,20.49 l 5.7445,14.16 z ">
                <solidcolorbrush color="#fff2cc0c"/>
        <path data="m 58.484,29.408 l 40.712,31.997 l 57.523,37.367 z ">
                <solidcolorbrush color="#fff2cc0c"/>
        <path data="m 51.663,10.229 l 38.694,22.408 l 55.506,17.325 z ">
                <solidcolorbrush color="#fff2cc0c"/>
        <path data="m 32.354,0.25535 l 31.682,18.092 l 40.039,2.7487 z ">
                <solidcolorbrush color="#fff2cc0c"/>
      data="m 105.84,186.87 l 110.84,183.99 l 115.45,180.64 l 119.58,176.9 l 123.33,172.77 l 126.69,168.36 l 129.47,163.76 l 131.88,158.87 l 133.8,153.79 l 135.14,148.51 l 136.01,143.14 l 136.39,137.77 l 136.3,132.21 l 135.53,126.74 l 134.28,121.37 l 132.45,116 l 130.05,110.73 l 128.61,108.14 l 127.17,105.74 l 125.54,103.34 l 123.81,101.14 l 121.98,99.029 l 120.06,97.015 l 118.04,95.097 l 115.93,93.275 l 113.82,91.549 l 111.61,89.919 l 109.3,88.481 l 106.9,87.138 l 104.5,85.891 l 102,84.741 l 99.503,83.782 l 96.909,82.823 l 94.316,82.055 l 91.722,81.48 l 89.032,81.001 l 86.342,80.617 l 83.556,80.329 l 80.867,80.233 l 78.081,80.233 l 75.391,80.329 l 72.605,80.617 l 69.915,81.096 l 67.129,81.672 l 64.44,82.343 l 61.75,83.206 l 59.06,84.165 l 56.37,85.316 l 53.777,86.563 l 48.781,89.44 l 44.17,92.796 l 40.039,96.536 l 36.293,100.66 l 33.027,104.97 l 30.145,109.67 l 27.743,114.56 l 25.918,119.65 l 24.477,124.83 l 23.612,130.2 l 23.324,135.66 l 23.42,141.13 l 24.189,146.59 l 25.438,152.06 l 27.263,157.43 l 29.664,162.7 l 31.105,165.29 l 32.546,167.69 l 34.179,170.09 l 35.909,172.29 l 37.734,174.4 l 39.655,176.42 l 41.672,178.34 l 43.69,180.16 l 45.899,181.88 l 48.109,183.51 l 50.414,184.95 l 52.72,186.3 l 55.217,187.54 l 57.619,188.69 l 60.213,189.65 l 62.71,190.61 l 65.304,191.38 l 67.994,191.95 l 70.684,192.43 l 73.374,192.82 l 76.063,193.1 l 78.753,193.2 l 81.539,193.2 l 84.325,193.1 l 87.015,192.82 l 89.801,192.34 l 92.49,191.76 l 95.18,191.09 l 97.87,190.23 l 100.56,189.27 l 103.25,188.12 z ">
                <solidcolorbrush color="#ff777777"/>
      data="f 1 m 125.92,112.84 l 125.92,112.84 l 128.13,117.63 l 129.86,122.62 l 131.01,127.51 l 131.68,132.5 l 131.78,137.68 l 131.4,142.66 l 130.63,147.65 l 129.38,152.44 l 127.65,157.05 l 125.44,161.55 l 122.94,165.77 l 119.77,169.9 l 116.31,173.64 l 112.57,177.09 l 108.34,180.16 l 103.73,182.75 l 107.96,190.99 l 113.34,187.83 l 118.33,184.19 l 122.85,180.16 l 126.88,175.65 l 130.44,170.95 l 133.51,165.97 l 136.1,160.69 l 138.22,155.13 l 139.66,149.38 l 140.62,143.62 l 141,137.87 l 140.91,131.92 l 140.04,125.98 l 138.7,120.13 l 136.78,114.37 l 134.18,108.62 l 134.18,108.62 z ">
                <solidcolorbrush color="#ff777777"/>
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      data="m 112.95,97.974 l 114.39,99.413 l 115.83,100.95 l 117.18,102.48 l 118.43,104.11 l 119.68,105.84 l 120.93,107.66 l 121.98,109.48 l 123.04,111.4 l 125.15,116.1 l 126.79,120.89 l 127.94,125.69 l 128.61,130.58 l 128.71,135.47 l 128.42,140.36 l 127.55,145.06 l 126.4,149.76 l 124.67,154.27 l 122.56,158.68 l 119.96,162.8 l 117.08,166.73 l 113.72,170.38 l 109.97,173.73 l 105.94,176.71 l 101.42,179.29 l 97.966,180.93 l 94.508,182.27 l 90.953,183.32 l 87.399,184.09 l 83.845,184.67 l 80.29,184.95 l 76.64,184.95 l 73.085,184.67 l 69.627,184.19 l 66.169,183.51 l 62.71,182.56 l 59.348,181.31 l 56.082,179.87 l 53.008,178.24 l 49.934,176.32 l 47.052,174.21 l 50.03,176.8 l 53.104,179.1 l 56.37,181.12 l 59.732,182.94 l 63.287,184.47 l 66.841,185.72 l 70.588,186.68 l 74.334,187.45 l 78.177,187.83 l 82.019,188.02 l 85.958,187.83 l 89.801,187.35 l 93.643,186.58 l 97.486,185.53 l 101.23,184.09 l 104.98,182.36 l 109.49,179.77 l 113.53,176.8 l 117.27,173.45 l 120.64,169.8 l 123.52,165.87 l 126.11,161.75 l 128.23,157.33 l 129.86,152.83 l 131.11,148.13 l 131.88,143.33 l 132.26,138.44 l 132.07,133.55 l 131.49,128.66 l 130.34,123.87 l 128.71,119.07 l 126.59,114.37 l 125.25,111.98 l 123.81,109.67 l 122.17,107.47 l 120.54,105.36 l 118.72,103.34 l 116.89,101.43 l 114.97,99.605 z ">
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      data="m 52.624,63.739 l 69.243,95.865 l 69.723,95.385 l 70.203,95.002 l 70.588,94.522 l 71.068,94.138 l 71.452,93.659 l 71.74,93.275 l 72.125,92.892 l 72.413,92.508 l 56.466,61.725 z ">
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      data="m 47.628,66.328 l 64.728,99.317 l 65.4,98.837 l 66.073,98.358 l 66.649,97.974 l 67.225,97.495 l 50.318,64.89 z ">
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      data="m 44.554,70.26 l 46.187,69.397 l 47.724,68.438 l 49.262,67.575 l 50.702,66.616 l 52.143,65.657 l 53.392,64.698 l 54.641,63.739 l 55.794,62.78 l 56.851,61.821 l 57.811,60.862 l 58.676,59.903 l 59.444,58.944 l 60.117,58.081 l 60.693,57.218 l 61.173,56.355 l 61.462,55.492 l 61.75,54.245 l 61.75,53.19 l 61.558,52.327 l 61.27,51.656 l 61.077,51.368 l 60.885,51.081 l 60.597,50.697 l 60.309,50.409 l 59.925,50.122 l 59.444,49.834 l 58.868,49.546 l 58.292,49.355 l 57.427,49.163 l 56.466,48.971 l 55.41,48.875 l 54.257,48.971 l 53.008,48.971 l 51.759,49.163 l 50.414,49.45 l 49.069,49.738 l 47.532,50.122 l 46.091,50.601 l 44.554,51.081 l 42.921,51.656 l 41.384,52.327 l 39.751,52.999 l 38.022,53.766 l 36.389,54.629 l 34.564,55.588 l 32.642,56.739 l 30.913,57.794 l 29.184,58.944 l 27.551,60.191 l 26.014,61.342 l 24.573,62.588 l 23.228,63.835 l 22.075,65.082 l 21.115,66.328 l 20.346,67.575 l 19.674,68.822 l 19.29,69.972 l 19.193,71.123 l 19.29,72.178 l 19.674,73.233 l 19.866,73.521 l 20.058,73.808 l 20.346,74.096 l 20.634,74.384 l 21.115,74.767 l 21.595,75.055 l 22.075,75.343 l 22.748,75.534 l 23.612,75.726 l 24.573,75.918 l 25.63,75.918 l 26.686,75.918 l 27.935,75.822 l 29.184,75.63 l 30.529,75.439 l 31.97,75.151 l 33.411,74.767 l 34.852,74.288 l 36.389,73.808 l 38.022,73.233 l 39.559,72.562 l 41.192,71.89 l 42.921,71.123 z ">
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      data="m 23.132,71.411 l 23.132,71.219 l 23.132,71.027 l 23.132,70.836 l 23.228,70.548 l 23.805,69.397 l 24.765,68.055 l 26.11,66.616 l 27.839,64.986 l 29.857,63.26 l 32.354,61.534 l 35.14,59.807 l 38.214,58.081 l 39.847,57.314 l 41.384,56.547 l 42.921,55.876 l 44.458,55.3 l 45.803,54.725 l 47.244,54.245 l 48.589,53.862 l 49.838,53.478 l 50.991,53.286 l 52.143,52.999 l 53.2,52.903 l 54.161,52.807 l 55.025,52.807 l 55.794,52.807 l 56.466,52.903 l 57.043,52.999 l 57.331,53.095 l 57.523,53.19 l 57.715,53.382 l 57.811,53.478 l 57.907,53.766 l 57.811,54.149 l 57.619,54.629 l 57.331,55.204 l 56.947,55.971 l 56.37,56.643 l 55.602,57.506 l 54.833,58.369 l 53.873,59.328 l 52.72,60.287 l 51.471,61.342 l 50.03,62.397 l 48.397,63.451 l 46.668,64.602 l 44.746,65.657 l 42.729,66.808 l 41.096,67.575 l 39.559,68.342 l 38.022,69.013 l 36.485,69.589 l 35.14,70.164 l 33.699,70.644 l 32.354,71.027 l 31.105,71.315 l 29.953,71.603 l 28.8,71.794 l 27.743,71.986 l 26.783,72.082 l 25.918,72.082 l 25.149,72.082 l 24.477,71.986 l 23.901,71.794 l 23.612,71.699 l 23.42,71.603 l 23.228,71.507 z ">
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      data="m 41.769,58.752 l 40.52,57.698 l 39.079,56.451 l 37.542,54.917 l 36.197,53.286 l 35.044,51.56 l 34.179,49.93 l 33.891,48.396 l 34.083,46.957 l 35.332,43.697 l 36.101,41.012 l 36.389,38.614 l 36.197,36.504 l 35.62,34.586 l 34.66,32.86 l 33.507,31.038 l 32.066,29.12 l 31.586,28.545 l 31.105,27.874 l 30.625,27.298 l 30.145,26.627 l 30.145,26.627 l 29.568,26.148 l 28.896,25.86 l 28.127,25.86 l 27.455,26.243 l 26.975,26.819 l 26.686,27.49 l 26.686,28.257 l 26.975,28.929 l 26.975,28.929 l 27.551,29.6 l 28.031,30.271 l 28.512,30.942 l 28.992,31.518 l 30.241,33.052 l 31.201,34.491 l 31.97,35.833 l 32.354,37.272 l 32.45,38.806 l 32.162,40.628 l 31.586,42.834 l 30.529,45.423 l 29.953,48.204 l 30.433,51.081 l 31.778,53.766 l 33.603,56.259 l 35.524,58.369 l 37.446,60.095 l 38.791,61.342 l 39.463,61.821 l 39.463,61.821 l 40.135,62.205 l 40.904,62.205 l 41.576,61.917 l 42.153,61.438 l 42.537,60.766 l 42.537,59.999 l 42.249,59.328 l 41.769,58.752 z ">
                <solidcolorbrush color="#ffff1900"/>
      data="m 59.925,139.59 l 60.597,130.2 l 27.167,127.61 l 26.398,137 z ">
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using system;
using system.collections.generic;
using system.linq;
using system.text;
using system.windows;
using system.windows.controls;
using system.windows.data;
using system.windows.documents;
using system.windows.input;
using system.windows.media;
using system.windows.media.imaging;
using system.windows.navigation;
using system.windows.shapes;

namespace bombdropper
    /// <summary>
    /// bomb.xaml 的交互逻辑
    /// </summary>
    public partial class bomb : usercontrol
        public bomb()
        public bool isfalling


  •   为炸弹添加爆炸动画效果。这种效果使炸弹周围的火焰闪耀或发射在canvas面板上四处飞溅的炸弹碎片。
  •   为背景添加动画。此改进易于实现,可添加精彩的可视化效果。例如,可创建上移的线性渐变,产生移动感,或创建在两种颜色之间过渡的效果。
  •   添加深度。实现这一改进比想象得更容易。基本技术是为炸弹设置不同尺寸。更大的炸弹应当具有更高的zindex值,确保大炸弹重叠在小炸弹之上,而且应为大炸弹设置更短的动画时间,从而确保他们下落得更快。还可使炸弹半透明,从而当一个炸弹下落时,仍能看到它背后的其他炸弹。
  •   添加音效。可是准确计时的声音效果以强调炸弹爆炸或拆除。
  •   使用动画缓动。如果希望炸弹在下落、弹离屏幕时加速,或更自然地摆动,可为此处使用的动画缓动函数。并且,正如所期望的,可使用代码构造缓动函数,就像在xaml中构建缓动函数一样容易。
  •   调整参数。可为修改行为提供更多细节(例如,当游戏运行时设置如何修改炸弹运动时间、轨迹以及投放频率的变量),还可插入更多随机因素(例如,使拆除的炸弹以稍有不同的方式弹离canvas面板)